A weekly feature highlighting the best quotes on TV as picked by the Spoiler TV team. We'd love to hear your picks too so please sound off in the comments below.
1. Sherlock: “Look, I never felt any pressure from you that I co-parent, but your idea that I take no responsibility for raising your child is...is naive. It’s not that I think you’re not capable of raising a child on your own. Of course you are, but, short of us dissolving our partnership, I’m not capable of not being involved. No, not as the child’s father, but as its mother’s friend. I mean, I’d lay down my life for you, so if you succeed in in adopting child, I’ll lay down my life for him or her. It’s...it’s as simple as that.”
2. Sherlock: “It’s not just that you haven’t decided what you want to do, you didn’t trust that I’d follow your lead.” Joan: “No, it’s not...look, when I told you I was going to adopt, I promised you that I was going to do it by myself. But then you were talking the other night about getting the house ready, and it sounded like you felt you needed to co-parent and I don’t want you to feel that kind of pressure.” Sherlock: “Cause I do so poorly in high-pressure situations?”
3. Sherlock: “If corporate America had its way, we’d only take care of our sick when there was money in it. It’s repugnant.”
Sharp Objects:
1. Bob: “You sure you're not following me?” Richard: “You're the one that came up to me.” (DarkUFO)
2. Vickery: “I'm not worried about Calhoun Day. Besides, people need to blow off steam.” Richard: "That's what I'm afraid of.” (DarkUFO)
3. Karen: “I gave you good stuff. You don't want to burn this bridge.” (DarkUFO)
The Sinner:
1. Heather: “Oh my God. What kind of parents go on a trip and don't pack a bag for their kid?” Harry: “What were they planning on doing with him?” (DarkUFO)
2. Heather: “What happened to your parents?” Julian: “They died.” Heather: “How did they die? All we want to know is what you saw, moment by moment. That's it.” Julian: “They had to go back.” Heather: “Who? Back where?” Julian: “To the beginning.” (DarkUFO)
Take Two:
1. Mick: “Yes, it does appear that these gentlemen took on Batman...and lost.”
2. Monica: “It’s like the X-Rated version of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”
3. Rollins: “Just so I understand...you were hired to find a dog, who was actually a man named Trevor Stark, who you tailed here, but you don’t remember any of it because you were drugged. Anything else you’d like to add?” Eddie: “Just that, getting drugged is probably why I stood you up at Georgio’s. I don’t even remember making the date. I know it sounds ridiculous, but…” Rollins: “Yeah, but it must be true because you would never make up such a ridiculous, dumba** story.”
1. Kiara: "Netflix development has stalled because they aren't sure about a second season." Liza: "But I thought they wanted it to be a limited miniseries?" Kiara: "They do, but, just in case it's a big hit, they kind of want to see where it can go." (Ellys)
2. Charles: “The first time I saw you, you were having lunch at your desk and reading 'Look Homeward, Angel', and I thought 'Who does that?'." (Ellys)