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Once Upon A Time - Finale - Round-table Review : Closing the Book

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7 Years of casting curses, seeking revenge and true love have come to an end in a two-part finale. The final part'Leaving Storybrooke' aired on Friday and gave its own ceremony in lieu of a Royal Wedding a real-life fairytale which swept the world the next day. Good timing or good luck. Whatever it was fans who might have given up on the series tuned in to see the fate of their much-loved characters.
I agree it had its fair amount of cheesy moments and at times it was so sweet I almost had a cavity but it was a fitting end to the series and a tale that needed to be told.

As the series has been so popular throughout the years I asked some of my fellow Spoiler Tv writers to join me in looking back at the series and the finale.

So, let's enter the world of the mystical for one more time.

1.The series that launched a thousand ships. Despite the inevitable shipping wars within the fandom do you think certain storylines/ships were missed opportunities for the writers.?

Not wanting to reignite any flames but as a writer myself, the biggest missed opportunity, in my opinion, presented itself from the start, the savior who was to destroy the evil queen breaking the curse to instead save her and showing her love. Now it may be argued in a way this did happen, but I am sure a true love tale and the utter shock of the charming’s daughter falling for their enemy, would not only have been groundbreaking but given us a very rich storyline. It has been argued many times if the savior had been male this would have happened. There were lots of other's and far too many to list but this for me was the biggest.

There were plenty missed opportunities

Oh, for sure, there were so many missed opportunities throughout the run of the series. The Lily storyline was a huge missed opportunity, as was the Ruby/Dorothy storyline, Dr. Whale, Mulan, and Aurora, etc. The list could go on, but listing them all would make this a massively long answer. It would be easy to blame the writers for these storylines left hanging but the truth is a lot of the issues with these storylines is the performers went on to secure bigger more permanent parts on other shows and weren’t available return. The writers could have done a better job trying to find some way to give some sort of closure, but alas they will forever be “to be continued”. And while they had some beautifully amazing couples they also paired a lot of characters together where the performers were lacking in chemistry which hurt the stories they were involved in. But that is the norm for almost any show as not all performers can pull off the level of chemistry needed to sell true love. It’s hard to please everyone and some people probably adored the ships I didn’t and vice-versa.

I was a big fan of Hook and Emma, Robin and Alice, and the relationship of Emma and Regina. And I also liked Regina and Robin Hood

Oh, there were definitely missed opportunities. Cinderella for example, and would love to have had more from Pinocchio, Galahad, the list goes on and on. That being said, most of those were secondary characters and in a show with a cast this large, it was difficult to tell everyone's story to the fullest extent. I did love the blending of traditional fairy tales with stories I considered more traditionally Disney stories such as Cruella de Ville from 101 Dalmatians.

2. Once brought Disney/Fairytale characters to life. Who were your favorites and why?

Regina /Evil Queen and Zelena /Wicked Witch. The actresses who played them had us hooked with their evil and wicked ways making people wanting to be bad.

Snow, Elsa, and Hook Are certainly on top of my list. Especially Snow White which was taken out of her passive Fairytale role and proved that a woman can be fragile, strong and a warrior at the same time. She turned out to be a complex character with a soul full of light but also once again proved that light creates shadow as well and that the two can`t live without each other.

There were very few of the fairytale characters that I didn’t like. It was really fun to see characters have their stories elaborated on and expanded. I was never a fan of the Alice in Wonderland books when I was younger, but thanks to this show I have a better appreciation for that character and her story from the book. It was cool to see two different incarnations of Robin Hood, both the father and the daughter to see how deep genetics can run to influence who a person becomes. The Frozen storyline was easily my favorite block of episodes, so Elsa and Anna were favorites. Of course, Snow White and Prince Charming, because they had the ultimate love story and overcame so much to be together. Hook, because it was nice to see his story flushed out and to have him end up as a hero both in the Enchanted Forrest realm and the Wish realm. The list could go on, but I’ll leave it here.

I loved Frozen, Mulan, what an interesting twist surrounding Hook's backstory and who Peter Pan was. I loved that Hook was originally good, but over time became a pirate. Most shocking was finding out who Peter Pan really was, that was great. I also loved Zelena, and how she was connected to Regina. I also loved the story behind how Regina could have found happiness all those years ago if only she listened to her Fairy, who then wound up on Neverland.

There were so, so many to choose from. Outside of the regulars, I think my favorites were Anna and Elsa from Frozen, it was a big risk for the show to tackle a Frozen themed storyline so close to the film but the payoff was great. I also loved Ariel, Maleficent, Cruella de Ville, and Mulan. I don't think I'll ever see Captain Hook in quite the same way and love that the show turned him ultimately into a dashing hero. And of course, my absolute favorite will always be Regina/Evil Queen, Lana Parilla was so great at being evil and when Regina cast the out the Evil Queen literally I cheered because I knew she was going to be great in their battle storyline.

3. The reboot for most was a disappointment and many have stated the season should have ended at Season 6, what are your thoughts regarding season 7?

I feel I said most about this in my reviews but season 6 should have been the finale. The reboot was lackluster and disappointing despite the best efforts of the cast, the storylines just were repetitive and tired giving them little to work with.

Season 7 had a strong idea behind itself, the execution was a bit clunky and messy. The writers tried too hard in some segments and didn't provide equal focus on the characters. I didn't mind the absence of The Charmings and Captain Swan cause season 6 wrapped up their stories nicely.

Honestly, I was completely entirely against Season 7. I thought the ending of Season 6 was perfect. Then I got sucked into Season 7 and, well, I ended up really enjoying it. I can’t imagine Once Upon A Time without this season. I ended up liking a lot of the characters and ended up wishing their stories could go on longer.

So, I liked Alice and Robin, and other realm Hook. I also enjoyed other realm Hook's relationship with Rumple in the cursed world. The villain of this story was very interesting, and I did like Drizella and who Rapunzel turned out to be. That being said, they needed to focus on the characters we loved and knew and had Henry as a back story. I could care less about almost all of that storyline. Alice was more interesting as Tilly, and how Rumple and Hook both changed because of her. I loved that you didn't know till later, that her love interest was Robin, a girl. Their chemistry was awesome. Everything else fell flat. Seeing Regina as a 100 percent good person in this season was also awesome. The end I liked.

I had serious misgivings about season 7 and was reluctant to get too heavily involved in it as I thought season 6 had had a beautiful ending and I would have been satisfied had the show ended there. A combination of factors, including the change of the night, prevented me from fully keeping up and I was not overwhelmed by the first episodes of season 7. I did return for the final episode to say farewell to old friends.

4. Looking at season 7 what was your favorite storyline?

Alice/Tilly and Robin/Margot, their storyline eclipsed Henry’s own and I was hoping their true loves kiss would break the curse. Maybe this was down to the chemistry of the two leads but they really gave us all the feels this season and it was definitely the highlight for me.

Regina's path and struggle for sure. Ever since she woke up from Gothels curse in ep 6 she dominated this season and provided exceptional character development on all levels. Alice (and Robyn) was/were also a pleasure to watch. Their chemistry between them was really captivating.

Easily the Alice/Tilly and Robin/Margot storyline. It’s because it was a beautiful fully rounded love story. Their storyline and Alice, in particular, helped to give this final season the extra bit of spark it needed. And it was a great added bonus that Rose Reynolds and Tiera Skovbye have such great chemistry and worked together so well to give the love story the care it deserved to make it feel real. In fact, it is their storyline that I most wish could have kept going on longer.

Tilly and her relationships. I loved the episode where we are introduced to Alice and Robin, and also in real life, and how no one knew she existed but Hook aka the Detective and Rumple aka the Detective, both knew her. I loved that she was the one who woke up Rumple with Bell's chipped cup. And then I liked Regina.

As stated I did not see enough of season 7 to give an in-depth answer but will say from what I did see I will say I enjoyed Regina and Zelena working together, as again Parilla and Rebecca Mader work wonderfully together. I did love too, that they brought Regina's redemption story full circle by crowning her the Good Queen.

5. Rumple and Regina’s stories both came full circle in the finale. Do you think it was a fitting end to the tale of redemption for these 2 characters?

For Rumple, he was reunited with Belle who stood beside him even when he gave into the temptations of darkness. He had to die because his journey started because of his cowardice at not wanting to die to sacrifice himself for others was his redemption.
Regina, well she has been making amends for the last few seasons even going so far as to rid herself of her evil side. However, now we have a protector in Regina someone we saw when she first rescued Snow from the horse and to end it with her being crowned in the same setting as we started the series was brilliant. From Evil to Good Queen.

While Regina's arc felt like it had a lot of depth and development and was heading towards the Good Queen for quite some time, Rumple's story didn't satisfy me. It felt rushed towards the end and just felt forced. It didn't compliment the complexity of the character we grew to love and hate over these 7 seasons.

It was a fitting end for both. Emma got her happily ever after in the Season 6 finale, so it was nice to see Regina finally get hers. What was really nice is that Regina’s happy ending wasn’t defined by a man on her arm, but by her own happiness. Regina’s love story with Robin was beautiful and it was amazing that they got a final goodbye, but at the end of the day, Regina found a happy ending where she was the heroine who saved the day. As for Rumple, in all honesty, this was the only way his story could satisfactorily end. It was set up since the season began and he truly earned his redemption. In the end, he didn’t need a Guardian to find his salvation. He found his own courage and as a result earned his own salvation. Throughout the season he grew quite close to Alice and Wish Hook, so it was fitting that he sacrificed his heart so that father and daughter could be together again. It was, actually, a very beautiful ending for a character who has truly earned a happily ever after with the love of his life.

YES! I LOVED that both characters finally got their happily ever after. They were redeemed. Especially Regina. That was great. And, I loved that Rumple sacrificed himself for Hook, cause they were friends and cause he cared for Alice. And that Henry, in any realm, is who originally saved Regina from the darkness in her heart, is what ultimately led to her redemption.

I think the ending was perfect for these two characters. Rumple reunited with his beloved Belle following an act of noble sacrifice. Regina willing to let the thing she loved most, Henry destroy her if it meant saving him. Both of them earned their redemption.

6. All fairytales must come to an end. What were your overall thoughts on the 2-part finale?

The finale curse was broken and Hook/Nook and Alice could be reunited. Robin and Alice were to be married and coronation of a new Queen of all the realms.
This ending certainly closed the book, all the realms together with evil defeated and old favorites making appearances. The last scene in reverse of when Emma was arriving in Storybrooke had a lump in my throat. After seven years it was like saying goodbye to an old friend.

I loved the first part it was well paced with some nice shockers and neat character moments. The second part was misconstructed and just there to please all the fandom what essentially isn't a bad idea but the execution was just a bunch of scenes lined up together with some big speeches happening. The charm of OUAT was always in it being a doer and not a talker. Overall I'm maybe a bit too judgy but I expected more from the finale. Still, I will hold this show very dearly in my heart and rewatch it every chance I get.

The finale was really surprisingly very strong. It was nice to see so many old faces return for one last appearance. There were a lot of missing faces, but it would have been impossible to get everyone back. The callback to the Lily paternity mystery was a nice touch. To this day, that remains one of the storylines where the writers had so much potential and completely wasted away the opportunity by letting the story fade away into obscurity. Some of the cameos were more rushed than others, but it was powerful imagery that the series began with Snow and Charming and ended with them. Things literally came full circle. A lot of the new Season 7 characters didn’t really get much closure, but I guess that was to be expected as they rushed to try and conclude all the longer standing storyline. Overall it was a great finale and I look forward to seeing what all of the performers on this show do next.

I liked it. But, I wasn't blown away by it. I did love all the cameos. And I liked some of the stories that ended the way they did. But it just wasn't as great as other seasons were. I loved this show cause they had a story arc for the whole season, and then the end of the season it set up the next season. It truly was great storytelling at it's best. And though I didn't love everything, I did still feel some of the magic. The end, where Emma arrives with Hook, I loved that.

I loved how the writers brought the entire fairy tale that was Once Upon a Time full circle to a happy ending. Combining all the realms was an inspired idea and offered so many opportunities for great storylines for a season 8 had the show not been canceled. And of course, the crowning moment, if you'll forgive the pun was the literal crowning of Queen Regina, the Good Queen by her one-time arch-nemesis Snow White. Long live, Queen Regina! All hail the Queen!

In a world where darkness is always around us Once Upon a time was a lovely show that gave a clear message that no matter how dark the times you can get through it. Giving us all a little hope.

Thank you to my fellow spoiler writers for taking part in this review

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For the last time have your say regarding this popular show and who knows maybe in 10 years we might get a reboot.

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