AGENTS OF SHIELD, "The Honeymoon", April 13, 2018, Actors: Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen
The Scene: May tells Coulson she loves him
Jamie: I was worried the writers had forgotten about these two. Loved this moment, it was totally in character for them. Now he needs to say it back.
ARROW, "Fundamentals", April 12, 2018, Actors: Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards, Josh Segarra, The Scene: Felicity gets through to Oliver
Justyna: It was the best episode of the show in a while and there's a number of scenes I would love to highlight from the hour. Between all the hallucinations (the return of Adrian Chase!) and Oliver's internal struggle, I really liked the fact that Quentin was his constant. They've been through so much and I'm glad they're in a place where Lance supports Oliver when he needs it the most. Their conversation about how much Oliver has grown over the course of the past few years was beautifully done, as was every other moment these two shared. But it's the end of Queen's journey during the hour that I ended up choosing for the article. It felt almost like he became his own villain of the episode and he was definitely losing control when going after Diaz and attacking Lance. I really enjoyed seeing Felicity's run through the city and then entering the horror-like scene just to find Oliver at the brink of getting himself killed. Her speech to him, even when interrupted by Adrian, was a lovely proof of how much these two have grown together and how well they truly work. Despite Adrian's voice in his head and not being able to recognize what's real, Oliver finally hears his wife and they get out safely from the building before Diaz's men can get to them. All the actors did a great job in the episode, but a special shout-out to Stephen Amell. This episode was almost entirely focused on Oliver and it was wonderfully done. Kudos!
BLACK LIGHTNING, "The Resurrection and the Light: The Book of Pain", April 10, 2018, Actors: Cress Williams, China Anne McClain and more, The Scene: Jennifer saves Jefferson
Justyna: It's been a fantastic season and I'm so glad I was able to follow it from the start. Despite being "just" another superhero story, the family aspect of it makes it feel special and often relatable. At the heart of the show, there's really this family who loves and protects each other. And together they seem almost unstoppable. When the fight breaks down at the school, Jefferson and both of his daughters are caught in the middle. At one point, Black Lightning's hesitation to hurt Khalil costs him his life. As the voices of his family members echo in his mind, he collapses to the floor and his heart stops beating. It's a shocking moment that takes a very emotional turn when Thunder shows up to save him and then both her and Jennifer realize their dad is dead. It was heartbreaking to see their reactions. But it's exactly what Jennifer needed to use her powers and jump-start her father's heart. The relief and joy on the girls' faces when he returns to life is beautifully portrayed by both actresses. Special shout-out to China Anne McClain who is at the center of the scene. I love the relationship between Jefferson and Jennifer, so it felt right that this is the moment when Jennifer truly sees the value of her powers. Kudos to cast & crew! Can't wait for the finale.
Jamie: Jennifer saves her dad. I can't wait to see Jennifer embrace her powers. Really love the family dynamics in this show.
BROOKLYN NINE-NINE, "The Puzzle Master", April 8, 2018, Actors: Andre Braugher, Chelsea Peretti and more, The Scene: Holt's speech
Laura: Holt refuses to campaign for Commissioner while he knows that they refused to hire a woman.
CHICAGO FIRE, "When They See Us Coming", April 12, 2018, Actors: Taylor Kinney, Treat Williams, The Scene: Kelly and Benny argue
Beth: Kelly Severide is not known to show much in the emotions department, you know it is there but he keeps it hidden. In this scene, he had finally had enough of Benny and his ways and let him have it in a brutally honest and emotionally charged way. Taylor Kinney was great at bringing the obvious pain to a very stoic character. The subtle tears in his eyes as he told his father what a mess he made out of their family and why he can't do this again to his mom really got my feels going.
GREY'S ANATOMY, "Beautiful Dreamer", April 12, 2018, Actors: Ellen Pompeo, Jeanine Mason
The Scene: Meredith tells Bello she got a job in Zürich
Marko: Mer's fight for Bello throughout the episode was really beautiful. I loved every bit of it and I'm glad she got through for her. The happiness on Bello's face was unmeasurable. Also loved mentioning Christina, just sad DeLuca didn't leave as well.
HERE AND NOW, "Dream Logic", April 8, 2018, Actors: Marwan Salama, Sosie Bacon
The Scene: Navid and Kristen's walk through their school’s hallways
Claire: Navid and Kristen take the very brave choice to walk through their school’s hallways both wearing hijabs and holding hands and smiling. There was no dialogue, only background music. It was beautiful. Navid is gender fluid and his parents had warned him about wearing a hijab in public.
iZOMBIE, "My Really Fair Lady", April 9, 2018, Actors: Rahul Kohli, David Anders, Aly Michalka, The Scene: Ravi visits Blaine's office desperate for a fix
Samantha: This episode was a bit different from the norm since it had no case of the week, and not being tied down by that allowed the show to explore different storylines to what it's used to and give the actors some meaty material to sink their teeth into. Rahul was absolutely excellent as Ravi struggled with a heroin addiction after eating an addict's brain. He absolutely detests Blaine and yet here he is in his office, desperate for a fix. Even when Peyton shows up and offers him a brain bar because she can see how much he's suffering, Ravi refuses to take it until he can have that vision to tell them where the dog is. And of course when Peyton offers to take him home, he still wants his heroin fix.
KILLING EVE, "Nice Face", April 8, 2018, Actors: Sandra Oh, Jodie Comer and more, The Scenes: Villanelle and Eve meet in hospital bathroom & Villanelle kills her target in Tuscany
DJRiter: First meeting between Villanelle and Eve in hospital bathroom. In the only scene the stars of this gripping thriller have together in the premiere Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh are fabulous. The scene couldn’t be simpler, two women standing in front of a mirror in a hospital bathroom, see each other for the first time and acknowledge one another. The chemistry between these two actresses jumps off the screen in a taught scene with just two lines of dialogue, “Are you alright?” and “Wear it down”. That scene and their electrifying chemistry near the end of the premiere of this great new series just sets the stage for future encounters between Eve and Villanelle, in what promises to be a complex game of cat and mouse.
Sean: Villanelle kills her target in Tuscany. It was fascinating to see a skilled assassin at work. Climbing a drain pipe, folding herself into a suitcase, blending into the party and using the man’s grandson to lure him upstairs, and then stabbing him in the eye with a hairpin. This show is already very addicting and I can't wait to see the cat and mouse game play out over the coming weeks.
KRYPTON, "The Word of Rao", April 11, 2018, Actor: Cameron Cuffe
The Scene: Seg escapes Black Zero
Milo: I was reminded of The Dark Knight Rises in this scene where Seg climbs up into the Outlands to escape captivity. It was an effective ending scene to one of the show's more exciting episodes so far.
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, "The Good, the Bad, and the Cuddly", April 9, 2018, Actors: Arthur Darvill, Caity Lotz, Brandon Routh and more, The Scenes: Rip's sacrifice & Beebo vs Mallus
Justyna: While the fight is clearly the most insane and entertaining part of the episode, it's all the sacrifices that hit me the most. So for my choice, I wanted to highlight the start of the hour with Rip's death. It took me completely by surprise, especially considering the placement in the episode, but it turned emotional with all the flashbacks to his time on the show. His goodbyes to Gideon and to Sara were beautifully done yet somehow didn't seem like enough. For me, Rip was the first reason why I decided to watch the series and I wish there was more done with his character after everything he's been through with the Legends. After all, he's the one who brought them together. In the end, he chooses to sacrifice his life to help his friends escape and give them time to find a way to defeat Mallus. He truly believes in them, despite all their differences and becomes a motivation for them to fight later in the episode. The scene was sudden but really well done. I loved the addition of the flashbacks and Rip admitting that "I should very much like to see my wife and son again." After all this time. Great music and wonderful performance. Goodbye, Captain Rip Hunter.
Samantha: Beebo & Mallus fight. I absolutely love Beebo. He is one of the greatest gifts Legends of Tomorrow has given us, and this fight scene was superb in how ridiculous it was. Beebo manages to do what the Legends have failed all season in doing, and it was a spectacular battle scene. Jax and the others cheering the Legends on and then Ava offering words of encouragement as Mallus looked to get the upper hand. Beebo saying he wanted cuddles, jumping down onto Mallus, getting into his fight pose. It was all just brilliant & I really hope the budget can allow for him to show up in s4.
Zandarl: Not since the Ghostbusters conjured up the stay puff marshmallow man have we seen such a ridiculous idea to defeat evil. It was hilarious and shows Legends never takes itself too seriously.
Marko: As Donna and Sam said it was utterly crazy and seemed stupid as hell but worked perfectly well. Outstanding CGI, think they crashed all the budget for s4.
Diana: One of the reasons why LOT is the best DC series right now.
Jamie: Beebo vs Mallus. I'm still laughing whenever I think about it. Only this show could make something like that work.
LOST IN SPACE, "Impact", April 13, 2018, Actors: Molly Parker, Toby Stephens, Taylor Russell and more, The Scene: The opening spaceship crash
Milo: This was an exciting way to start the series, taking advantage of the special effects budget that the show had to offer to make an almost-cinematic opening that pulled me right in from the get go.
NEW GIRL, "About Three Years Later", April 10, 2018, Actors: Jake Johnson, Rob Reiner
The Scene: Nick tells Jess' dad he'll propose a different time (picked by Marko)
SCANDAL, "Standing in the Sun", April 12, 2018, Actors: Kerry Washington, Bellamy Young, The Scene: Mellie and Olivia decide to bring B613 down once and for all
Diana: I've chosen this particular scene because for me it underlines the importance of female friendship. If you think at the beginning of Scandal, those two were enemies: the wife and the mistress. As the series went on, they found many things in common. They put themselves before the man they've loved (Fitz Grant). Both Mellie and Olivia are tough women, they understood they need to support each other because that's their force. And I think that's kinda poetic and beautiful.
SCHITT'S CREEK, "Singles Week", April 10, 2018, Actors: Dan Levy, Dustin Milligan, The Scene: David talks to Ted about Alexis
Beth: In a lot of ways this was the scene that made the episode perfect for me. David in season one would probably have never taken the time to sit down and be there for someone like that. It just made it even more special that his advice happened to be to the guy his sister loves. Ted was hurt deeply by Alexis and I like that they didn't have him rush right back to her, they took their time and really showed she appreciated who Ted is and what he means to her, like David said so perfectly. David and Ted had never really spent meaningful screen time together, so it was a great piece of writing for them to have one of the most crucial scenes in the episode.
Laura: David tells Ted that Alexis really loves him.
SILICON VALLEY, "Chief Operating Officer", April 8, 2018, Actors: Thomas Middleditch, Zach Woods
The Scene: Richard appoints Jared as COO
Milo: Jared is probably the best character on the show at the moment and his overreaction to being appointed as COO was fantastic. Zach Woods has been acing it week after week so it was great to see his character get the promotion that he deserved.
SUITS, "Inevitable", April 11, 2018, Actors: Gabriel Macht, Christina Cole, The Scene: Harvey calls it quits with Paula
Jimmy: Harvey calls it quits with Paula to keep Donna at the firm. This episode was one of the season’s best ones, and while I loved seeing Harvey and Paula together, Harvey couldn’t let Donna leave in good conscience after all she has done for him. I’m really looking forward to seeing how the relationship between Harvey and Donna continues to develop.
THE GOLDBERGS, "Flashy Little Flashdancer", April 11, 2018, Actors: Wendi McLendon-Covey, Jeff Garlin, Sean Giambrone and more, The Scenes: Beverly confronts Murray about not believing in her & Pops consoles Adam
Samantha: Beverly has a go at Murray for not believing in her. Most of my thoughts I already said in my review, but this was an absolutely beautiful and excellent acting from Wendi & Jeff. You could see the pain in her eyes as Beverly was pleading for Murray to follow the kids lead in apologizing to her, and the fact that he just didn't understand why it was she was so annoyed with him was heartbreaking and made even worse when Murray realized just how badly he'd made Beverly feel. It was also an extremely needed home truth because Murray tends to think that because everyone knows he's not an emotional person, that excuses him from having to ever admit when he's in the wrong and that's obviously not the case.
Claire: Pops consoles Adam that Emmy will always be his best friend even if they go for long periods of time without talking; that they’ll always pick up right where they left off. I have a friend like this, Patti. Pops’ loving wisdom is beautiful.
TIMELESS, "The Salem Witch Hunt", April 8, 2018, Actors: Matt Lanter, Tonya Glanz
The Scene: Wyatt tells Jessica about the night she died
Bex: In the gritty bunker bathroom, Matt Lanter delivers as emotionally raw scene as Wyatt recalls the night he left Jessica on the side of the road, and then begs her for one last chance.
YOUNG SHELDON, "A Mother, A Child, and a Blue Man's Backside", April 12, 2018, Actors: Iain Armitage, Zoe Perry, The Scene: Sheldon hugs his mom after the tornado
Claire: Sheldon is trying to break away from his mother but after a terrifying tornado hits, Sheldon hugs his mom and doesn’t let go. So sweet.