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Elementary - Season 6 Premiere & Episode 2 Advance Preview

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Extended spells off the air seem to be becoming more fashionable in network television, and CBS's crime procedural, Elementary, has fallen victim to that in 2018, with its sixth season premiere due Monday, April 30, nearly a year after its late May 2017 fifth season finale.

That finale presented worrying signs for Sherlock Holmes' mental state, and this is fleshed out nicely in the season's first two episodes. Holmes believes he is suffering from post concussion syndrome, and both episodes develop this storyline well, and it impacts on his cases in surprising ways.

The season premiere, titled An Infinite Capacity for Taking Pains, has an interesting beginning, with a sex tape making its way online, which both partners didn't consent to and want removed. The plot morphs nicely from there, and at a meeting Holmes runs into a fellow former addict whose has a secret that looks likely to provide some juicy storytelling through the rest of the season. This marks the introduction of Elementary's newest regular cast member, Desmond Harrington.

Episode 2, titled Once You've Ruled Out God, is on equal pegging with the premiere in terms of content. The case involves a man being struck down by a by a bolt of lightning while walking in the city - a feat not possible in the natural world, culminating in a race against time to find a stash of plutonium before it can be weaponized. This episode focuses more on Joan Watson throughout, after the death of her father brings her together with her half-sister. I really enjoyed the interactions the pair have.

All up, these two episodes bring Elementary back to the small screen in solid fashion. The unique pairing of Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu continues to make for great viewing, and Aidan Quinn and Jon Michael Hill are used to great effect for comedic relief throughout.

That's all I have for now without spoiling too much! Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions about either episode, drop them below and I'll see if I can answer them.

Elementary's sixth season premiere airs Monday, April 30, 10|9c, on CBS.

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