A weekly feature highlighting the best quotes on TV as picked by the Spoiler TV team. We'd love to hear your picks too so please sound off in the comments below.
1. Batwoman: “We are not doing this. We are not getting to know each other. Everything I need to know about you is written on my mama’s grave.”
2. Alice: “Just a little piece of advice from an anti-hero to a hero, you can’t save everyone, not without losing who you are.”
3. Alice: “Never leave a woman who’s spent half her life in captivity alone with a hairpin.” (DJRiter)
1. Kim Burgess: "I keep telling everybody how brave you are. But you shouldn't have to be brave. You're too little to be brave."
2. Trudy Platt: "Don't even think about picking me."
3. Kim Burgess: "Her last name is Burgess now, Adam. And, um, one thing that we can be, you and I, is we can be this whole, big, round thing that can surround and protect her. You know, even if Makayla doesn't know it exists. And I need that. That's the only way that I can do this. Be a good mom and be the kind of cop that I need to be. I need that." (Jessica C)
Magnum PI - 1. Magnum: "I think you should go." Higgins: "What?" Magnum: "I understand why you're hesitant, right? But if you're staying here because of me and our partnership, you're just gonna end up resenting me. And if it doesn't work out with you and Ethan you're gonna think it was my fault and end up hating me even more." Higgins: "I don't think that's true." Magnum: "I think it is. I think you should follow your heart." Higgins: "So you're sure that I should go?" Magnum: "I'm not saying I won't miss you. But hopefully, I'll see you in a couple of months." Higgins: "Don't know what to say." Magnum: "Just say that you'll go. Not that you'll think about it, but that you'll actually go. If that's what you want."
2. Higgins: "So you know last year when I got shot, and you said that you didn't know what you would do without me? And I replied...-" Magnum: "Jolly good. I remember it well." Higgins: "Yeah, that. Well, I should have said... I don't know what I would do without you. I know I've been kind of hard on you in the last four years. It's just 'cause I'm scared of getting close to someone, I think. It's a defense mechanism. Plus, you grate on me. We're oil and water, you and I. But I want you to know that... you're my best friend." Magnum: "Ditto." Higgins: "Ditto? Really?" Magnum: "Jolly good." Higgins: "I guess that's fair."
3. Rick: "Maybe we were wrong. Maybe he doesn't love her after all." TC: "Maybe he does. He just wants to see her happy." (Folie-lex)
The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers - 1. Gordon: "Hey where is everyone? I set up cones. I prepared drills. I brought pucks. I did things."
2. Alex: "I have to go in there." Gordon: "No, you don't have to got in there." Alex: "You're the one who used the word gladiator. They could be ripping each other apart in there." Gordon: "Don't do it. They can handle this. Your coaching instincts are spot on." Alex: "But my mom instincts are telling me to go in there and give them hugs and remind them that tattoos are forever." (Folie-lex)
1. Eleanor Bishop: "I'm good with guns, bro." Nick Torres: "No one is this good, bro."
2. Eleanor Bishop: "You know, I have someone who's really special to me. And I trust him with my life. And if he ever asked me to do something to help him, I would. I would in, like, a heartbeat." (Jessica C)
Queen of the South - 1. George: "BOOM! I just bought you a boat, baby girl! I mean I got a deal on it and everything. It's a DEA seizure, but don't worry. They never look for the same boat twice." Teresa: "What are you talking about?" George: "It's got a helipad and everything. I think...- what am I talking about? You can't have a helipda and not have a helicopter. Should I buy you a helicopter?" Teresa: "George, do not buy a helicopter." George: "It sounds to me like you want me to buy you a helicopter. That's what I'm gonna do."
2. Pote: "When I have my son, we're gonna be inseparable. Little Potekin. BB gun blasting. He's gonna be a badass." Teresa: "Or she's gonna be a badass." Pote: "Oy, Teresita, that's not funny."
3. Teresa: "Say it." James: "We're working in Eastern Europe now? I thought too much money was the problem." Teresa: "The plan is to get too big to fail." James: "How big can we get? The bank's already refusing our money." Teresa: "Then we'll buy the bank." (Folie-lex)
Rebel - 1. Lana: "Apparently, 18 years ago I got married in a blackout. So I‘m gonna need the day off."
2. Rebel: "You are officially invited to our family road trip and I‘ll look forward to the opportunity of getting to know you and EXPLAINING ALL THE MANY WAYS YOU SHOULDN‘T GET MY DAUGHTER PREGNANT."
3. Mark Duncan: "(...) This obnoxious woman with one name (...)" (Julia Krassnik)
The Rookie - 1. Angela [to Wesley re: baby names]: "For every WASP-y name you pick Imma pick something so Mexican, you'll never be able to spell it."
2. Harper: "[La Fierra's] son was her humanity. With him gone..." Grey: "War is coming."
3. Jackson: "Now have you seen the Mandalorian? Because I'm so down to watch it again." Lucy: "For the third time?" Jackson: "Okay... that sounded judgy." Tamara: "Sure. It's based on a movie right?" Jackson: "A mov...-?!" Lucy: "Shhh... it's okay..." Jackson: "I gotta teach you some stuff. Come on." (Folie-lex)
1. C.J. Grant: "I know I can find the right buttons to press, my ex-husband can attest to that.
2. Kara Danvers: “Supering in space sounds fun.”
3. Alex Danvers: “You wear a mask every day, take the night off.” (DJRiter)