The circle of violence never ends and if karma joins the game no one is safe. FTWD delivered a beautiful outing with an tragically unbelievanble end. Good Out Here was directed Dan Liu and written by Shintaro Shinosawa with Richard Naing being the Executive Story editor.
Nick`s time with Madison in this episode was really precious and showed us again how damaged Nick got during his time on the show and how much scars are left on his young body. Still, the big question at this point is Where is Madison? And why isn`t she with the group? Did she join the Vultures or did they kidnap her? Many questions left open and a lot more Nick in FTWD`s current time to explore him. The expression on Madison`s and Nick`s face after they saw Charlie with their walkie-talky was devastating. They really grew to like this little girl and seeing her corrupted and betraying them was heartbreaking.
Charlie being Nick`s killer was an unexpected move. I wasn`t spoiled on that and my jaw literally dropped when I saw her standing with the gun across from Nick. Nick killing Ennis was another unexpected move, I thought all the talk from Morgan would make a permanent impression on Nick, but the rage and disappointment were too big for Nick to handle and he had to act. Frank Dillane`s performance was on point though. The variations between his facial expressions, especially the moment when he realized that he killed Ennis was impeccable. Another impeccable performance was delivered by Alycia D. Carey. I`m still hearing her weeping in my head and the expression on her face as she watched her brother die was simply devastating. Alycia really brought it all in those moments but Coleman Domingo and Danay Garcia weren`t trailing much behind her either. Still, the Alicia-Nick relationship was one of the powerful plot points of the show and drove the show to great heights as their bond carried a lot of the show's weight. Also not to be forgotten Victor`s and Nick`s early relationship, the two of them back in season 1 were my favorite part of the show. I will miss their scenes as well as we didn`t get enough of them in recent seasons.
The whole TWD timeline vibe is still annoying, it just didn`t feel like FTWD for me and no one likes a copycat. Seeing more of Althea and getting to know more of her badas*ery is a good standing point for the show and will certainly drive the plot further down the line. I`m excited to find out more about both Althea and John, we also need more of Kevin Zeggers`Mel.
That is the wrap on my side guys, it is your turn now. Stop by the comment section down below and comment on the events of Good Out Here. How shocked were you? Do you think this is a smart move? And where the heck is Madison? Till next week. . .