Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon COMPLETED: Enter our Giveaway to win $60 or $30 to spend at

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COMPLETED: Enter our Giveaway to win $60 or $30 to spend at

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UPDATE: Winners are Annmarie ($60) and Samantha ($30). Congratulations guys, please check your emails.

It's time for another SpoilerTV Giveaway. This time from our good friends at  They sell items from Marvel, DC, Game of Thrones and so may more of your favourite TV shows and movies. You can view all their products here.

Prize Details

 - 1st Place $60 to spend on Merchandise ($50 + $10 towards delivery)
- 2nd Place $30 to spend on Merchandise ($20 + $10 towards delivery)

 Important Notes
 1) The Competition is Open to Everyone worldwide (however some products have regional restrictions - please check online for details).
2) The amount specified will be in the form of a voucher to spend on only. No cash alternatives will be given.
3) The Competition will close on 11th May 2018 (15:00GMT) at which point 1 lucky winner will be selected and notified.

To Enter just click on one of the available Login options below in the Giveaway Widget and then select as many or as few of the entry methods that you want. The more steps you complete, the more entries you'll have into the prize draw and hence an increased chance of winning. Good Luck.

 Make sure to follow all of our social media for more giveaways soon! Feel free to post in the comments what you would buy with your winnings!

CJ aka “CJ Sonic” is a Senior Staff member at SpoilerTV. He is an award-winning host, producer, creator and geek. He hosts panels at comic cons where he interviews celebrities from TV, Movies, Games and more. He makes silly videos on YouTube and likes to post the more fun articles on SpoilerTV. He is proudly one of the biggest geeks on the site.
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