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Schitt's Creek - Merry Christmas Johnny Rose - Review

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Welcome to Schitt's Creek holiday style. We got flashbacks, gingerbread, lots of wine and the most important thing of all..... Holiday feels! Let's discuss!

This episode really highlighted where this family has been and where they are going, and although they may not have lavish parties complete with a reindeer room, they have found something much better.... each other. That is what Johnny so desperately wanted to celebrate this year which his family just wasn't quite getting until the end.

It was a bit jarring to see the Rose family pre Schitt's Creek and while it is quite pleasing to the eye, it was very unsettling to see Alexis on the side with her horrible ex-boyfriend Stavros and Moira quickly shooing David away after their duet. Johnny looks happy, but there is clearly something missing and that is the closeness they've found post Schitt's Creek. Thankfully for us and Johnny, he wakes up from what I and probably faithful viewers of this show would categorize as a nightmare. He feels that celebrating the season as the Roses' 2.0 is in order. Unfortunately for Johnny, his adult children and wife don't see the need to celebrate the holiday like they used to.

Seeing Johnny so desperate to make the holidays happen and watching the pushback from his family was disheartening, but I don't think it was a from a place of negativity, they've simply found their place and have moved past the life they used to lead. For Johnny though, it seemed he wanted to celebrate their new life and friends in the way they used to, only this time they have actual friends and a stronger family which would make the party that much more genuine.

It isn't until Johnny brings a tree home that is less Clark Griswald and more Charlie Brown does it dawn on the family what their father is trying to accomplish. They simply didn't see what he was doing, trying to avoid the emptiness their lavish parties used to have and reseting the narrative of the season with togetherness and love. I mean seriously, how devastating was the final flashback with Johnny asking where the kids were, and Moira nonchalantly telling him they've gone with their Christmas checks in hand? Losing everything has been hard for them, no question, but what they've found as cheesy as it sounds is greater than money.

David has found his purpose and built a business from the ground up. He's also found a man who is so pure and so loving in Patrick; was there anything cuter than Patrick subtly resting his chin on David's shoulder? I think not. Alexis found herself and has grown into a determined woman who has learned to look past herself and fix past mistakes. The growth of her not running from Ted's friends, but rather standing beside him, ready to face their judgement was amazing. Moira's changes are subtle, she still is all about her and that's part of what we love and once she realized what her husband ACTUALLY wanted, she helped to rally everyone to give Johnny the holiday celebration he'd been pining for.

In the end, the best scene was the residents of Schitt's Creek crammed into a tiny motel room celebrating together. The sad little tree was spruced up with decorations from David and Patrick. The lights were strung and dangerously so, the menorah was shining on the dresser and Stevie and her wine were there to make things festive. There was also a singalong that Moira was willing to share with her choir. That is what this show is, a safe place where people care about each other while making us laugh at their incredibly fun antics. Johnny Rose got what he wanted, his family and friends in a space together celebrating the season and that is a beautiful sight to behold.

So what did you think? And what are you hopes for the show in the new year?

TheTVGirl is an avid TV fan with too many shows to mention! Loves all things TV.
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