Finally a new episode, with a promise of 4 new episodes in a row. I’m glad CBS has given this show a second season, because I’m sure my sister isn’t the only viewer to give up on the show this season, because of the erratic availability. It make is difficult to build an audience.
Client: Find a missing woman before she’s murdered by a serial killer.
This mission had a clock on it, 48 hours. As the clock ran lower and lower we got see a more intense Robin. Unfortunately, so did Dante.Nia Edwards had already been missing for several days before Harry discovered that she’s likely been grabbed by a serial killer who has killed at least ten women.
Conveniently, the killer’s MO is to keep his victims for a week, which means Robin has 48 hours to find Nia.
While the chase was interesting, the real highlight of the episode for me were the elements that pushed us closer to the inevitable story where Dante hunts Robin.
Dante isn’t just a good man, he’s a man who believes in the law and the rules he swore to uphold and follow.
Robin’s training as a CIA operative was (theoretically) all about the goal.
She was, from the way they’ve spoken about her career, given a task and the leeway to accomplish it, I’m guessing, sometimes by any means necessary.
Add a ticking clock and those methods get boiled down to the most expedient.
The only misstep that Robin has made in judgment since the show started has been in believing that Dante could overlook her tactics in favor of her goals/results.
Dante might have been able to let breaking into the serial killer’s apartment slide, but holding a gun to a man’s head, and later having Mel execute the man with a sniper round, not so much.
By the time Nia is saved, Dante has had enough. Robin is, in his eyes, NOT one of the good guys.
That action pushed Dante into teaming up with the District Attorney to catch Robin. Now, Robin is operating on her own.....no cops...no official CIA backup.
The way Robin sees it, Dante’s determination to follow the rules and work toward legal justice keep him from being a “great man”.
I found myself wondering about Dante’s position in all of this as well. I don’t wonder that he should remain on the side of the law (I think he should). But could he do more to improve the way the NYPD functions?
There’s been talk these days about the speed of change. It’s obvious that Dante doesn’t like the shortcomings of the system he works in/for. But does (or can) he do anything to improve it? If he doesn’t try will it ever change?
Family Life: Aunt Vi starts dating
This was a nice family moment. I loved the scene with Delilah and Aunt Vi working on the content of Vi’s profile.Robin’s reaction to the whole thing was completely predictable.
Even her going from ‘zero’ to ‘another serial killer has kidnapped my aunt’ in less than a minute was expected.
Personally, when you share a residence, especially with loving family, it’s only courteous to call and let them know you’ll be out all night, or, in Vi’s case, that you fell asleep on your date’s couch and that you’re safe and on the way home.
It was a solid episode that moved us closer to, what feels like an arc story, of the NYPD vs Robin McCall. It was nice learning a bit more about both Dante and Vi.
I like the twists in the case of the week, but my favorite part of the episode was watching Dante see Robin at her more dangerous and his reaction to that.
What did you guys think about the episode?