Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Chicago Fire - The F is For - Review

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Chicago Fire - The F is For - Review

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This episode begins right where the last one left off: with Casey and Severide jumping into the water after the building explodes. The rest of 51 go around to the roof thinking that's where the guys still are, but then they see Casey floating in the water. He's fine, but Severide is unconscious. Stella is lowered into the water and pulls Severide out. While the rescue is happening Boden notices a photographer taking pictures and gets angry.

Once Severide is pulled out of the water he regains consciousness and asks where Casey is. I loved that! Luckily both Casey and Severide are okay besides being sore. Stella is especially relieved, but did anyone else think it was awkward when Zach hugged her? You could tell she just wanted to be with Severide.

At the firehouse they learn that Casey and Severide are famous: they're on the front page of the paper. The photographer wants to spend the day in the firehouse and capture the day in the life of a firefighter. It will be great for publicity or so they think. Later on in the shift Casey notices the photographer in the locker room trying to take pictures of Dawson in the shower. Boden is livid and wants a formal complaint filed against the photographer, and the paper is cutting ties with him. But unfortunately this isn't the last time we see this guy.

Firehouse 51 gets called to a car accident. While they try to rescue the woman behind the wheel, the photographer shows back up. He gets in the way of the paramedics, and says it's a public street. He's so obnoxious and uses freedom of the press to justify his actions. While he's taking pictures he gets hit by a car. Casey gets him out of the middle of the street and saves his life. Afterwards Boden tells Casey he's proud of him for not hesitating to rescue the photographer. This is why Casey is my favorite. He will always be the hero even to some people that don't deserve it.

Besides the awful photographer, Dawson and Brett also had to deal with Gerald, a homeless man who is a frequent flyer. We first see him sitting outside the firehouse in pain. He says his arm hurts because he fell. He shows up again needing medicine and he has huge cuts all down his neck. They looked so painful. Brett and Dawson go to where Gerlad's been living and find a woman trying to steal his things. Brett completely goes off on her, and I really liked this side of her. I also really liked that she didn't respond to Hope's email about wanting to mend fences. I never want to see Hope ever again.

Stella continues to date Zach, and they just are so awkward. They have no chemistry, and I've said this before, we all know Severide and Stella are going to get together so can we just stop wasting time? Stella does mention moving out, but Severide doesn't want her to move out. At the end of the episode Severide goes over to Casey and Dawson's place and kind of looks at them like he wants what they have. Will the writers actually put Severide in a serious relationship? I hope so. It's only been six years.

"The F is For" did have some comic relief with Herrmann deciding he wants to be a life coach. It all starts with him giving Kevin, a guy a Molly's, some advice about whether or not to move in with his girlfriend. I laughed at how bad his "life is like a fire" speech was, but he impresses a life coach at the bar and decides to make a business out of it. Lily ends up being his first client, and after her time with Herrmann wants to move to Hawaii. Needless to say , Otis isn't very happy with Herrmann after this. Otis isn't the only one not happy as Kevin comes back into Molly's and wants to punch Herrmann after his girlfriend breaks up with him. Herrmann decides that being a life coach is not a good fit for him. I hope Lily doesn't move to Hawaii!

I did like this episode much better than most of the other ones this season. I like it when everyone in the firehouse gets along, and I even like Herrmann's ridiculous business ideas. And I like that Brett is a little tougher than she used to be.

What did you all think about "The F is For"? Are you all ready for Severide and Stella to have a serious relationship? Did you think the photographer was as terrible as I did?

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