Ghosts fans were given a real treat this week as we learned that our favorite travel agent/troop leader Pete is free to go where he pleases! Nothing can go wrong, right? We opened up with Pete, Nigel and Isaac strolling the property discussing their honeymoon. When Pete is attacked by a bee (didn’t know bees could see ghosts) he steps off the property and discovers his ghost power is that he can roam wherever his heart desires. Of course Isaac is not so thrilled for his buddy as he is just left with his nasty smelling power.
As the gang all discuss this amazing news, Pete makes excuses as to why he cannot leave the property. His stumbling for an excuse even caused Nigel to call him a dork. It wasn’t until his best friend forever Jay came in and explained that Pete is just used to being on the property but was able to convince him to join him at the store. Jay walking through the store talking to Pete looking like Sam was a great scene. While there, we meet a ghost couple killed on black friday while trying to get a flat screen television. In a funny cutaway moment, the husband is able to make shoppers forget why they entered the aisle.
Pete, while making small talk with the funny ghost couple, loses Jay who returns to the mansion thinking Pete is with him. Everyone blames Alberta for pushing Pete to go out. Sam says they will go back to the store to locate Pete but Jay made several stops on the way back. When Isaac says “Let history not forget the role Alberta played in all of this”, Alberta jabs back with “You really want to talk about history Isaac?” Isaac’s delivery of “Certain parts” is hysterical. It is really endearing the way the show touches on the obvious racial elephant in the room with the ghosts coming from different times.
Meanwhile back at the store, it's closing time and Pete meets the night ghosts of the store. Apparently we’ve entered Walking Dead territory because the night ghosts bully and fight any new ghosts that enter the store. Luckily Pete is able to escape as the ghost couple from earlier blocks them giving Pete time to run away.
You just want to hug Pete as he is lost in the street reading the street signs Barack Obama Ave and Eli Manning Way, not knowing who they are. Pete finds his way home and while everyone is happy to see him, he yells at them for bullying him to leave. Poor Pete but kudos to Richie Moriarty for his acting here. Sam has Jay cook all of Pete’s favorite foods to get him to talk to everyone again. Have to note, the show is doing a great job at hiding Rose McIver’s pregnancy. She is either always sitting down or behind the front desk.
Pete sticks his nose through the door as he couldn’t resist the smell of smores. Pete explained that he used his skills as a troop leader and travel agent to map the best way home using the bus routes and the stars. Hetty points out how remarkable that is and Isaac, always trying to one up someone, says he could’ve done and Sass tells him to describe a bus and Isaac squints trying to remember what that is. Brandon Scott Jones literally has the best comedic facial expressions of any actor.
"The Traveling Agent” – GHOSTS, Pictured: Brandon Scott Jones as Isaac and Roman Zaragoza as Sasappis. Photo: Philippe Bosse/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved |
The gang explains to Pete that as a travel agent he was scared to go out and always played it safe. He still ended up with an arrow in the neck. He should take this second chance and live a little (pun intended). Besides, Alberta wants to hear all his stories when he gets back.
Elsewhere in the mansion, Thor is dealing with telling Flower that while she was gone, he had a relationship with Nancy, a basement ghost. We also learn that Carol has moved to the shed to be with another ghost. When Thor does tell the truth to Flower, she is understanding as he thought she was gone forever. Flower is more upset that Thor was rude to Nancy and her feelings. She tells Thor she has to think about how she feels about their relationship. Thor looked so hurt. This cannot be the end of Thorlower or is the ship name FloThor?
"The Traveling Agent” – GHOSTS, Pictured:Devan Chandler Long as Thorfinn and Betsy Sodaro as Nancy. Photo: Philippe Bosse/CBS ©2024 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved |
We end Pete’s journey with him leaving to travel to Bali to see his daughter and granddaughter. This is such a surprise. The mansion just won’t be the same without Pete and we never got any update on Alberta’s feelings for him. Also, this may be the end of Thorlower or FlorThor (still not clear on that) but the beginning of a throuple relationship involving Nancy. At least Thor also admitted he slept with Carol (and so did Nancy!).
This episode just reminds the audience why they fell in love with Ghosts in the first place. The jokes hit, the emotion was there and the overall writing was great. We got some answers to some questions but we still need Pete and Alberta to get together. Next week is the season finale and the wedding we all have been waiting for! What do you think Ghosts fans? Let me know in the comments and remember to connect with me on X @jereereviews. See you next week!
About the Author - Je-Ree Olenik
Je-Ree is the definition of a Jersey Girl. A true nerd who loves her comics. When not watching tv she is a paralegal by day. She loves writing, reading, binging all the newest shows and spending time with her family. Twitter @jereereviews