The drama project was originally developed and ordered to pilot by NBC before ABC after feeling sketchy about their own pilots swooped in to order it.
Emergence centers around a police chief (Allison Tolman) who takes in a young child (Alexa Swinton) that she finds near the site of a mysterious accident who has no memory of what has happened. The investigation draws her into a conspiracy larger than she ever imagined, and the child's identity is at the center of it all.
Allison Tolman, Alexa Swinton, Owain Yeoman, Ashley Aufderheide, Robert Bailey Jr., Zabryna Guevara, Donald Faison and Clancy Brown star in the genre thriller.
The series hails from Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters, Paul McGuigan, Robert Atwood, and ABC Studios.
Sources say that ABC was somewhat dissatisfied with its own development slate this year and moved on “Emergence” after NBC passed on the project.
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