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Legacies - I'll Never Give Up Hope - Review

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This week on the premiere of Legacies, Hope is stuck in Malivore with Clarke. Malivore is trying to kick her out but doesn’t want Clarke to hitch a ride. When Hope returns to school she finds that no one remembers her and that Landon has moved on with Josie. Rafael is still a wolf, and he’s sad. Lizzie is on vacation with Caroline, Josie decided to stay in Mystic Falls to look after Alaric (who has grown a beard and mustache). MG and Kaleb have a barbeque. A creepy figure does a fire trick in the cemetery and Clarke gets released from Malivore when he promises to destroy Hope (after she verbally destroyed him several times in this episode). 

Ignoring it, won’t make it go away: Oh, Alaric. Just because you grow some facial hair and spend most of your time at a bar doesn’t mean your daughters will suddenly forget about the ancient ritual where one is supposed to kill the other. In fact, not talking about it seems to be making everything worse. Now that the twins finally know, I think it’s time to stop keeping secrets and start including them in the research for a loophole. I mean, this is about them after all. I must say, I’m glad Lizzie is working so hard to get better, though I wish it wasn’t all happening off-screen. As for Josie, she the worrier of the two. I totally understand that it’s hard to live life when you have this dark cloud hanging over you but I’m glad she’s starting to let go more. 

Worst vacation destination ever: Wow, Malivore really sucks. I was expecting… well, anything other than complete darkness. And sure, we had a dragon, some zombies and that evil Clarke guy. But man, I really thought we were done with Malivore. Does this mean Malivore will be the big villain again this season? Don’t these showrunners know the big villain of the season is only supposed to last one season or else it gets annoying? Which is why I was very happy that Hope was out of there this week already. But now what is she supposed to do. No one remembers her. I guess she could enroll at school again, though I think she’ll need money for that (which her family can’t help her with since they don’t remember her). Hasn’t this girl been through enough? 

Summer bromance: I must say, it was really nice to see MG and Kaleb hang out all summer. It’s hard to believe these guys were at each other’s throats last season. For a minute there, I was a bit worried they’d start fighting when MG showed an interest in Kaleb’s sister. I totally get why Kaleb didn’t want that. I mean, MG isn’t exactly stable yet, is he? I’m not sure a romantic relationship with a non-supernatural is the best move for him. A vampire would, of course, be ideal, but a witch could hold her own if certain urges became problematic. I can’t wait to see how Kaleb will help MG with Lizzie, this should be good. 

Aren’t you forgetting something? How sad is it that Landon was the only one looking after Rafael? I mean, come on. It’s like no one else even cared. Also, having a permanent werewolf on the loose on school grounds when a bunch of vampire students are set to return any minute seems like an issue that the teachers should care about. And Hope, were you really going to leave town without turning him back? How rude! 

The elephant in the room: So I guess I have to talk about it, Josie and Landon. It’s a little weird. Not remembering Hope has some serious consequences. To be honest, I feel the same way about this relationship as I did about Hope and Landon. I don’t really care that much. (Personally, I don’t get what anyone sees in Landon). But if both of them are happier together than apart, how can we be against it? What worries me is what will happen after everyone remembers Hope again. I mean, we all know this won’t end well. And my money is on Josie getting her heartbroken, which I don’t want to see. 
Expectations: This is the part where I have to make some big prediction about the season, but I honestly have no idea what direction the storyline will head in. I guess we can start taking bets on when people will remember Hope again. I’m still convinced that Rafael will remember her because he was in wolf form when she went into Malivore. And that perhaps that is why they conveniently had Hope not interact with him this week (gotta drag that stuff out). Hope also mentioned going full tribrid. I don’t think it’ll be that long. The mention of Kai by the twins makes me think we’ll see him eventually, which some people predicted last season. I guess he’ll get a break form eternal karaoke torture. Everything else, however, remains a mystery. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. 

Best quotes: Lizzie: “There is this sexy Swedish guy whose session is after me on Tuesday. I think he’s Swedish, maybe Polish, anyway it doesn’t matter. He’s hot and crazy and the language barrier will make it impossible for us to communicate, just how I like it.” Josie: “You should really work on that.” 
Kaleb: “The meat’s got a name, okay. Same as you. This is Gertrude. My crazy uncle Earl, he owns a farm outside the city. I was there the day she was born.” MG: “That’s dark, dude.” 
Hope: “So where are we?” Clarke: “Come on. Do the math.” Hope: “It’s not that simple, okay. There are freaky cyclones and blinding lights and you’re here… Oh my god, we’re in hell.” 
Hope: “Okay, I’m partially listening.” 

That’s it for this week. Check in again next week for an all-new review and let me know in the comments what you thought of this week’s episode. 

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