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Young Sheldon - A Parasol and a Hell of an Arm - Review

Nov 14, 2019

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This episode reminded once again of how remarkable the women of Young Sheldon are. If this show were only about Mary, Missy, and Connie I would treasure it just the same. The women might not have an IQ of 187, like their little Shelly does, but they are relatable characters whose flaws make them especially likable and intriguing.
When Mary is asked to organize a carnival for the church community, Pastor Jeff and his chain-smoking secretary Peg are hoping to persuade the woman to let Sheldon be a part of one of the attractions: They want him in the dunk tank. They are certain lots of people are willing to pay good money in order to dunk the smartypants. In their opinion, this would be a very effective way to raise money. Mary is appalled and makes it clear that there is no way she will allow her precious Shelly to be used in this way. So instead of Sheldon, Pastor Jeff himself ends up sitting in the dunk tank. He does not get dropped into the water too often until Missy shows up. In a previous episode, Missy asked George to teach her how to throw a ball and it turned out she really is a natural. She dunks the pastor every single time she aims the ball at the target. After the Coopers get home from the Carnival, Missy informs George that she really likes baseball and wishes to play in a proper team. Daddy Cooper does not take her seriously at first, he even laughs at her request but he realizes quickly that his daughter is not kidding. She WANTS to play baseball. He promises to do what he can but already knows it will not be easy for her due to her gender. Her being a woman is indeed a “problem”, the coach won’t even let her show him what she is capable of. He calls his refusal to see her play “I’m just looking out for her” when really it can be called by just one single word: sexism. Missy is heartbroken.

When Connie hears what happened she is furious. She did not take her breakup with Dr. Sturgis well and has refused to leave her couch in several days. The outrageous behavior of the coach, however, makes her actually switch off her TV just to go and tell him where to stick it.

Connie: You tell my granddaughter she can't play baseball?   
Coach: Oh, well, I was just looking out for her, that's all.  
Connie: Is that so?  
Coach: Yes, ma'am, it is.   
Connie: Well, we don't need you deciding what's best for her.  
Coach: What do you need?  
Connie: I need you to give her the same chance you would a boy!  
Coach: Or what? 
Connie: Or you and me gonna have problems.

The coach is actually quite impressed by Connie’s lecture and agrees to give Missy a chance. He is completely surprised by how good the girl's arm is. She can actually throw a ball! Duh! Now that the coach knows what an asset Missy could be to his team his concerns about her wellbeing are suddenly none existent. He accepts her as an official member of the team and asks out Connie on a date. I certainly hope Meemaw will teach him a lesson or two about sexism when they go out for dinner.

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