Hulu had given a straight-to-series order to a serialized comedy starring Steve Martin and Martin Short. The half-hour project, involving true crime and mystery, hails from This Is Us creator Dan Fogelman and 20th Century Fox TV where he is under an overall deal.
The comedy is based on an idea by Martin, who had been pursued by television networks for decades as an actor and as a writer-creator. Aside from co-creating the 1984 comedy series Domestic Life and his 15 hosting turns on Saturday Night Live, Martin has largely stayed away from television for the past five decades. This is his first TV series starring role.
The comedy is based on an idea by Martin, who had been pursued by television networks for decades as an actor and as a writer-creator. Aside from co-creating the 1984 comedy series Domestic Life and his 15 hosting turns on Saturday Night Live, Martin has largely stayed away from television for the past five decades. This is his first TV series starring role.
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