The CW is developing a female-led drama inspired by the 1989 film, Lean on Me, which starred Morgan Freeman per Deadline. The drama hails from Wendy Calhoun (Station 19), LeBron James & Maverick Carter's SpringHill Entertainment, John Legend, Mike Jackson and Ty Stiklorius' Get Lifted, and Warner Brothers Television. Wendy Calhoun will pen the script.
When a spirited young black teacher Amarie Baldwin scores the principal job at an Akron, Ohio, public high school, she must dig deep to transform a failing campus into an urban oasis. In a time when education and school safety have life-or-death stakes, Amarie will take on a broken system that tests her mettle, love life and family. But can she keep her moxie in check in order to embody the aspirational educator that motivates and uplifts an entire community?