The pair shared a touching scene with Lauren reminding Reed how much secrets have damaged their family. This results in him confessing to Caitlin, who looks to be a beacon of support.
Marcos was called in by the Inner Circle to assist with baby Dawn after it became apparent that only his abilities as Eclipse would be able to save her.
But the idea of leaving his daughter behind didn’t sit right with the new dad and he lashed out violently against the Frost sisters and Reeva.
Blink and Thunderbird tracked a mutant named Urg to an underground society known as the Morlocks in order to get help tracking the Inner Circle.
Jace Tuner apparently can’t take his own advice or his wife’s as he tries to insert himself into police investigations yet again and no one believes him when he states that he spotted the supposedly dead Lauren and Reed Strucker.
When we left off last week, most of our characters seemed ready for an upcoming fight. Reeva spoke of starting a revolution and Marcos was enraged over the altercation at the Inner Circle and the group keeping him away from his daughter. It can’t be long before these two groups come to blows.
Things this week are tense, to say the least. Most the episode takes place at Lynnwood, the mental hospital designed for mutants, one we saw glimpses of in season one if you recall, Lorna used to be a patient there.
The Inner Circle is there for something, and the gang from the Mutant Underground is determined to keep them from getting it.
We will also see a darker side of Caitlin this week as she’s driven to extreme places in order to find Andy.
Reed is struggling to find a method to control his powers fast and easy instead of in a safe, and healthy way involving training. I can see that backfiring spectacularly.
Meanwhile, Jace might be getting caught up in a hate group known as the Purifiers. It looks like The Gifted is looking to tackle some topical issues this season given the current charged climate.
Mutants have always been an allegorical method of approaching discrimination, and it’s just being taken up a notch by adding a new group into the mix that has their own symbol and everything. If Jace goes down that road I’m not sure there will be any possibility for redemption for his character.
Overall, another great episode. The mental hospital scenes were genuinely creepy and filled with suspense, which is great for a pre-Halloween feel.
Have to say, this was a pretty heartbreaking episode for the Strucker family in particular, but no one really gets out of this unscathed.
This episode ends in a few cliffhangers too. Actually, it felt a little like a mid-season finale, that’s how much happens!
“It’s been an eventful week I thought I’d make something special, or at least burn something special.”
"Your powers, they’re a part of you. They’re linked to your deepest emotions.”
“If you guys are planning on doing something this stupid, someone’s gotta be there in case this goes wrong.”
“You can talk to this, bitch.”
“I didn’t do this to you, you did this to yourself.”
“I can’t find something that’s not there.”
“How are we any different from the people we’re trying to save him from?”