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Peacemaker - Nhut Le Cast As Judomaster

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Press Release
Nhut Le has been cast to recur on HBO Max’s Peacemaker as Judomaster.

In DC lore, the character has been seen in three different previous iterations. The first Judomaster premiered in Special War Series #4 back in November 1965, created by Joe Gill and Frank McLaughlin. Originally known as Hadley “Rip” Jagger, he was a sergeant in the World War II U.S. Army. The Charlton Comics character was ultimately sold to DC. A different Judomaster was created by Paul Kupperberg and artist Michael Collins for Justice League Quarterly #14 (1994), in which the new Judomaster assists Blue Bettle, Captain Atom and Nightshade in joining Peter Cannon’s battle against Andreas Havoc. There was also a female Judomaster, Sonia Sato, who was part of the Birds of Prey (#100 in 2007).


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