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Celebrity FanFest Interview with Supergirl star Helen Slater

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At a recent panel at Celebrity FanFest in San Antonio, Texas, that she shared with former Superman and Legends of Tomorrow star Brandon Routh, Helen Slater told a group of appreciative fans that she recalled being the only actress auditioning for the film role of Supergirl that came to the audition wearing a Supergirl skirt and cape. She said her mother had sewn it for her. Supergirl TV fans know her as Eliza Danvers, the tough but loving mother to television’s best sibling duo, the Danvers Sisters-Kara and Alex. At the FanFest, the actress who was the first to play the iconic role of the Girl of Steel spent two days with fans young and old, all eager to thank her for being a role model to many young girls.

On the 4th anniversary of the date the Supergirl television series premiered, Slater graciously sat down and spent a few minutes with SpoilerTV talking about what the character of Supergirl has meant to her, her love for the CW Series, and that she has plans to hopefully one day again don a cape and play a superhero (just not in the way people think.)

SPOILERTV: We’ve seen several girls walking around cosplaying Supergirls. What is it like to see young girls dressed as a character that you portrayed? And when they approached you to be on, a part of that CW show what was it about it that made you say yes?

Slater: I always get such a big kick out of it and feel so flattered and love that with the CW show with Melissa Benoist that it continues on, very fun, super fun. It's always so fun to be, first of all in the superhero universe. I feel like it's ... I don't know. It just always feels so inviting and yes, but specifically, Greg Berlanti's world, which is very, you know, the spread is very wide, and his fingers are in everything and it's fun to sort of be in his mastermind, how he's seeing things.

Supergirl fans will be delighted to hear that Slater will be returning to Vancouver in a few weeks to once again play Eliza Danvers. While she admitted that it was a little late for another special Danvers Family Thanksgiving, (saying she usually goes up in August to film those) she didn’t know what she will be doing this time around. It is very likely that she will be there to film a part in the show’s upcoming special 100th

SPOILERTV: Do you have a favorite scene from the series that you've filmed?
Slater: Melissa and I have had a couple of lovely scenes, and Chyler Leigh and I also had a lovely scene early on, I think the first season, with, her not feeling special or not knowing if she ... And I think that really spoke to a lot of women, sisters, where maybe they felt like their sibling was more of a ... just was more special or had more gifts and didn't quite know where they were in the family system. So, I thought that was an excellent example.

SPOILERTV: Of the sister relationship, that familial relationship?
SLATER: I think it is the centerpiece of the show, it's the sisters for a lot of people, yeah.

SPOILERTV: What are your thoughts on Supergirl hitting 100 episodes?
SLATER: Well, I think, I mean, you just have to, just the amount of effort and work ethic, and, I mean, so much hard work goes into doing that. It's not, it's not easy. It seems like, oh, 100 episodes, you know, no big deal, but it really is quite an achievement. I think it’s amazing.

SPOILERTV: What do you think makes the show so special?
SLATER: I honestly think it's Melissa specifically, and Chyler. I think I agree with you, I think as the centerpiece in many ways, it's, it sorta transcends just superhero story, and brings in an element that's very moving, you know, very, very moving. And then I think all the actors are terrific, everybody they've cast and David, and, you know, Mehcad, who I think is not in this season but I can't remember. He's coming and going. Oh, this is the one? And Jeremy, who's been back and forth, who's so deeply funny. I am so crazy about that boy. Um, you know, I think, and honestly, it's a happy set, like the people are happy to be there and happy to be together. (STV NOTE: This interview was done the day before Mechad Brooks’ last episode aired and we mentioned it to Slater.)

Slater stays busy when not playing everyone’s favorite superhero’s mother. She’s following her dreams and one day she may go from Dr. Danvers to Dr. Slater.

SPOILERTV: You mentioned in the panel earlier today that you were a grad student?

SLATER: I am. I'm in grad school right now. I got my college degree last year, which was a personal dream, and now I'm doing a program, it's a master's PhD program in mythological studies and depth psychologies.

SPOILERTV: So, from Dr. Danvers to Dr. Slater?
SLATER: Wouldn't that be fun? It's a long way off. I just started, but fingers crossed, and I'm enjoying it very much so far.

She is also devoting time to working on a project where she would once again don the cape of a superhero.

SPOILERTV: Tell us more about this project that you've been talking about (in the panel), and working on, about the aging superhero. We love that concept.
SLATER: I know, and I, for some reason, I haven't been able to sell it yet, and I haven't found the right ... I don't know what it is, but I just felt, you know, my daughter went to college, um, actually a few years ago now. She just graduated from NYU, and I thought it would just be so interesting for an aging woman superhero who maybe had hung up her skill to be married and live as a human, and then for whatever reasons has to go back out into the world. And it could be, I think it would be more ... at first, I saw it as a one hour, but then I thought, "Well, maybe it could be a half-hour." But so far, I've had some interest but not enough to tell you good news like, "We're gonna shoot it." I hope they do. I mean, I hope it comes together.

SPOILERTV sends its thanks to Helen Slater for spending time with us during her busy schedule at Celebrity FanFest in San Antonio. We wish her continued success as Eliza Danvers on Supergirl, with the pursuit of her doctorate, and with bringing her project idea to fruition. Thank you, too, to the amazing media team at Celebrity FanFest in San Antonio for helping to arrange the interview. Share your thoughts on this interview in the comments below.
Donna Cromeans (DJRiter)
Donna (DJRiter) is a professional writer/editor/proofreader and a massive fan of diverse television genres. She's been a writer/editor for SpoilerTV for 7 years and serves as a writer/editor for STV's POTM and POTY features. This year she is reviewing Star Trek: Picard, Sweet Magnolias and a number of interesting new shows currently in production. She's a part of Star Trek history having a story idea to ST:NG for the episode: Next Phase. She has contributed an in-depth article on Supergirl’s the Danvers Sisters to GIRL OF STEEL, published by McFarland Publishing April 2020. Twitter (@DJRiter) or reach her by email at
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