After yet another hiatus, the Rookie returned with a True Crime episode that revisited the season premiere, featuring Tim and Lucy’s doppelgängers, Jake and Sava. The Rookie fans have either come to love or hate their true crime episodes, but no matter what side of the debate you’re on, it is undeniable that this episode delivered the perfect mix of comedy and drama that makes this show pure magic. This time around, show creator Alexi Hawley was actually revealed as the interviewer for the documentary. It was a nice touch and he delivered a solid performance, considering that his talent typically lies behind the scenes.
Melissa O’Neil has already demonstrated her immense talent at bringing different characters to life in undercover roles, and tonight was no exception. Her ability to transform from Lucy Chen to Sava aka Juicy so seamlessly, was nothing short of brilliant. The only thing similar between Sava and Lucy is their appearance. Everything else from their facial expressions to their mannerisms, were purely unique, demonstrating how multi-faceted O’Neil is. Eric Winter also delivered an incredible performance as Jake, especially since Jake is Tim Bradford’s complete opposite in every way besides appearance, of course.

Jake and Sava won over audiences in the premiere, so the writers decision to use them as the focus of this season’s true crime episode was pure genius. Not much was revealed about the duo in the premiere, except that they were involved in the crime life. This episode allowed viewers to see the extent of Jake and Sava’s criminal activity, through a series of twists and turns that led to Jake’s unfortunate demise. After Sava bailed Jake out of jail, the two went back to swindling the wealthy for money, including getting into some kinky hijinx at former pop icon Lance Bass’s house, whose cameo performance in the episode was admittedly over the top, albeit comical. Once they overstayed their welcome at the popstar’s house, they moved on to pretending to be a nanny and a handyman for the wealthy Baudelaire family. Life was great for the pair until Jake went missing, prompting Sava to call the LAPD for assistance. The investigation not only led the team to find Jake dead in a dumpster, but they also discovered the Baudelaire’s former nanny’s lifeless body on the property.
Through a true team investigative effort that included all of the main cast, it is discovered that Jake was not only cheating on Sava, but he was involved in a major CIA investigation of a stolen rifle with a mistress that wasn’t Juicy. Sadly for Jake, his indiscretions led to his death and poor Sava was left brokenhearted, until the next swindler comes around that is.

The shining moments of the episode were definitely the comedic ones, so many of which were unexpected yet hilariously clever. You could tell the writers had a ton of fun penning this one. One highlight was the team discovering a painting of a man that is a dead ringer for Grey on the Baudelaire property. Grey’s reaction was exactly what viewers would expect from him, and his reaction to the painting being destroyed was pure comedic gold. Another notable mention was Aaron mistaking Jake’s body in the dumpster for Tim, only for Tim to get on the radio and clarify that he was at the station, in typical deadpan Tim Bradford style. Angela and Wesley’s interviews were also a highlight. It was obvious the two had a lot of fun filming this episode.

The episode also included so many moments that Chenford fans will want to re-watch over and over again. Their separate interviews for the documentary were filled with playful banter, as Tim sarcastically responded to Lucy’s romantic optimism in a way that demonstrated just how well he knows her. Their explanation of their relationship at the end of the episode was pure perfection. Although there was no official declaration of love for each other, their pure adoration and love for each other was obvious from the way they described their relationship to the way they looked at one another. Their dynamic is infectious and unique and every small moment leaves viewers longing for more. The show runners have hit the jackpot with Chenford. Hopefully they realize this and continue to develop Lucy and Tim’s love story in a way that is satisfying to their faithful viewers.

The biggest question mark of the episode by far, is why Bailey was included. Her rationale that she knew about the case because she responded to the dumpster where Jake’s body was found was ridiculous considering that she is a firefighter, not a paramedic. Her presence all season has felt forced, and the decision to make her a permanent cast member is still very unclear. What is clear, is that the writer’s are intent on continuing to force her presence on viewers regardless of how they feel about it. It would be nice if at the very least, her appearances could make some sort of sense to the overarching plot.
Your turn, Rookie fans! Are you a true crime fan? What was the highlight of the episode for you? Is this the last we will see of Sava? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Share them in the comment box below and follow me on Twitter @MiddleofCanada.