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Killing Eve - Take Me to the Hole - Advance Preview: "Russian Adventures"

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After last week’s cracker of an episode, it’s all about adventures in Russia on this weeks Killing Eve.

This may also be the first time Villanelle has ever truly been on edge, as she has to return to the Russian Prison she previously accommodated with a seemingly simple mission; find Nadia and kill her. A nice easy in and out job. Konstantin even assures Villanelle he will be right there waiting for her when she does make her way out.

Of course nothing is ever that easy, and especially not on Killing Eve. ‘Take Me to the Hole!’ is an origin story of sorts. Over the past 5 weeks we’ve seen Villanelle kill without remorse and toy with Eve, with crumbs dangled over how exactly she came to be the way she is. This episode provides some answers, but of course not all.

Despite being back inside the prison, Villanelle still has her trademark wit about her. It gets her in a fair bit of trouble with the no nonsense guards. Tracking down Nadia does prove to be difficult, and on her way, Villanelle finds herself making a rather interesting friend, which results in one of the funniest scenes of the episode. The other is one that once again I don’t think is supposed to be funny, but dark humour has long become Killing Eve’s forte, and as a result it just works.

Whether or not Villanelle is successful in tracking down Nadia is something you’ll have to watch to find out, but she’s of course not the only one having adventures in Russia. Eve and Carolyn are also on the trail. It’s one that produces stumbling block after stumbling block, but also gives us some back story on Carolyn. Like Bill before her, she’s certainly lived an interesting life, full of interesting connections. It's one connection in particular that I was extremely surprised by, and of course just when it seems as though all will be revealed, a surprise entrance quickly puts a stop to that. However they're not as smooth as they'd like to think they are, as their actions only serve to further arouse suspicion that was already lingering.

Away from that Eve and Nico have a conversation that has probably been building since the show began. He is still very much annoyed with the amount of danger Eve is placing herself in, and her insistence that she be the one to bring Villanelle to justice doesn’t help matters. Things do of course escalate between them, which leaves their relationship in serious danger. This does lead to Carolyn and Eve having a frank conversation where she dishes out some words of wisdom, before later making a rather startling comment on Eve’s relationship which leaves her with food for thought.

Eve also decides to go rogue and bargain for information behind Carolyn's back, which will surely come back to haunt her. There is of course another cliffhanger ending (is there any other way to end an episode) as someone finds themselves being very badly played.

With the end of the season almost upon us, ‘Take Me to the Hole’ does a great job in providing some answers whilst also upping the stakes more than they already were.

You can watch the episode Sunday at 8pm on BBC America, and if you have any questions that aren’t too spoilery, hit up the comments and I’ll try my best to answer.

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