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Mayans MC - The Orneriness of Kings - Review

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  Mayans MC “The Orneriness of Kings” was written by Sean Tretta and was directed by Michael Dinner. This second episode felt like the series settling back into itself a little more. I was once again impressed with Dinner’s direction – there’s a great shot from Coco’s (Richard Cabral) bike as he drives off from the clubhouse. 

EZ (JD Pardo) stops by the house to check on Felipe (Edward James Olmos) on his way to take Gaby (Sulem Calderon) home. She appoints herself guardian and sends EZ on his way while she spends the day cleaning the house and cooking – and eventually sending Felipe off for a much needed shower. I loved that EZ hid Felipe’s gun before leaving Gaby – and that Felipe did look for it as soon as he heard her in the kitchen! It’s clear the two were getting along when EZ finally made it back to the house – despite Felipe telling him he didn’t need a babysitter! 

Meanwhile, at the clubhouse, EZ finally steps up and takes his place at the table. He’s got a plan to take out two of the other King’s, making Bishop (Michael Irby) the last King standing. His idea is to go for a much, much bigger score of heroin and cut out Ramos and Canche, becoming the supply for all their brothers in prison through Ibarra (Mike Beltran) – and fyi, Beltran’s outstanding mustache should have its own billing! 

Agent Linares (Efrat Dor) is ordered to take Adelita (Carla Baratta) back to Mexico. She knows it’s a death sentence, but Agent Aguilar (Ramona DuBarry) tells her they have no choice. Linares actually tells Adelita she’s sorry as she gives her over to what she thinks is Mexican authorities. It turns out it is Adelita’s people in disguise. However, Adelita has been severely traumatized by her torture and wanders off on her own by the end of the episode. Baratta gives a terrific performance.

Neither Miguel (Danny Pino) nor Emily (Sarah Bolger) are doing well. Miguel has entered into an affair with Palomo (Mia Maestro). He also senselessly shoots Paco (Joe Ordaz), blaming him at least in part for his mother’s death. The murder alienates even Alvarez (Emilio Rivera). Emily isn’t dealing well with having to look after the baby on her own, but is even less happy when her sister Erin (Holland Roden) shows up. From the little we see of her, I can see why Emily wouldn’t want anything to do with her – but Miguel has asked Erin to come – and to stay!

Finally, Coco ends up getting himself into truly hot water. He’s definitely addicted badly to oxy and when his regular dealer has nothing for him, he goes off to Meth Mountain to score. He’s got Letty’s “missing” iPad to sell, but when Butterfly (Spenser Granese) is only going to give him two pills, Coco pulls his gun and steals the entire stash – AND takes back the iPad. The problem is that Butterfly’s trailer is in the middle of the camp, and a single whistle brings the entire camp out to chase Coco, pulling him from his car and beating him. It looks like he’s about to be shot and killed when a woman recognizes him from the crowd, and he just gets a baseball bat to the back of his head…

This is a pretty typical beginning to a Mayans’ season. Things are going horribly wrong for most of the characters. EZ and the club have a big job to do – so lots of potential for things to go sideways there. It will be interesting to see how all the different threads this season will, no doubt, ultimately come together. What did you think of the episode? Do you think Coco can get out of his predicament without getting in hot water with the club? Will Gaby continue to charm Felipe? Will Miguel ever climb out of his funk? Can Adelita make her way back from the brink? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! 

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