Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Star Trek: Discovery - Legrange Point - Review - Away Team Undercover

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Star Trek: Discovery - Legrange Point - Review - Away Team Undercover

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Legrange Point feels like another example of rushed Trek that almost works but feels like it has to drive events towards the finale without actually being the finale. We open with a bang; Discovery is caught between not one, but two black holes, and must evacuate, before finding themselves getting to their destination a touch too late – Moll and the Breen have beaten them to their goal and have the upper hand. It’s a classic pincer’s move from Discovery that now requires the crew to infiltrate their ship in order to get the large-oil drum container that Burnham and co have been trying so hard to get.

In Burnham’s favour is the secret clue that they have that Moll doesn’t – and a tit-for-tat stealth mission is engaged that makes Discovery so much more enthralling because of this, borrowing form the original Star Wars and The Force Awakens to carry a lot of the plot forward. I also like that the show remembers there are more characters than Burnham and Book because Adira and Rhys – who has briefly been an acting captain, both get the chance to shine – Blue del Barrio’s portrayal of Adira’s growing confidence and taking on more of their duties has been fantastic and a great way to let the bridge crew develop with bringing Rhys along; his integration into the away team seamless.

The episode is tightly plotted and bangs. Burnham and Book are caught without much of a hassle despite their best attempts otherwise; Breen security force is something to be reckoned with. It wouldn’t be Discovery without the two having a heart-to-heart where Burnham gets Book up to speed on her revelations during the middle of a high-stakes mission, because that’s what Discovery has always been doing and you should be used to it by now. Book trying to flirt his way out of trouble shows the charisma of David Ajala, who has been excellent this season – operating under improvisation as a Breen soldier.


Emotional moments are a crux everywhere, the reunion between Saru and T’Rina is a great excuse to bring back a sorely missed Doug Jones and he delights in returning to the middle of the conflict when he’s always been away. Some of the alien creature design on Saru is still spectacular. After being written off it’s clear that this was due to Jones’ availability more than anything else and Saru is now in a much stronger position than he’s ever been for sure – negotiator between himself and Primarch Tahal. It’s quite the upgrade for Action Saru. The little things back on Discovery and seeing Rayner being reluctant to sit in the Captain's chair as he doesn't feel like he's earned it was such a little character moment, after all he's done to win the crew's respect - it feels like his fates will be decided in the finale in a big way. I'm gutted we're only getting one season with him - I'd love to see more with him in the role. Maybe a prequel?

It's a Jonathan Frakes episode so naturally it’s one of the better ones of the show, Frakes is responsible for New Eden, my favourite to date, and Burnham and Moll are both through the progenitor portal now – putting them on a collision course with their destiny. The finale is being screened at Comic Con in London this Saturday which would be such a cool thing to see on the big screen – but alas, I’m at Wide Awake Festival in London on the same day instead – so reactions are more than going to be welcomed. Whatever happens next, it’s the end of the road for one of the most daring and exciting Trek shows that has always been unafraid to push boundaries and not fall into the trap of nostalgia, so I’ll love it all the more for that.


Milo is a TV and film reviewer for SpoilerTV. His favourite shows are Twin Peaks, The Wire and The Leftovers and reviews shows which include Castle Rock and Star Trek Discovery. His favourite movies of all time can be found here, and he also regularly posts movie reviews on Letterboxd here. He is also a supporter of Arsenal FC.
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