Oscar-nominated Julie Delpy is venturing into television with a dramedy series, tentatively titled On The Verge. Delpy is writing, executive producing and starring in the L.A.-set ensemble half-hour series, a co-production between Netflix and Canal Plus, which has received a 12-episode order. Canal + will air the series in France, with Netflix distributing it in the rest of world.
On The Verge centers around four L.A. moms, one of them played by Delpy, facing challenges with their marriages, careers, family, who are all fighting to be authentic to themselves, to take risks, and to leave whatever it is that is no longer working for them. These characters choose to make this point in their life an opportunity for reinvention, an opportunity to finally create a life of true meaning for themselves.
On The Verge centers around four L.A. moms, one of them played by Delpy, facing challenges with their marriages, careers, family, who are all fighting to be authentic to themselves, to take risks, and to leave whatever it is that is no longer working for them. These characters choose to make this point in their life an opportunity for reinvention, an opportunity to finally create a life of true meaning for themselves.