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Scene Of The Week - February 10, 2019 + POLL

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A weekly feature in which we're trying to find the most compelling, best acted, written, directed and just generally great, memorable scenes that we've seen in past seven days on TV.

A MILLION LITTLE THINGS, "Someday", February 7, 2019, Actors: Christina Moses, Romany Malco, Allison Miller, The Scene: Regina tells Maggie and Rome the truth about her uncle
Mads: Regina tells Maggie and Rome about what her uncle did to her. Christina knocks it out of the park in this entire episode but particularly in this heartbreaking scene where Regina details the abuse her uncle, Neil, inflicted upon her when she was only 12 years old. It's awful to listen to her blame herself for what happened and see her break down from the trauma. But it is also nice to watch Maggie and Rome comfort her and assure her she did nothing wrong.
DarkUFO: Gina tells Rome and Maggie about how her uncle took advantage of her when she was 12.
Jamie: I sensed that this was coming but still, this was such an emotional scene. The actors did an amazing job here.

ANDI MACK, "One in a Minyan", February 8, 2019, Actors: Joshua Rush, Asher Angel, The Scene: Cyrus comes out to Jonah
Klutzy girl: I love that he chose to do it casually while explaining to him about the food at the buffet table. And of course, Jonah accepted it and said it was cool. And this is the first time a Disney Channel show has ever used the word gay, which is historic and a long time coming.
Jamie: Cyrus has come such a long way. I was a little scared of how Jonah would take it but it was handled so well. The moment was totally random but that's what made it feel so realistic. The writers and actors really did a great job here.

ARROW, "Emerald Archer", February 4, 2019, Actors: Stephen Amell, Paul Blackthorne, Willa Holland and more, The Scene: The opening montage
I've heard that a documentary would be involved in this 150th episode of the show but I didn't know much about it. Which is probably why I ended up enjoying this one so much more than expected. From the very first second when we see a footage of Quentin Lance's speech this already feels special. Many fan favorites showing up (briefly) to celebrate this hour were a wonderful addition and I loved the format of all these documentary shots. From the interviews to the fights, an excellent work by the camera crew on this one. A memorable speech by Lance, meaningful confessions from Thea and Sara, a memory of Sin, hopeful, deep and even funny exchanges with Felicity and Diggle, and so much more. Quite a way to start the episode. This could be done in many different ways but the end result turned out to be beautiful and thoughtful. Congratulations to cast & crew for reaching 150th episode. Kudos for all the great work!

GREY'S ANATOMY, "Girlfriend in a Coma", February 7, 2019, Actors: Chandra Wilson, Jason George, Siena Goines, DaJuan Johnson and more, The Scenes: Miranda and Ben reconcile & The wedding ceremony under the stars
Marko: Miranda and Ben reconcile. It is always hard for Miranda to be vulnerable and show that side of her. The way she and Ben opened up and shared their love to each other was beautiful and worked perfectly, embarrassing them and their live story.
Jimmy: The two lovebirds, Natasha and Garrett, get their wedding under the stars courtesy of the doctors creating a very special moment for them in the ICU, where Natasha has been deteriorating to the point of near death for the past three months. This was a beautiful scene which foreshadowed the challenges many of the series' couples have. I quite enjoyed it.
Zandarl: Grey's Anatomy once again delivers all the emotions with this scene.
Diana: This is absolutely one of the best episodes in the whole season. It's remarkable, the fact that after 14 years, this shows still delivers great emotions with moments like this.

LAW AND ORDER: SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT, "Part 33", February 7, 2019, Actor: Mariska Hargitay
The Scene: Lieutenant Benson struggles with testimony
Lieutenant Benson struggles with testimony on whether or not she should tell the truth or lie.

MANIFEST, "Upgrade", February 4, 2019, Actors: Parveen Kaur, Grace Rex, Ben Cole, The Scene: Saanvi is taken hostage
Aimee T:
Saanvi Bahl is taken hostage by a woman, Alice, who is demanding Dr. Bahl cure her husband's terminal cancer. The scene is unsettling from the outset because Saanvi agrees to follow a stranger to her home in order to assess a man she's never met. This easily could be a ruse just to abduct / harm her, particularly because the passengers of Flight 828 are already government targets. So when it turns out to be a legitimate medical situation there is a brief moment of relief. However, things begin to quickly unravel when Saanvi explains that there is nothing she can do for the dying man. Alice suddenly shifts from a little frazzled to clearly unhinged when she demands that Saanvi cure her husband. Taken aback, Saanvi reiterates she cannot help him and wants to leave, which is when things really go south. Alice hauls off and slaps her. Saanvi is shocked (I was shocked), Alice even seems shocked at herself and apologizes profusely. Recognizing the danger she is in, Saanvi assures Alice it's ok, she just needs to leave. Unfortunately Alice is completely off the rails by now and pulls a gun on Saanvi forcing her to stay. Alice then orders Saanvi back into her husband's room and insists she cure his cancer. The scene was tense from the start because it seemed unwise for Saanvi to walk into that situation. However, the sudden and wildly escalating violence took me by surprise because I sort of expected Saanvi (as a critical main character) to be "immune" from any serious harm. To be clear, I didn't expect her to die, but the threat of actually getting shot by a religious zealot seemed legitimate. Moreover, Alice's demands (while totally untenable in the "real" world), aren't out of the realm of possibility on Manifest. So the turn of events had me thinking, what if Saanvi (as one of "The Returned"), actually manages to cure a man with cancer on the spot? For the show to potentially go in that direction made the hostage scene all the more dramatic.

ONE DAY AT A TIME, "Outside", February 8, 2019, Actors: Justina Machado, Rita Moreno, Isabella Gomez and more, The Scene: The family talks about toxic masculinity
This was a really long scene but so important to see on TV. It's a very relevant subject right now and I think everything was very well stated. Not that I expected anything less from this show.

ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO, "Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?", February 5, 2019, Actors: Jeanine Mason, Nathan Dean Parsons, The Scene: Max and Liz talk about their feelings and his connection to Rosa's murder
Max and Liz have an emotional confrontation about their feelings for one another and his connection to Rosa's murder. It was so hard to watch Max and Liz both unable to let the other in; they are both more hurt and confused than ever.

RUSSIAN DOLL, "Ariadne", February 1, 2019, Actors: Natasha Lyonne, Charlie Barnett
The Scene: Nadia and Alan save each other in the final scene
The final sequence of the show shows the real Nadia and Alan, and the alternate versions of Nadia and Alan, saving each other and bringing their two halves back together as a whole. It's a profound and perfectly executed example of why the show is so meaningful.

SUPERNATURAL, "Lebanon", February 7, 2019, Actors: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Samantha Smith, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, The Scenes: John says goodbye to his family & Sam and John talk about their broken relationship & Dean and Sam talk over dishes & The Winchester family dinner
Nothing this week has been as powerful and beautifully done as this 300th episode of Supernatural. Not for me. After so many years of watching these characters grow and struggle the most incredible thing happens, for one perfect moment the Winchester family is reunited. All four, John, Mary, Dean and Sam, finally find themselves in the same place and time, just talking and having dinner. The most simple of actions feel so much more meaningful with the people you love by your side. I loved every single scene where these four get to interact with each other. Whether it's Sam and John finally getting a chance to talk or Dean and Sam being forced to tell their parents their perfect moment can't last, all of it was heartwarming and/or heartbreaking to watch. I'm so glad to see at least few of my favorites already mentioned in the article, so let me add the scene that hit me the most - the goodbye. After spending this short but important time together everyone knows it's time for John to go back to the past. It's what Winchesters do, sacrifice their happiness to save everything else. First, John and Mary admit how much they miss one another. John has spent half of his life chasing monsters because one took her away from him, so it's hard to describe in words how powerful their exchange is. And then there's the boys. When John embraces his sons, saying that he loves them and is very proud of them, there's not a single person there without tears in their eyes. Finally John is ready to let go and Sam has to turn away as he destroys the pearl that brought his father back to them. Everyone is absolutely heartbroken but also grateful for the extra time they got together. All the actors (Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Samantha Smith, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki) are incredible during the scene and the episode overall. This is exactly why it's so impossible to let go of this story and the show. Moments like this, beautifully written, acted, with unforgettable theme in the background, make me want to watch it all over again. Congratulations and kudos to the cast & crew of the show for all their wonderful work.
Marko: Present Sam and Past John talk about their broken relationship. This scene was 14 years in the making and it was everything I could imagine it to be. Jared and Jeffrey brought all their hearts into this and gave life to the words.
Jennise: Dean and Sam discuss sending John back while washing dishes. This show is "a catch it if an episode sounds good" level show for me these days. The return of John Winchester was definitely something I had to watch. I want to pick every scene with John and his sons, but if I have to pick one scene I think it's going to have to be Dean and Sam talking while they do the dishes. Dean tells Sam that they could reset everything and avoid all of the heartache they've been through the past 14 seasons, but, he wonders, who would that make them. Dean then points out that he's good with who he is. Finally! It's a far cry from the man who considered himself so worthless that he didn't hesitate to sell his soul to bring Sam back to life. It was a moment that I cheered for.
Klutzy girl: The Winchester family dinner. It was really hard to pick which scene to choose this week because I loved them all but ultimately went with this one for several reasons. I've been waiting for JDM to come back to the show for over a decade and never thought it would happen, and the episode as a whole lived up to my expectations. I'm still dead and gone because of it days later. Anyway, seeing all four Winchesters sit down together for the first time in thirty-six years was absolutely surreal and amazing. And of course, they were all upset because time was running out and John had to go back to his own time. But I like that John rallied them all and said he was choosing to be grateful for this time they had together, picking up Mary's hand and kissing it, then lightening the mood. The fact that they also chose a Bob Seger song to play over it was a perfect choice. It was nice to see them all smiling and laughing together. The 300th episode was a milestone and will go down as one of my favorites.

THE BIG BANG THEORY, "The Donation Oscillation", February 7, 2019, Actors: Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, The Scene: Penny tries to seduce Leonard
Penny tries to seduce Leonard by reading a comic book and whispering to his ear "Batman!" Nicely played, Penny. I'm gonna miss this show.

THE FLASH, "Goldfaced", February 5, 2019, Actors: Grant Gustin, Hartley Sawyer and more, The Scene: Barry and Ralph vs. Goldface and his men
I'm not always the biggest fan of these undercover missions that Team Flash sometimes ends up taking part in. However, I absolutely loved the Barry & Ralph duo this week. Ralph's character has grown so much on me since his introduction that now it feels like he's a perfect fit for the team. As much as I would like to highlight Barry's introduction as the Chemist or Ralph's change of heart, I can't help but include here the scene where the two of them join forces and without any of their powers manage to take down Goldface and all of his men. From the music in the background to the editing of the fight this was such a joy to watch and a great way to make the characters realize just how much they can achieve even when they appear to be powerless. I'm really looking forward to the next time Barry and Ralph get their own mission and a chance to show all of their strengths. Kudos to cast & crew members for such a memorable scene and another great episode overall.

THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT, "Vietnam", February 5, 2019, Actors: Michael Cudlitz, Mary McCormack and more, The Scenes: Mike goes into the bathroom and throws up & Mike watches his sons playing basketball
Jennise: The family watches the Vietnam Draft Lottery. During the entire scene Mike, a vet himself, makes all those stereotypical noises about patriotism, duty, and how war makes you a man. It fit an image I have of men raised during the '50s. I don't usually watch this show. I don't know much about this character, and was beginning to judge him based on the stereotypes I have of a man who seemed happy to have his sons serve in a war. After announcing that they should celebrate the proud fact that their sons have been called to serve their country, Mike steps into the restroom and throws up. My assumptions were tossed out the window. This man has been to war and the idea of two of his sons experiencing it, literally makes him ill. Not only did it illustrate how good this man was at putting up a brave front, but it also convinced me that, if need be, he would also be strong enough to prepare his sons as best he could.
Claire: This show just gets better each week. This week saw the Clearys facing the Vietnam draft. When their two oldest boys, Eddie and Lawrence, are drafted on the same day, ‘strong guy’ dad, Mike Cleary, loses it; quite literally getting sick in the family of ten’s only bathroom. But the best scene was Mike watching his grown sons playing basketball and seeing them in his mind as small children playing basketball with him. The fabulous Michael Cudlitz (who I’ve been a fan of since his turn in the OG Beverly Hills 90210) as Mike Cleary. Mike and Peggy Cleary like to act ‘tough’, but behind all of that bluster, they simply love their kids...
Klutzy girl: Of course Mike would put up a front in front of his family and then fall apart in private. I love that this show plays with stereotypes and showed him at his most vulnerable.

TRUE DETECTIVE, "If You Have Ghosts", February 3, 2019, Actors: Mahershala Ali, Stephen Dorff and more, The Scenes: Roland and Wayne reopen the case & The Bloody Shootout at Brett Woodard's house
Mads: The 2015 versions of Roland and Wayne reopen the case. Something happened years ago to cause a falling out between Roland and Wayne, they finally meet again as embittered old men and reconcile their differences, mainly because Wayne can't remember what happened to begin with. Wayne also convinces Roland to help him figure out the case in the present as it is still haunting them both. Dorff really gets a chance to shine here, both actors are in their element.
DarkUFO: The Bloody Shootout at Brett Woodard's house.

Justyna Kubica
SpoilerTV Writer / Senior Staff. Fantasy and SciFi geek. Scene of the Month articles author. Reviewer for (past & present): Doctor Who, Sherlock, Elementary, The Musketeers, New Girl, Daredevil & more. Member of SpoilerTV team since November 27th, 2011.
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