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Ash vs Evil Dead - Apparently Dead - Review: "Bad Way to Say Goodbye"

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I took me awhile to finish this weeks episode. The opening sequence at Candy’s funeral was over the line for me. I turned the episode off and only finished because I committed to writing this review.

Ruby finally revealed herself to Ash. Ash’s first instinct is to warn Brandy. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t listen. If you think about it, she has no reason to trust Ash.

She doesn’t know Ash and minutes after they met her best friend and mother were killed. Ash was in the thick of things and covered with blood.

Brandy’s known Ruby for a couple of years. Ash's attempts to warn her about Ruby only serve to convince Brandy that her plan to stay with Ruby is a solid plan. (Ash’s house is kind of creepy, isn’t it?)

So far this season I’m really pleased that Ruby has a lot of screen time and a plan. I do like the stronger focus on story this season.

So far it looks like Brandy is never going to trust Ash enough to learn what she will need to know to fulfill the prophecy and banish The Dark Ones. It’s a shame really because it looks like Brandy has the brains in the family.

I was thrilled when Ruby brought Ash’s father back from the grave. It was great to see Lee Majors again. Sadly, Ash’s fight with Deadite Brock left Brandy, once again, drenched with blood. Not to mention a possible concussion.

The Naked Lady, told Pablo, once again, that he’s in danger. Since Pablo has been fighting demons with Ash for the last few years, it doesn’t seem like much of a revelation. She tells him he’s going to need the Kandarian dagger and where to find it.

Pablo, Kelly and “New Guy” (Dalton) head out to the cabin to get it. I loved Dalton’s reaction to Pablo’s statement that “the naked lady told” him where to find the dagger. Just after Kelly dug up the dagger Evil attacked.

I wasn't too clear on whether Dalton was actually impaled or if that was the evil impersonating Dalton. Either way he told Kelly that Pablo killed him and demanded Kelly hand over the dagger. Kelly, never surrenders a weapon and she didn’t hand this one over either. She’s awesome.

When Deadite Dalton tried to kill Kelly Pablo had her back. He saved Kelly by hitting Deadite Dalton with his truck.

I am looking forward to Pablo’s story picking up. Is he headed toward taking over his uncle's position? Is he headed for a heroic battle to save himself?

Despite my issues with the opening of the episode there was a lot to like about it. We’re seeing more of Ruby. The show shows signs of giving Pablo some stronger story. Hopefully, Kelly will have more going on this season too. Perhaps in connection with the Knights of Sumaria?

Bonus points for letting Bruce Campbell and Lucy Lawless sing the closing song, “Kids”.

Prpleight is a screenwriter and senior software engineer with solid geek cred. When not writing code, screenplays, or watching TV (sometimes she does all three at the same time), she uses her broadsword Bessie to battle evil. She's been a frequent contributor to the SpoilerTV discussion boards for several years now.
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