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The Equalizer - Justified - Review: "Justice and a Second Chance"

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Family:  Dante’s trouble starts.

Since Dante's story was basically one scene, I’ll cover it first.

Lo-Lo woke up and accused Dante of pushing him off the roof.

The only surprise was that Lo-Lo survived his fall. Waking up and announcing that Dante pushed him was completely expected.

Honestly, I hope this plot doesn’t last too long.

You know what I’d like for Dante? A really difficult (official) case of his that might (or even might not) require a little help from Robyn and her team.

Client:  Robyn finally closes her father’s cold case.

When I saw the promo for this episode, I was a little worried about how it would play out. I was hoping that they would not go for some cliched CIA conspiracy story that would somehow tie her father's death to her career as a CIA agent.

Let’s face it, for the last couple of months the writing hasn’t pushed any boundaries.

I was pleasantly surprised.

Robyn receives a note telling her to go to an address were she will find the truth about her father's death.

What a joy to meet the man who left a significant mark on who Robyn is today.

That mark wasn’t in her desire to protect those who can’t protect themselves. That has always been a part of Robyn’s DNA, as we have learned is also part of Delilah’s DNA.

Robyn’s father possessed the same core trait.

The lesson he tried to teach her was to be more wise about invoking her fists; to find other solutions first. The Robyn we’ve known since the series started has learned that lesson, but I can’t help thinking there were lots of hard lessons after her father died.

One of my favorite moments, and one of the things that continually surprises me about bullies, was watching those thugs assume John was weak, because he tried to solve the situation peacefully, and got knocked on their butts.

I knew I was watching the motive for John's motive, but I really wanted to see those thugs get their butts beat.

Unfortunately, John McCall learned the hard way that there is nothing more dangerous than a weak man who has been humiliated.

Was I the only person who watched John take out these guys and saw moments that reminded me of Robyn’s fighting style?

In the end Robyn got the justice she sought. When the system wouldn’t give it to her, she found another way.

Showing Yancy’s soldiers his true colors felt like justice.

I was also good with Robyn showing mercy to Abdul. Where Yancy had never changed, Abdul truly regretted his sins and was to trying to make amends by helping others.

‘Justified’ was one of my favorite episodes of the last few months. What did you think about the episode?

Prpleight is a screenwriter and senior software engineer with solid geek cred. When not writing code, screenplays, or watching TV (sometimes she does all three at the same time), she uses her broadsword Bessie to battle evil. She's been a frequent contributor to the SpoilerTV discussion boards for several years now.
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