It's Thanksgiving and the Roy family shows how grateful they are. I'm kidding, of course, the Roys don't do grateful.
This episode felt like an inside glimpse into the minds of the members of the family. It all seemed like a blast, and yes, I'm being sarcastic. It was the best way to actually understand what kind of people the Roys are and where their interests really lie. People are not perfect, we are built to reach for perfection but we are flawed at the core.
Shiv and Tom, for example; is their relationship as strong as it seems from the outside? Apparently not, given that a prenup is causing some troubles, especially because the infedelity clause is missing. It was Shiv's idea but why? Is she trying to hide something from Tom or does she just not trust him? I think Tom is slowly becoming aware of the family he's marrying into, and possibly, of the woman he's decided to marry.
Roman has problems with his wife who, by the end of the episode, leaves him. He does not seem to care that much. I feel like Roman does not care about anything in his life, except himself. He is like the symbol of "bro culture" in the Roy family. He doesn't say much in this episode but the expressions on Kieran Culkin's face are more than enough to understand the frustration and the ennui that he's feeling. Yes, I said ennui.
Ewan, Logan's brother (played by an amazing James Cromwell), shows up and they are super close. Again, sarcasm, I apologize. They obviously can't stand each other and Ewan decides to cut his visit short after his first and only altercation with his brother. Hey, it's Thanksgiving, that's what you do: you tell people related to you how much you hate them.
Greg spends most of the day doing something shady for Tom: destroying all the papers with the names of the people that attended the cruises planned by the company and that did something horrific. Tom puts him up to that task and he carries it out. He's proving episode after episode that he is willing to do whatever it takes to be respect and to feel part of the family. I think it's pretty interesting that Tom, after Greg is back, thanks him by saying what Greg has probably been waiting for ever to hear: "Welcome to the family".
Marcia's son shows up and drops a bombshell on the Roy brothers: he's become head of Animation in Europe. Kendall and Roman of course didn't know anything and, I have to say, it was actually fun to watch how the two reacted without actually reacting. Kendall just can't seem to catch a break. His father even slaps his son because he's being difficult.
Kendall, anyway, has decided he's not going to watch from the sidelines anymore. He is starting to plot a vote of no confidence against Logan and he seems to have risen Gerri's attention. It seems it's going to be "poor Kendall" no more.
Connor wants to take the "next steps" with his girlfriend Willa, who does not seem to be on the same page. I would have loved to have written more about Connor but he's not really present in this episode, except when he announces that he's basically being an adult man.
I have to say that I am loving Shiv more each episode and that I'm glad I get to see a strong, powerful and resolute female character on a TV show that seems to be speaking to a male audience. She is carrying her relationship forward and she has rules she wants to set. I love how calm she is when Grace (Roman's wife) mocks and offends the candidate Shiv helped become a Senator. Her zingers are always spot-on and always with a smile on her face. Sarah Snook is an amazing actress.
I think the script (written by Georgia Pritchett) was really interesting. The pace of this episode is the one one would expect from a Thanksgiving-set episode but the rhythm would increase throughout the hour and it would give the characters a more focused interaction, something you would expect from a family that's celebrating a holiday together.
Another episode shot by Adam Arkin, who lets the actors do their job by becoming a student of their world. Not too many close-ups but frames from afar, as if he's trying to let the viewer understand what kind of people they are.
Favorite line:
Roman (at the dinner table, when saying what he is thankful for): "I am thankful that I was not born a Siamese twin".