Attention Cloud 9 shoppers: While prepping for our first new episode of the new year and clearing out our stock, we discovered a stray review on our shelves. Because we care so much about you, we're giving it away today for the low, low cost of FREE! That's right. You heard correctly. Now, you may be asking, "What makes this different from the other free reviews?" Well, this one is probably the most delayed, and is being disguised as a way to refresh you for the new episode tonight. "Why do I need a plot recap for a comedy whose plot isn't hard to keep up with week to week?" You ask a lot of questions! Stop that! So, shoppers, it's time to sit, back, relax, and enjoy reliving an episode from December before hopping into tonight's fun!

Fresh off of her conversation with Jonah about becoming a manager, Amy decides to go to Glenn and ask for a letter of recommendation for her to attend a manager training. Glenn, being who he is, decides that a simple letter won't do and informs Amy that he'll set up a curriculum he can teach while she shadows him. The next day, we check in on Amy in the break room starting tape four of Glenn's management overview series that he recorded the night before. Sweet, sweet, excessive Glenn. While Cheyenne and Mateo work on a fake business idea and Jonah tries to help Dina figure out a new career, Amy begins her day with Glenn. After learning some of Glenn's processes, being blindfolded, and made to discover store violations hidden by Glenn (though I'm fairly certain everything Amy found was news to Glenn), Amy tells him she doesn't need this shadowing day. Glenn's feelings are clearly hurt, but the day goes on until Amy discovers that by not following Glenn's Always Check Everything Seven Times method she ordered way too many ice pops. After some failed attempts to hide the mix-up from Glenn, the boxes are discovered when a customer drives through the giant parking lot photo Marcus set up, exposing the ice pops. Glenn reveals that his methods are sound as he uses his notebook of personal notes on everyone he does business with to moderately blackmail the deliveryman to take the boxes back. As Glenn and Amy share a few ice pops, they make up and Glenn hands her his letter of recommendation for the training program.
This was a solid, story-based mid-season finale. Instead of focusing on some sort of hype or gasp-worthy cliffhanger, we get a mild setup for Amy's future. It's a fun romp through the store that made for plenty of laughs. Our "cliffhanger" of Amy getting the letter of recommendation was the perfect amount of teasing us for the future while leaving us satisfied for the duration of the break. In all honesty, though, can one ever truly be satisfied while
Superstore is on hiatus?
Shopper of the Week
The Shopper of the Week easily goes to our Animal Samplers. This couple stood in front of a sample booth and the woman ate up. Not in the normal way, however. The man held the sample in his palm as if it was a sugar cube while the girl nuzzled and ate it like a small woodland creature or something. It was terrible and I hated it, which is exactly why they receive our reward of Shopper of the Week. Congrats, you weird, weird pair.
Were you satisfied for the break? Are you excited fort he new episode in 20 minutes? Would you ever legitimately consider starting a business with Mateo and Cheyenne? Sound off in the comments below!