Update: 12th June - Thanks to everyone who submitted a nomination. The form is now closed. Check back on Monday for the first round of matches!
The start of the Episode Competition usually heralds the end of the traditional television season, as we usher in the summer slate of programming. And while that may still be true this year, I write this intro in a far more uncertain world for everyone. Production has shut down, shows have had their seasons cut unceremoniously short and - more importantly - people's lives have been hugely affected by the coronavirus.
So here at SpoilerTV, let's add some normality back to your life.
Every episode of television is special. Each one contains elements that make it stand out from the crowd. And now, SpoilerTV is giving you the opportunity to select your favourite episodes of TV from the past 12 months, and battle against others to don the crown of Spoiler TV's favourite episode.
ANY episode that aired from 1st June 2019 to 31st May 2020 can be submitted. Episodes that did not air during this period will not be included. Please do not try to submit episodes that did not air in this period, as they will not count and you will be wasting one of your nominations.
The top 64 episodes will enter the competition. However, if a particular show has more than two episodes in that top 64, only the two most voted for episodes will make it into the competition - thus giving other shows a better chance and preventing one show from dominating.
1. Please ensure that the episodes that you nominate have aired within the eligibility period as stated above. Episodes that aired outside of the eligibility period will not be counted and so you will be wasting a vote.
2. Please use the full show's title when submitting e.g. use The Walking Dead rather than TWD.
3. Please use the actual episode's name when submitting rather than any key word to describe it e.g. for the Supernatural premiere you'd use Back and to the Future instead of finale.
4. Please try to spell everything correctly as best you can as it will make my job of sorting through entries far easier.
Only 1 Submission per person. If you try to submit multiple times ALL your submissions will be removed.
Direct form link
You have until Friday 12th June to enter your submissions. If you have any queries let me know in the comments below or via my email bradley@spoilertv.com.
The competition will begin on Monday 15th June. Check back then for the first round of matches!
Enter your submissions, spread the word and tell us what you voted for in the comments!