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All American - i - Review

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After last week's loss the Beverly Hills Eagles aren't feeling very much like a team. They are doing two-a-day practices and tempers are high. Asher blames Spencer for last week's loss and for all the team's issues. Between the practices and a video of Spencer's dropped pass going around school things are worse than ever. A fight breaks out after Asher pushes Spencer. Jordan wants to have a team meeting, but Spencer goes home instead. Weekends are the only time he has with his family, and he has a bus to catch.

Spencer has another talk with Coop about not feeling like a part of the team. Coop is honest with him and makes him see that he's not really making an effort to embrace them, either. He's still wearing his Crenshaw ring. Then they discuss Coop's problems: she hasn't told her mom she's gay. Coop says that it's not her problem that her mom can't see who she is. I've said this before, but I love their friendship.

Spencer goes home and sees Jordan hanging out with his mom and Dillon. His mom explains that Jordan was kind enough to help them out even though Dillon doesn't think Jordan was very helpful. "I don't know if 'help' would be the word I would use." That was so funny and cute. Spencer's mom hosts a cookout for all of Spencer's friends and Jordan stays. Coop gets Jordan, or "Baby Face" as she calls him, to come join their group. Jordan impresses them with his knowledge of musicians, and it seems like everyone is getting along until one of Spencer's friends gets upset. He tells Spencer that he should stay gone from Crenshaw and stop wearing the ring. He insults Spencer further by telling him they got an upgrade with the guy who replaced him. Jordan stands up for Spencer and he calls an impromptu game between Crenshaw and Beverly.

Spencer's mom tries to stop the game, but Coop tells her that the teams either fight it out on the field or on the street. Crenshaw quickly falls behind, and Jordan suggests Spencer only play offense. Spencer ignores Jordan's advice; this game isn't about them. He's got this. On the next play he scores! The game is tied, but before they can continue the cops shut down the game. Spencer tells his friend to end this; they're family. He stretches his hand out, but his friend walks away. This game between the two rivals reminded me of One Tree Hill when Nathan and Lucas played each other at the river court.

On the drive home it's clear Spencer is mad at Jordan for making this game happen. He also thinks that the guys from Beverly showed up for Jordan and to beat Crenshaw; they weren't there for him. "I showed up in your world and blew everything up. Sounds familiar." Good point, Jordan. At this point they hear sirens, and Jordan gets pulled over by the cops. He argues with the cops and insists he didn't do anything wrong. They make him get out of the car, and they end up throwing him on the ground. Both Jordan and Spencer are put into handcuffs.

At home Coach Baker wants to know why his son argued with the cops. Jordan said he was standing up for himself just like his dad taught him. Spencer asks Coach why he didn't teach Jordan how to handle cops. You never argue with the cops. Coach Baker thought he had more time. By leaving the hood he thought he bought his son more time before having to deal with being a black man in America.

Spencer calls a team meeting and thanks everyone for showing up for him at the game. His old team was a family and didn't realize that this team was driven by the same bond. But it's obvious that they do have a bond, and he wants in. I loved how everyone stepped in and made him see he didn't lose last week's game alone. And Asher really won some points with me by admitting he had clouded judgment.

Spencer makes another appearance at Crenshaw and gives his friend a tip about one of the other players. His friend asks why he's helping, and Spencer tells him that Crenshaw is still his community and his family. That didn't change because he's at Beverly. Plus, he wants to play the best version of Crenshaw in the playoffs.

Coach Baker tells Jordan that what happened with the police wasn't his fault. Billy admits that he should have talked to Jordan a long time ago. Jordan wants to know why he's never been to Crenshaw. Is his dad embarrassed of him? Billy apologizes for keeping Jordan away from any part of him. Billy takes him to a barbershop and the guys tell stories about Billy's past including that he dated Spencer's mom. The episode ends with Jordan looking at old pictures, and you have wonder if he's thinking about the possibility of Spencer being his half-brother.

I really hope this news about Grace and Coach Baker doesn't turn Jordan against Spencer. Jordan is becoming one of my favorites on this show. He's being a leader for the team and Spencer's friend. I would hate to see that ruined. I want whatever Coach Baker and Grace are hiding to come out already so everyone can move on.

Other Thoughts:

- Coop's story was amazing this week. Her scenes with Patience showed a different side to her than we've seen in the previous episodes. Coop finally came out to her mom, and I was so proud of her when she stood up for herself when her mom gave her an ultimatum. I'm also glad that she went to Spencer's house. I got pretty emotional during that hug between Grace and Coop.

- I really want Olivia and Leila to become friends again. They both seem to miss their old friendship, and it was a nice gesture on Olivia's part to show up to remember Leila's mom. I love Coop and Spencer's friendship, but it would be nice to have a female friendship on this show.

- Asher is starting to show some maturity, and I don't he's the jerk we all thought he was. He showed that he cares about Olivia, and he admitted he made a mistake about Spencer. This episode was definitely a turning point for him, and I hope we continue to see character development.

I think this show just keeps getting better. It's clear All American isn't afraid to deal with hard topics such as Coop's sexuality and race issues in America. These are important, and I think the show is doing a great job by incorporating them into the story.

What did you think of "i"? Are you loving this show as much as I am? Do you think Coach Baker is Spencer's dad? What were some of your favorite moments this week? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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