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Roswell, New Mexico - Crash Into Me - Review

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This week on Roswell, New Mexico Jesse Manes plans to paint Max as a terrorist by blowing up an alien artifact and then use a bioweapon to kill him. But Helena switches the weapon with one that would kill Jesse and anyone related to him, made by Michael and Charlie. Everyone scrambles to stop it. Alex tries to talk his father down but he refuses to listen. Flit activates the alien killer weapon. Max tries to kill him but ends up taking himself down as well. Maria runs off with the alien weapon but is already affected by it. Liz refuses to leave Max. Diego is snooping around Liz’s lab. Isobel tries to stop the alien artifact from exploding. Charlie is stuck in a burning house. Yeah, things got pretty exciting. 

Talk about an evil masterplan: I mean, as far as plans go Jesse Manes’ is pretty diabolical. Not only does he want to exterminate the aliens but he wants to frame them for terrorism first so that he can be the big hero. And here I thought he was going soft. I feel like this is the end of the line for his character. He showed no remorse when talking to Alex, just complete conviction which in my book means there’s no chance of redeeming him. The uncle Jesse Manes loved so much is rolling over in his grave. So I totally expect him to die in the finale. Because his death would also have a large impact on several other characters, most importantly Alex. I also don’t think we’ve seen the last of Flint. I think Alex will want to “save” him and if Jesse dies it would also greatly impact him (though I have no idea in what way). 

Really? I have to say, Helena’s plan and motivation were a bit out there. If you really want revenge for your lover’s death, just kill him outright. She put so many lives in danger with her plan. While I do appreciate the irony of Jesse Manes killing himself with his own bioweapon, it’s not worth the risk of his sons dying as well. And what if her plan had gone wrong? What if Jesse had the alien killing weapon with him instead? I don’t think Helena’s aware of who has alien DNA, so she probably didn’t know she was risking the lives of her daughter, her other daughter’s boyfriend, and best friend. But regardless she was risking innocent lives. Because, let’s not forget, that she left Charlie with Flint, who of course tried to kill her. 

New drinking game: Basically, you drink whenever you find yourself yelling “run, you idiot” at your tv or laptop. If I’d played it while watching this episode, I would’ve been drunk. I yelled it at Maria when she threw the bioweapon and then just stood there instead of running as far as she could from it. Though it may have already been too late at that point. I yelled it at Liz who refused to leave Max, despite being the only one who could prevent the alien device from blowing up and killing a lot of people, despite her sister with alien electricity powers sitting right there. Ever think that maybe she’d be able to save him since she sort of already did it once before? And I yelled it at Alex and Gregory when they just stood next to their father who was about to set off a weapon that would kill them. You warned him, he didn’t listen, now save yourselves because he’s not worth it. So yeah, there was a lot of yelling. 

Bad feeling: So, next week is the finale. Last season people died and got resurrected. While I don’t think anyone will be resurrected after being dead for 10 years this time, I do think there will be death. So here come my predictions. I think Max will be fine, let’s face it, he has plot armor. Rosa will probably save his life with her powers. Aside from Jesse Manes, I think someone else will die. I don’t have a specific reason for this theory other than a feeling. With so many lives in the balance, I think one of the good guys will also lose their life. Who that would be, that’s a different matter. Because a lot of our main characters still have a lot of stories to be told. Let’s face it, it won’t be one of the 3 aliens, nor will it be Liz or Rosa (because that would just be cruel). Kyle seems pretty safe as well since he’s nowhere near the action and his storyline with Steph is only just getting started. Maria… it didn’t look good for her at the end of this episode. But I don’t think the writers are done with her. There’s still so much story for her left to tell. But I do think things will get very dicey for her next week. Perhaps Isobel or Michael will discover a new power that saves her (since Max doesn’t really seem up to it)? But that leaves limited options left, mostly side characters. There’s Jenna, her death would free Charlie from any blackmail. Charlie's death would impact Jenna. Gregory would have a pretty big impact on Alex. Walt’s death would greatly impact Michael. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 
Best quotes: Liz: “You and Kyle are friends? What? After you two investigate, you can grab a beer with Diego and compare notes.” 
Maria: “You go, I’ll wait here in case you pass out off that chair.” Isobel: “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Maria: “We just had the floors done.” 
Jenna: “Pining after an Ortecho for years and years. It’s so weird. Who does that?” 
Rosa: “Can I keep some of these? For blackmail purposes.” 
 Michael: “Max Evans surrounded by beautiful women. I told you in middle school, man, it gets better.” 
Liz: “I know you’re on my side, but you don’t get this. And that’s not your fault, that’s just the reality of our experiences. If I mess up, if I so much as roll through a stop sign it reflects badly on any Mexican who came before me. And it hurts any Mexican who comes after me.” 

That’s it for this week. Check in again next week for an all-new review and let me know in the comments what you thought of this week’s episode. 

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