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NCIS: New Orleans - Vindicta - Review: "Apollyon is Everywhere"

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NCIS: New Orleans - Vindicta - Review: "Apollyon is Everywhere"
5.11 - "Vindicta"
Directed by Jim Hayman
Written by Adam Targum
Reviewed by Kelly Anne Blount

Recap –
Reeling from the aftermath of Apollyon, Pride appears completely overwhelmed. His only lead, Parsons is dead. He’s lost his father and even though he had mixed feelings about Cassius, it’s hitting him hard. Thankfully, he has Loretta and the team behind him.

At the scene of the crime, it’s obvious that Apollyon are masters of deception, intel, and more. They only evidence they’ve left behind is Parsons’ body. Pride tells them that she had a barcode tattooed to her stomach. That barcode should lead them to Apollyon’s dossier. The people still running Apollyon will not leave until they have the information Parsons has on them.

Back at the station, Pride breaks the bad news to his brother. He tells Jimmy that Cassius is dead. Jimmy is devastated. He no longer feels safe around Pride.

Over at the morgue, there’s bad news. Amelia’s tattoo was all but destroyed when Pride shot her. Loretta thinks there may be some way to salvage the information, but it doesn’t look good.

Pride is relieved to reunite with Lauren and Rita. He’s worried sick over their safety, but Rita doesn’t handle being cooped up and watched by Marshalls very well.

Meanwhile, the team posts surveillance photos of four Apollyon members. One of them is none other than Walker, the very man they put away last season. Pride and Hannah don’t get much, but Walker does tell the aliases and countries of origin from the other three Apollyon agents.

While the team is hard at work, Pride gets a call letting him know that Jimmy showed up at the morgue and there’s a problem. Before he leaves, he finds out that two of the three remaining agents have already been murdered. They only have one chance left, a man named Matias. Luckily, Patton found him and traced him to the middle of nowhere, Texas. Hannah and LaSalle go after him while the rest gather info that can be used as soon as they bring him in.

Pride meets Jimmy at the morgue. They weren’t letting him in because he couldn’t provide that he was family. Pride smooths things over with the police officer and takes Jimmy to see their father. Jimmy is upset that his father missed all of the important parts of his life. Pride can relate to a lot of what Jimmy is saying. Pride tells Jimmy that the one thing their dad got right was giving him a brother. He says, “We might not have the same last name, but we have the same blood. We’re brothers.”

Over in Texas, the team moves in on Matias, who promises to give them everything they want on Apollyon. Before they can get him to safety, Apollyon snipers attack and kill Matias.

Back at HQ, Pride is at a loss. He’s not sure how to move the case forward. Hannah has an idea, but it’s going to majorly impact her life. With Pride in agreement, they go to visit Hannah’s husband, Ryan Porter. She calls him her ex-husband, but he quickly corrects her and clarifies that they are separated, not divorced. He’s pissed she’s been in town for four months and hasn’t contacted him yet. He’s a professor with connections to the NSA. He sets up a meeting for Pride and Hannah with Ms. Cooper. She meets them in the middle of nowhere and takes them to an NSA outpost. They meet with the analyst handing Apollyon intel. Turns out Apollyon is even more powerful than they previously knew. They are manipulating entire governments and stock exchanges.

The NSA shares their files, but they are in code. Sebastian and Patton manage to decipher that someone named, “Eagle” has been involved in all of the missions. They go back to Walker, who claims to have more information, but before he spills it, he wants a better deal. Just as he admits this, there’s a massive riot in the prison. Walker is “moved to safety” and even though Pride attempts to stay with him, he loses him in the chaos.

Sebastian goes back over the intel. It leads him to a terrifying conclusion. Apollyon had someone on the inside, allowing them to stay one step ahead of everyone. That same person altered information in an Apollyon file to mislead the NCIS officers.

The team checks in on Nancy Cooper, but it’s too late. She’s dead. Hannah panics and races to her family’s house to check on her husband and daughter. Since her husband’s contact led them to the NSA outpost and the double NSA agent, her family is in danger and possibly next on Apollyon’s hit list. Luckily, they are okay. Her husband is upset. Hannah apologizes and tells them that she needs to protect them. In order to do that, she has to move them, immediately. They follower her out of the house, unsure of what is going to happen next.

Pride heads back to the NSA outpost, only to find it completely cleared out. He heads to the desk of the Phillip Sinclair, the analyst handling the Apollyon data. Sinclair has been misleading the police and corrupting the Apollyon intel. However, instead of running, Sinclair leave Pride several clues as to where he’s hiding.

Pride tracks Sinclair to a horse farm. He tells Pride that Apollyon knows he has been caught and that he’s a dead man. He decides to take life, because he’ll never be safe again. Apollyon will hunt him down wherever he tries to hide and murder him.

Sinclair shocks Pride by uttering the same words his spirit guide said right before Cassius died. Pride thought his “visions” along with his spirit guide had disappeared, it seems as though he was wrong. Dead wrong.

Review/Thoughts – Sorry for the late review! I blame pregnancy brain and life. Ha ha! But, I’m finally back on track!

While I like the Apollyon storyline, this episode fell a little flat for me. Did anyone else feel that way? There were also a lot of moving parts. Maybe they just didn’t flow as well as they normally do for me?

Also, has Pride’s other job just accepted the fact that he’s joined the NCIS team again? He didn’t even check in at Belle Chasse once this episode.

I did enjoy Hannah’s storyline and I think that will play out well in upcoming episodes. I foresee kidnapping, hostage holding, and more. What do you think?

And, as always, Sebastian’s one liners were perfection. I’ll take more of these any day, any time!

What did you think of this episode? I can’t wait to hear your thoughts! Be sure to leave a comment below!

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