In a competitive situation, Showtime has given a pilot production commitment to Spoonbenders, a one-hour drama based on the 2017 Daryl Gregory novel, from You’re the Worst creator Stephen Falk, Greg Berlanti’s Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. TV where the company is based.
Spoonbenders is a genre-busting saga about The Amazing Telemachus Family, a traveling family magic act — that happened to be made up of people with actual magic powers — and the tragedy that finds them 25 years later, forced to reunite when old debts, long-running grudges, the mob, and the CIA all come looking for them.
Spoonbenders is a genre-busting saga about The Amazing Telemachus Family, a traveling family magic act — that happened to be made up of people with actual magic powers — and the tragedy that finds them 25 years later, forced to reunite when old debts, long-running grudges, the mob, and the CIA all come looking for them.
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