The Flash's season finale was filled with some sweet moments and some really kick ass ones too! Let's discuss!
The Godspeed War
I gotta say the war just never quite had the stakes I needed to care about it. I don't know if it was the non-scary Godspeed clones with their faux angry voices or if the tease of Godspeed seasons before made his real debut fall flat. All I know is that in this series August Heart is no Hunter Zolomon. Now that was a scary speedster!
Even though the war was pretty lame, I have to say I loved the Flash family all suiting up to defeat the clones. It was a chance to see each speedster using some of their signature moves and just an all around treat. Barry and Iris fighting back-to-back was one of my favorite parts of the fight. And Jay with the hat!
The Flash Family
Nora and Bart are such a refreshing addition to the show. They brought back some light-hearted fun and it was nice to see them not always agree with Barry and Iris, but remain respectful of them. Being from the future had to be hard for them because they know so much, but they deferred to their parents and the rest of Team Flash for the most part, which was a nice touch.
The Vow Renewal
Barry and Iris deserved an all-out dazzling wedding the first time around and didn't get it. West-Allen fans have been big mad for several years because of it, but all of that anger simply disappeared for me when Bart started singing. Iris crying, Barry beaming and Nora smiling ear-to-ear made for such a beautiful ceremony- one worthy of the Barry and Iris we have all missed so much.
For many West-Allen fans, the combination of the writing and Covid (and just maybe some bts issues) really left us feeling deflated. We missed seeing their timeless love story play out in the little moments they would share at Jitters or their couch heart-to-hearts. But this moment surely made up for that. What made it most enjoyable for me was that we got to see them happy! We got to hear them declare their love for one another in the special vows they wrote, and it was beyond sweet. For those fans who had fallen out of love with this ship, I think it's time to get back on board.
Other Things I Was Thinking
* The way Barry tossed Thawne had me hollering at the t.v. It's about time Barry! Does that mean a faster, confident Barry is what we are in for in season 8??
*"I'm only gonna say this once, walk away while you still can." That was a hell of a line!
*If Joe don't marry Cecile, there's gonna be a problem.
*I'm sorry but Chester and Allegra are cute together (hides under the bed)
*Jordan Fisher showed the hell out singing at that ceremony! Candice was crying her eyes out!
*Sooo, did Kramer always have those powers? I missed that part. Cuz baby if you did while raising all that hell about metas....
*Barry using flashtime to prolong a kiss with Iris is the sweetest thing ever.
*Iris' vows were amazing.
*Cisco couldn't hold it in about Barry's vows. He didn't have to play him like that.
*I wonder what's in store for Bart and Nora.
"Heart of the Matter, Part 2" was a good finale to a not so great season. I am glad that it ended in a place that makes fans eager to pick it back up next season. What did you think of the finale? What are some of your hopes for next season? Share your thoughts with me on Twitter @Naomianna_ or in the comment section below.
The Flash will return for its 8th season this fall on the CW. As always, thanks for reading!