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Wynonna Earp - I Fall to Pieces - Review

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Well, things got serious real quick.

'I Fall to Pieces' was largely a filler, comedic episode, in the first two acts at least, before taking a complete 360.

First off, can we have more drunk Nicole Haught? Katherine Barrel was comedic gold in 'I Fall to Pieces', especially during the bar scene.

Barrell played off Melanie Scrofano's Earp very well in this episode. Throughout 'I Fall to Pieces,' we see them endure drinkings games with Revenants, being handcuffed, and a gnome whose wife they unknowingly break into pieces, literally. Based on this episode, a buddy cop show revolving around Haught and Earp would make for some classic viewing.

However, despite some constant laugh out loud humour, 'I Fall to Pieces' would have been largely forgettable if it wasn't for the surprising last act.

We find out Nedley was the one who saved Haught from the Cult of Bulshar when she was a child. The moment they share together when Nedley called the sheriff to be a daughter to him, hit hard. This Nedley retirement was so abrupt, but if this is a way to write off his character, I'm glad they did not kill him off. In fact, I hope he continues to stick around as a father figure to Haught.

Another great pairing was Doc and Michelle. I love how the two characters mirror each other - both of them love Wyonna and Waverly, yet they have their own personal demons that are constantly hurting the two Earp sisters.

We see that at the conclusion of this episode when Wynonna banishes Doc from the homestead after her mother, now departed from Purgatory, tips her off. There is a sense that Wynonna is furious at Doc not only for what he became but why he became a vampire - pure selfishness, choosing immortality over the anguish of mortality.

If there was anything that 'I Fall to Pieces' proved, was that 'Wynonna Earp' has a knack for never slowing down. Even in what seems like a filler episode involving drinking games with Revenants and a freaking gnome, the show still finds time to develop the angst between Wynonna and Doc, while also progressing Mama Earp's storyline as she leaves Purgatory and her children.


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