The CW is developing a drama series that hails from Damon Wayans Jr.’s Two Shakes Entertainment, Variety has learned exclusively.
The project is titled “The Pretenders.” In the show, a seemingly normal suburban family is hiding a big secret: they’re actually individual assets in the Witness Protection Program, placed together to provide safe cover for three of the assets who are unrelated minors. Each of them has a closet full of skeletons and a bounty on their head, which means that for these outcasts, fitting in is about more than just social status, it’s about survival.
The project is titled “The Pretenders.” In the show, a seemingly normal suburban family is hiding a big secret: they’re actually individual assets in the Witness Protection Program, placed together to provide safe cover for three of the assets who are unrelated minors. Each of them has a closet full of skeletons and a bounty on their head, which means that for these outcasts, fitting in is about more than just social status, it’s about survival.
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