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2021 Performer Of The Year - Readers' Choice Results

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The time has come to find out who won the ultimate prize of this competition and took home the title of SpoilerTV's 2021 Readers' Choice POTY. The results will be revealed in a YouTube Premiere event and we look forward to having all of you join us for the reveal of the extraordinary Top 3 for Readers' Choice POTY. You can join via the YouTube link below. We look forward to finding out what you all think about the results. After the premiere, the video will be available immediately following the broadcast. 

First of all, we would like to thank every single one of you who participated in the 2021 round of POTM. Your contributions were invaluable and the comments you submitted each month were beyond expectations. The Reader side had just as many extraordinary winners in 2021 as the Staff side making it for an equally interesting competition. Much like on the Staff side, towards the end of voting the Top 3 pulled away from the rest of the pack to battle it out for the top spot.  The winners and the two runner-ups put up a valiant fight. Every performer on this list deserved this title, but since only could win I think who came out on top will be a very worthy ambassador for this group of performers. 

For a performer to win a Performer of the Month recognition they have to deliver a performance that is so profoundly memorable that those that saw it can’t shake it from their minds in its immediate aftermath. To win Performer of the Year that same performer has to deliver on that remarkably hard task repeatedly throughout the year. Their performances have to linger in the minds of viewers not just for days and weeks, but for months and beyond. That is what Danielle Savre accomplished in 2021 and as a result, she has been handed this honor by our Readers.

The Station 19 writers entrusted her with deeply impactful stories. We saw Danielle deliver on Maya’s concern and feelings of helplessness when Carina lost her brother. She awed us with her performance full of heartache, trepidation, love, and hope when Maya and Carina had an ugly fight followed by a beautiful reunion ending in an engagement. Then Danielle treated the audience to a performance full of unrestrained mental resolve when she finally confronted her abusive dad followed by a performance of utter heartwarming joy when Maya married the love of her life. A season’s worth of beautifully written and acted storytelling ended with Maya removed of her duties as Captain and demoted to Lieutenant, all of which Danielle performed with a stoic exterior while letting her eyes express how deeply all of his struck the character. That all led to Danielle’s final performances of 2021 that saw her having to navigate the very real struggle of a woman trying to balance what she wants from her professional life while juggling what she wants and needs from her personal life with her wife.

It has been a very busy year for Maya Bishop and Danielle Savre delivered on all of it regardless of how intense the material was. For all of these reasons, and many more, Danielle Savre is SpoilerTV’s 2021 Readers’ Choice Performer of the Year.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021 POTM and POTY. We look forward to doing this all over again starting next week! 

Be sure to watch the video below for the full announcement of Danielle Savre as the Readers' Choice 2021 POTY. Then come back to SpoilerTV on Tuesday, February 1st at 6 pm ET for the start of the 2022 round of POTM. The changes to the upcoming round will also be revealed at that time. 

After you watch the below video, drop on down to the comments and let us know your thoughts regarding the winner and the runner-ups. 

The winner slides will be available on Twitter and Instagram immediately following the premiere. All of the winner slides will be available on my Twitter. If you utilize any of these slides beyond a RT or share, please provide appropriate credit to SpoilerTV. 

Please click on this YouTube link to go directly to our channel if the below link won't work for you. 



Aimee Hicks
Aimee is a Senior Staff Member who lives near Atlanta, Georgia. She has a BA in Broadcasting and Cinema and has been a lover of television her entire life. She enjoys analyzing performances which led to the creation of the very successful Performer of the Month (#POTM) feature. She reviews various shows on top of managing POTM. You can find her on Twitter (@ahicks83) or reach her by email at
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