Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon SpoilerTV 2019/20 Pilot Shows - Script Reviews and Ratings

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SpoilerTV 2019/20 Pilot Shows - Script Reviews and Ratings

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Hey All,

Something new for this year...

Our team have been reading a number of the scripts for the pilot shows currently being developed.

The tables will be updated live as new ratings and reviews come in over the next few hrs, days and weeks, which as a result will become more "accurate" as more of the team leave their ratings. So bookmark this page!

Update Summary
- 12th March 2019 - More script reviews/ratings added
- 9th March 2019 - More script reviews/ratings added
- 8th March 2019 - More script reviews/ratings added
- 7th March 2019 - Initial Post created and some initial ratings added

Pilot Shows Summary

Each of our writers was asked to submit a rating of each pilot script they watched out of 10. The table below shows the average of all these ratings. Shows with a rating greater than 7.1 is deemed a hit, between 5.5 - 7.1 we mark it as "Unsure" and less than an average rating of 5.5 we deem the show/script to be a miss.

Reviewer Quick Thoughts

We want to give you some quick snap-judgements on each pilot script. Again this table will be updated as and when new scripts are reviewed.

We hope you enjoy this feature and find it useful in deciding which shows you may enjoy next season.

Which of the pilots are you hoping get picked up for next season? Sound off in the comments.

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