We’ve come to the end of round 2, so we will take a short 1 day break after these polls close and return with round 3 on Sunday. From here on out, the Cup will go very quickly. Thanks so much to everyone who has commented, voted, and nominated so far. I hope some of your favorites are still in. If you are just joining us, please click on the Rules link below.
If you haven't already, it’s time to start thinking about the mini-contest. Our theme this year will be TV Dads, so think about those TV dads that inspired you, made you laugh, made you awww, or made you wish you were part of their family. We’re using the term “dad’ loosely so father figures count. Just remember that no character that has a TV show still in the contest at round 3 will be eligible for the mini-contest. Nominations can be found here.
Mini-contest Nominations
Round will end at approximately 10:00 am CST on June 24 .
Round will end at approximately 10:00 am CST on June 24 .
TV Talk Topic: TV Rituals
Sports fans have all kinds of rituals while they are watching a game. Do you have any TV rituals? For example, do you like to watch alone or with others? Are you a lights on or lights off person? What’s your favorite food to eat or items you grab when watching a particular show? (Thanks to Deran&AdrianShipper529 and ThisIsUsFanaticFan230 for the topic suggestion.)