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The Good Doctor - Love's Labor - Review: Almost Perfect Season Finale

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We're back one last time! The Good Doctor 6x22 “Love's Labor” is the season finale that we all dream of. It clearly shows the emotional growth of the characters and brings tears to our eyes. There is only one thing that prevents it from being the perfect season finale. Ready to find out what it is?

Here we go!

Shaun and Lea are already parents! Little Steve is the cutest thing in this world! But even he didn't stop me from getting mad at Glassy. I mean, I think both Shaun and Glassy are being deliberately obtuse and stubborn in this fight. Like father, like son, as they say. It’s true that Shaun didn’t do things well and ended up humiliating Glassy. He blames Shaun for it and for losing the great love of his life which is surgery — Shaun is not to blame for this, no one is, but Glassy needs to blame someone.

But, as Lim tells him, Glassy can't let the loss of one of the great loves of his life cause him to lose the other. And I agree with her. Shaun is his son and he is becoming a father. Some things are above everything. And Glassy should be there, with his family. That he is not is getting me mad and I want to shake him with force. And it won't be because the people around Glassy haven't tried to stop him from being a jerk. Lea talked to him, Lim talked to him…but the only one who didn't is who Glassy needed to: Shaun.

This is where the explanation comes in as to why I think Shaun is being obtuse about this as well. He didn't apologize to Glassy, ​​he didn't tell him how he felt, the way he's terrified of losing Glassy, the way he knows he messed up and doesn't know how to fix it, the way he also has a beanie to match the rest of the family because he is his father in all the ways that matter and the fear of losing his father got the best of him.

I'm sure if Shaun had said all that to Glassy, ​​things would be different. Ditto if Glassy had reached out to give him that precious gift at the end of “Love's Labor.” But Shaun didn't say anything, maybe because he didn't know how, and Glassy decided not to give him a chance.

And yes, I'm going to say it, I think Glassy was a coward to just send the gift and not reach out. And I also think that he is alone at the end of “Love's Labor” because he decided so. Glassy is allowing his wounded pride and sadness over the loss of the surgery to get the best of him and he is putting them above his son. That is not a good decision.

I’m clear that right now, without being a surgeon, Glassy doesn’t know very well who he is but, as we discussed recently, a fight, resentment, and the doubts that arise as a result of it cannot be above family. In no case. I firmly believe that Glassy will regret not being by Shaun's side in “Love's Labor,” but by the time he does, it will be too late.

That being said, who I'm really mad at are those responsible for this show. After six years and all the development of the relationship between father and son, Glassy and Shaun deserved to be together in such a milestone for Shaun, in the episode that shows all the way Shaun grow up emotionally — he even understood a widow and comforted her, emotionally connected with her — and that is the achievement of his development. And that they took that away from us annoys me more than anything else.

I understand that the producers created this emotional schism between father and son because of the emotional impact it would have on the fans, but I don't think it's worth wasting years of growing and developing such a special bond between two characters.

I said what I said.

In other order of things, Jordan made a tough decision on "Love's Labor." She did the right thing. She had to choose between two bad options and prioritized the life of her patient, which is just what she had to do. Did what she feels for Pérez affect her? Completely. If she had been another patient, would she have made the same decision? Yes. The proof is that, after the initial anger, Pérez realized that Jordan did the right thing.

Jordan knew that her decision would mean that Perez would leave to start his rehab all over again, and she gave up on him and the future they might have because Perez and his life were the priority. We admire her for that. And we just hope that Pérez returns and that they can resume what is just beginning between them.

Yay!!!! I knew that Morgan and Park had to get back together! “Love's Labor” was the episode where it happened and it couldn't have been more perfect. Morgan grew a lot and as soon as she saw that she was not going to be able to be there for Eden and for the hospital at the same time, she didn’t hesitate to prioritize her daughter.

Morgan arrived at the hospital as she was the one who wanted to stand out from all her peers to prove her worth. She came to be the one who would always choose the hospital over everything because it was the only thing she had. Now, she has a family of her own, a job she loves, and friends to call family, plus a man who loves her.

And she grew up enough to know that all those things, that her family and the people she cares about, come before any job. She's amazing if you ask me.

I’m very happy that Morgan and Parker are back together, they both love each other and they tried to deny it many times, but love is something that cannot be denied.

PS: I'm so proud of Shaun! He was there for Lea at all times and the way he connected emotionally with the widow of her patient… his growth of him brings tears to my eyes.

PS 2: The next season will bring changes in the management of the hospital! It seems to me a very beautiful act of love that Andrews did and I like it. Now, will Lim regain her position as Hospital Director? I hope so!

This is where our The Good Doctor review ends. As always, I want to thank you for your support throughout these months. You are always there reading, commenting, and ready to exchange impressions. I appreciate you very much. Really, this work is so great thanks to all of you! Have a good summer and see you in autumn!

Agree? Disagree? Don’t hesitate to share it with us in the comments below!

The Good Doctor aired Mondays 10/9c on ABC.
Raquel Morales
Raquel dedicates her muggle life to being a lawyer while watch TV and enjoy her favorite books. She always finds a ship in any show and cannot choose a favorite movie or show because she has too many confort characters depending on her mood. She needs to write down all her feels when she watches TV. Sometimes, she writes too many but she would say that is never too many.
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