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Game of Thrones - The Queen's Justice - Review

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Game of Thrones “The Queen’s Justice” was directed by Mark Mylod and was written by the creative team of David Benioff and DB Weiss – to be expected given the much anticipated meeting between the King of the North – Jon Snow (Kit Harrington) and the Queen of the Dragons – Daenerys (Emilia Clarke). And that’s to say nothing of the other wonderful – and crucial – scenes in the episode. I’m thinking most particularly of the great Diana Riggs’ (Olenna Tyrell) final scene. No one can say that this season isn’t flying by at the speed of a dragon…

The episode begins with a reunion between Jon and Tyrion (Peter Dinklage), as the Queen’s Hand greets the arriving King of the North on the beach with Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and a gaggle of Dothraki at his back. I loved their first exchange as it perfectly encapsulates their relationship and the deep understanding they have of each other due to their similar upbringings. Tyrion says “Bastard of Winterfell” and Jon replies “Dwarf of Casterly Rock.” And then they both smile before shaking hands.

Jon remarks that Tyrion has picked up some scars along the road since he last some him “pissing off the edge” of the Wall. It’s a nice way of acknowledging that Tyrion is a very different man both inside and out since they last met. Tyrion makes the same gesture when he says it’s been a long road – Jon has grown up and learned about the world – and about loss.

Then they move on to introducing their seconds – Davos (Liam Cunningham) and Missandei. And was anyone not excited to see Davos meet Tyrion? Missandei greets them on behalf of her Queen, thanking them for making the long journey – and they leave it up to her to sweetly ask them to hand over their weapons. Jon has soldiers of his own, so it would have been an even fight between them and the Dothraki, but Jon knows when to pick his battles. He hesitates, and Davos doesn’t look happy, but Jon agrees. Tyrion’s reaction is perhaps the most interesting as he looks embarrassed. The Dothraki also take their boat – they won’t be leaving on their own schedule.

Davos asks Missandei where she’s from – he can’t quite place the accent. He then says he’s heard that the Island of Narth is beautiful. He hasn’t been himself. Missandei simply smiles and keeps walking. Davos is a skilled statesman, regardless of his poor background, and he falls back to deliver his judgement to Jon – this place has changed. And I’m thinking he means for the better. Jon’s men stay at the shore, leaving Davos and Jon to enter Dragonstone alone.

As they walk up that gorgeous long bridge, Tyrion asks after Sansa (Sophie Turner), and it’s clear that he does care about her. He is, as always, self-deprecating: “Does she miss me terribly?” Again, this exchange tells us so much about Tyrion’s character. Jon is at first nonplused by Tyrion making light of the marriage his sister was forced into. Tyrion quickly assures him that it was a sham marriage and never consummated. Tyrion compliments Sansa as much smarter than she lets on, and Jon remarks, with chagrin, “She’s startin’ to let on…”

The two remark that they’d like to hear each other’s tales when they get a chance. Jon remarks that his bannermen think he’s a fool for coming south. Tyrion tells him he would have advised against it if he’d been his Hand – Stark men don’t fare well when they come south. But then Jon isn’t a Stark, is he? That’s what Jon tells Tyrion – but he doesn’t really know the full extent to which he isn’t a Stark. They are interrupted by the arrival of the dragons.

Jon and Davos hit the ground. Missandei just smiles down at them. Tyrion offers Jon a hand to get back up, telling him that he’d say you get used to them, but you never really do! It’s another lovely little display of power. Tyrion tells them, “Come. Their mother is waiting for you.” Davos and Jon exchange a look. Have they bitten off more than they can chew? But it’s also one of the reasons they’re there. Fire against ice.

Melisandre (Carice van Houten) watches from the cliffs. Varys (Conleth Hill) joins her. He clearly doesn’t like her – or any of the Red Priestesses who keep telling him horrible prophecies! He’s highly suspicious that she pushed to call the King of the North yet doesn’t want to see him herself. Of course, we know why she can’t be seen – Davos will kill her on the spot.

Melisandre tells Varys that her time counselling Kings has come to an end. He tells her, “I doubt that. Give us common folk one taste of power, we’re like the lion who tasted man. Nothing is ever so sweet again.” Varys was particularly threatening in this scene – is he still running a double agenda, or simply protecting his Queen? Melisandre points out that neither of them are common folk any longer.

She does admit that she didn’t part on good terms with either Jon or Davos, and she looks truly unhappy and contrite when she admits to making terrible mistakes. She tells him she’d only be a distraction if she stayed, and that she’s leaving Westeros. He tells her that’s good – and that she should stay away as he doesn’t think she’d be safe in Westeros.

Melisandre tells the Spider that she will have to return one last time. She’s fated to die in this strange country – just as he is. And once again, a Red Priestess catches the Spider off guard. She gets the last word.

Jon and Davos enter the throne room, and Daenerys continues her intimidation tactics. Daenerys remains aloof upon her throne. Jon and Davos are only about mid-way to the throne which is also slightly raised – not quite the same as the one in Meereen, but it gets the job done. Missandei introduces Daenerys: “You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryeon, rightful Heir to the Iron throne, rightful Queen of the Andels and First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.” The entire recitation has been carefully choreographed. Tyrion looks to see Jon’s reaction.

Jon really appears to be more discomfited by the pomp and ceremony than by the substance of what’s been said. Davos is an excellent tactician and good at reading a situation, but despite my earlier comment isn’t a polished statesman. Jon has to stare at him pointedly – clearly his second is supposed to introduce him! But they haven’t even discussed what to say, so Davos simply states, “This is Jon Snow.” Um. Obvious much? Daenerys is amused. So Davos adds, “He’s King of the North.” And Tyrion also smiles. Jon is perhaps not so different after all – still modest anyway!

Daenerys and Jon exchange pleasantries until Daenerys calls Jon, “Lord,” and Davos steps in to correct her – he’s not a Lord, he’s King of the North. Daenerys, equally apologetically, gives them a history lesson. Jon’s ancestor – the last King of the North – bent his knee to her ancestor and swore fealty to House Targaryen in perpetuity. Daenerys asks Tyrion to explain what perpetuity means – another way of demeaning Davos and Jon as “simple” folk. Tyrion replies “forever.” Daenerys remarks that she assumes that Jon is there to “bend the knee.”

I loved Jon’s reaction here. He sighs. This is so not what he wants to be spending precious time on. He cares nothing for pomp and circumstance – or even power. That’s not why he won’t bend the knee, and his refusal to do so has raised a great deal of speculation. My own theory is that it’s a complicated issue for Jon. It didn’t go well for Ned when he bent his knee. He points out that it didn’t go well for his ancestor either. Daenerys remarks that he’s come all that way to break faith with her house, and Jon points out that her ancestor burned his ancestors alive for their trouble. But that’s not the whole of it either. Let’s not forget Mance refusing to bend the knee and being executed for it – but the loyalty shown to him for it. Jon has sworn an oath to his Bannermen to be their King. He can’t bend the knee unless they want it.

Daenerys admits that her father was an evil man, and asks Jon’s forgiveness for the evil that he committed against Jon’s family. Jon’s surprised and looks to Tyrion, who gives him a small smile in return. Yes. She is remarkable, surprising, and not like the rest of her family! So much in one little glance! Daenerys points out that their Houses were allies for centuries and those were the best centuries the Seven Kingdoms have ever known. But she is stuck on Jon being no more than Warden of the North even as she also clearly wants to make the alliance.

Jon takes a moment to look around the chamber before answering. He tells her that she’s right. She’s not guilty of her father’s crimes, just as he’s not beholding to his ancestor’s vows. Daenerys is not pleased, and wants to know why he is there – if not to bend the knee. He tells her that he needs her help and she needs his. She’s not convinced and asks if he saw her dragons and Dothraki – she’s in no danger.

Davos agrees that she could have killed Cersei already – he mentions that “they” (he and Stannis) almost did it without dragons – and again, there’s a nice little throw away moment as Tyrion – who lead the Lannister army for most of that – says “almost…” It’s where he got the scar that Jon remarked on. But Jon already knows why she hasn’t done it. He proves himself to be an astute judge of character again. He knows she doesn’t want to kill 1,000s of innocent people. It makes her better than Cersei, anyway!

Jon doesn’t mince his words as he tries to tell Daenerys about the army of the Dead and the Night King. Even Tyrion is skeptical, but Jon asks him if he thinks he’s a liar or a madman, and Tyrion has to admit he thinks neither. Jon makes a huge misstep in calling Daenerys a child, but it’s once again Tyrion who smooths that over. Jon tries to move closer to make his point and is immediately blocked by Dothraki.

Daenerys, however, rises from the throne and moves closer as she replies. She gives Jon a brief history of all her hardships in exile. She tells him that what kept her going was not myths and legends but faith in herself. She tells Jon that she was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms, and she will. Finally they are standing eye to eye, and Jon tells her, “You’ll be ruling over a graveyard if we don’t defeat the Night King.”

Tyrion and Davos see that things are not going well and step in. Tyrion points out that they’ve already started the war against Cersei. Davos understands that Daenerys is skeptical, but looks for common ground between the two, pointing out that she was the first to bring Dothraki to Westeros and Jon was the first to make allies of the Wildlings. He finally starts to expound upon all of Jon’s credentials – he was made Lord of the Watch and King of the North and not because of his birthright – “he’s a damn bastard!” All those hard sons of bitches chose him as their leader because they believe in him. Davos becomes so impassioned by his own speech that he lets slip that Jon took a knife in his heart for his people. Jon shoots him a look – that’s not something he wants to get around! But Daenerys and Tyrion caught it.

Davos tells them that if they don’t help, it won’t matter whose skeleton sits upon the Iron Throne. Tyrion replies then if it doesn’t matter, bend the knee! But Jon has no desire to sit on the Iron Throne anyway, and tells them that there is no time. And there’s yet another reason why he can’t bend the knee. If he bends the knee, it means that he commits his troops to helping Daenerys – and he needs every soldier he has fighting in the north.

Jon tells Daenerys that he means no offence – really? ‘Cuz Daenerys is clearly taking offence – but his father fought to overthrow the mad King – her father. He doesn’t know her and her father seems to be her only claim to the throne. He doesn’t believe in her cause. “The Lords of the North put their trust in me to lead them, and I will continue to do so as well as I can.” Daenerys answers that its fair, but she also asserts that she is Queen and by placing himself as King, he is in open rebellion. Things might have continued to deteriorate, but they are interrupted by a messenger – with bad news from Varys about the fleet.

Daenerys wants to know if all the Greyjoys were killed or captured – and we see Theon (Alfie Allen) pulled from the sea by what’s left of their Ironborn. They know he didn’t try to save Yara (Gemma Whelan) or he’d be dead.

Euron (Pilou Asbaek) thoroughly enjoys parading Yara, Ellaria (Indira Varma), and Tyene (Rosabell Laurenti Sellers) through the streets of King’s Landing. Did he do it just to enjoy the cheers for himself and their debasement – or is he actually smart enough to know that Cersei (Lena Headey) would appreciate it? As much as I hate Euron, kudos to Asbaek for brilliantly bringing this boar to life! As he rides, he taunts Yara with Theon’s betrayal. My fondest wish is that Theon will somehow manage to find his courage again and kill his uncle…

Euron rides right into the Iron Throne room with his prizes. Ellaria is shocked to see the Mountain (Hafbor Julius Bjornsson). Euron presents Ellaria and Tyene to Cersei, but is clearly keeping Yara for himself. He rubs it in Jaime’s (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) face that he’s brought Cersei justice for her murdered daughter. Jaime’s daughter too, who was murdered while in his care.

Cersei admits that Euron has proved himself the greatest Captain on the 14 Seas. Cersei tells him that he will have what his heart desires – HER! – when the war is won. Euron will lead the navy and Jaime the army. The two stand together to the applause of the crowd. Euron enjoys it, but Jaime points out how fickle the people of King’s Landing are.

Euron then completely incenses Jaime by asking for sexual advice about Cersei! Jaime is so outraged he can’t even speak.

Cersei visits Ellaria and Tyene in their cell with Ser Gregor – and did anyone doubt where it was going when she was wearing that lipstick? She taunts Ellaria about Oberyn’s death. Cersei also points out that Oberyn had killed Gregor – and all Oberyn had to do was walk away – but he couldn’t refrain from taunting him. Tyene finally gets the truth of her father’s death.

Cersei goes on to talk about how much she loved Myrcella. She comments on Tyene’s beauty – “she must be your favorite.” She also remarks that you aren’t supposed to have favorites, but “we love who we love” – and we see her act on this later in the episode too. Ellaria is frantic – Varma is simply wonderful in this scene – she has no lines because of the gag, but says everything she needs to with her eyes.

Cersei tells her that they all make their choices. She tells Ellaria she lies awake at night thinking of how to get revenge on her enemies. She considered having Ser Gregor crush Ellaria’s skull – but that was too quick. She considered having Gregor crush Tyene’s skull in front of her. But she’s come up with a much more horrible and perhaps fitting punishment. She kisses Tyene. Qyburn (Anton Lesser) has made the same poison that killed Myrcella. Tyene will die chained in front of her mother, and Cersei plans to leave them both tied there so that Ellaria can watch as Tyene’s body rots. She will force feed Ellaria is she tries to starve herself.

Is this cruel? Yes. Is this stupid? Very possibly. You should never leave your worst enemies alive. I am still hopeful for Yara for the same reason – though I think that Euron is smart enough to kill off the competition – though maybe not so smart if he’s continuing to under-estimate her because she’s a woman.

Cersei leaves Ellaria – feeling as empowered as she imagined Ellaria felt after murdering Myrcella – and doing the thing that Ellaria couldn’t do then, Cersei returns to her lover. Jaime isn’t in the mood – no doubt thanks to Euron, but Cersei insists. The next day she refuses to hide their relationship anymore. And really why bother when everyone knows anyway. She insists that she is Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and will do as she wants. In the end, Jaime just laughs – after all, let it get back to Euron.

Cersei has a visitor from the Iron Bank – and I was thrilled to see Mark Gatiss back as Tycho Nestoris. He proves quickly that the Iron Bank cares about one thing only – it’s money. He doesn’t care about the destruction of the Sept and the thousands killed – it was time for rational leadership to restore order. He compliments Cersei many times on being her father’s daughter – and we all know that Tywin was a ruthless and heartless man who cared only about one thing – power. Tycho only cares about the cost of war and the fact that the Lannister coffers are empty. He mentions the loss of their wealthiest ally – the Tyrells – and again, it is wonderful foreshadowing for what’s coming later in the episode. Tycho insists that the Bank doesn’t “bet” – it invests in endeavors it deems likely to succeed.

Cersei lists her wins. Tycho knows that Euron isn’t trustworthy and Daenerys has dragons. Cersei assures him she has a plan to deal with the dragons, and reminds him that Daenerys ruined the slave trade, which the Bank was heavily involved with. Cersei reminds him that the Lannisters always pay their debts. She asks him to stay in King’s Landing for a fortnight as her honored guest and promises that when he leaves, her debt will be paid in full.

The scene between Jon and Tyrion on the cliffs was both beautiful and ridiculously well acted and written. Tyrion remarks that he’d come up there to brood, but Jon does it so much better, he feels like a failure at brooding! Hilarious! And a nice shout out to Kit Harrington’s perpetually broody expression!

Jon is not happy that they’ve taken his ship and he’s a prisoner. Tyrion denies they’ve taken his ship, but Jon refuses to play word games. He’s not there to be clever, he’s there to save his people. Tyrion isn’t happy and he remarks to Jon, “You figure out what to do about my missing fleet and murdered allies, and I’ll figure out what to do about your walking dead men.” Was this a shout out to The Walking Dead? Jon is frustrated and starts to say, “if someone told me about the White Walkers and the Night King…” and then even Jon seems to realize what it sounds like to Tyrion. He says, “you probably don’t believe me…”

But Tyrion does believe him. Jon remembers that Tyrion didn’t believe when he visited the wall. Tyrion tells Jon that both Jon and Mormont saw them and “I trust the eyes of an honest man more than what everybody knows.” Jon doesn’t know how to convince people who don’t know him to believe him. Tyrion doesn’t have an answer, but tells Jon people have a hard time believing in monsters that big.

Jon just wants to leave. Tyrion thinks it’s unlikely that he became King of the North by giving up that easily. But Jon feels like a fool. Tyrion tries to help Jon know Daenerys. He tells Jon that she could have sailed for Westeros a long time ago, but stayed where she was to help people: “She protects people from monsters.” He tries to get Jon to talk to those who know Daenerys. Tyrion also points out that she’s not going to go North to fight an enemy she’s never seen on the word of a man she doesn’t know. Tyrion tells him it’s not a reasonable thing to ask – but then he asks if he has anything reasonable to ask. Jon is still a little thick. Tyrion finally has to tell him, “I’m asking if there is anything that I can do to help.”

Finally!!! Tyrion goes to Daenerys and asks about the dragon glass. Daenerys wants to know why they’re talking about glass, when they’ve just lost two allies. Tyrion says that’s why he’s trying to win over a potential new ally. Daenerys wants to know what they are going to do with it, and Tyrion is unsure. She asks if he believes in the White Walkers, and Tyrion tells her “A wise man once said that you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it.” Daenerys presses him on what wise man said this – and we all know that who he’s talking about! Daenerys calls him on it: “Are you trying to present your own statements as ancient wisdom?” Tyrion says he would never do that – to her.

Tyrion tells her believing Jon is beside the point. Give him something that costs her nothing and secure his good will. Besides which, he’ll be busy in the North and therefore, no threat to them. Daenerys brings up what Davos said about Jon taking a knife to the heart. Tyrion insists that she “must allow them their flights of fancy. It’s dreary in the North.” Here is something else the two share – returning seemingly from the dead. Is Jon’s resurrection tied in some way to his Targaryen heritage?

Jon and Daenerys meet for a second time – this time alone. Daenerys is watching her dragons and tells Jon that she named them after her brothers – Viserys and Rhaegar. And as we know, Rhaegar is Jon’s real father. So, cool! Daenerys remarks on another thing they have in common – they’ve both lost two brothers.

Jon still doesn’t want to waste time on small talk. He asks her if she’s talked to Tyrion – who enjoys talking. Daenerys remarks that we all enjoy what we’re good at, and Jon remarks that he doesn’t. That gives Daenerys pause. Here’s a warrior who doesn’t enjoy killing – that’s a new one for her, and gives her some insight into Jon. He’s admitted to her that he doesn’t like killing, a strange thing for someone to admit if they want to intimidate you.

Daenerys still warns him that she’s not going to allow Cersei to remain on the Iron Throne – Jon has no problem with that – and she hasn’t changed her mind about what kingdoms belong to the Iron Throne – neither has he. But she does tell him that she’ll allow him to mine the dragon glass and forge weapons from it. In fact, she’ll provide the men and resources to do it. Jon thanks her. But she won’t say that she believes him. But she looks thoughtful as he leaves.

At Winterfell, Sansa proves herself to be a very capable leader, providing for eventualities and even catching that the armor isn’t being lined with leather – a problem to be in a tin can in freezing cold weather! Littlefinger (Aiden Gillen) thinks the Northerners are too focused on the threat to the North because they don’t know Cersei well enough. Sansa cuts him off at the knees when he tries to say that he knows Cersei better than anyone else at Winterfell. She says knows the woman who murdered her mother, father and brother is dangerous – and she sarcastically thanks him for his wise counsel! Littlefinger has the smallest smile on his face – he’s proud of her that she’ll fight back!

But he continues. Either the dead will win and all their problems will be over or they won’t, and life will go on. He then does give her wise council: “Don’t fight in the north or the south. Fight ever battle, everywhere, always, in your mind. Everyone is your enemy. Everyone is your friend. Every possible series of events is happening all at once. Live that way and nothing will surprise you. Everything that happens will be something that you’ve seen before.” Sansa drinks it all in. They are interrupted that someone is at the gate, and Sansa goes to see who it is. Littlefinger smiles – has he foreseen this? Gillen is simply tremendous in this scene.

The reunion between Sansa and Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) is everything we could have hoped for – except for Jon not being there, something Sansa remarks upon as the two sit together alone under the Weirwood tree. Bran remarks that he has something he needs to speak with him about – yes, you do! Like who his real father is! Actually, the reunion and subsequent conversation are somewhat marred by Bran’s being completely emotionless. I wonder if this is part of him always being at least partly in a kind of trance, between worlds and time as it were. I also wonder what will happen to Meera (Ellie Kendrick). Will Bran still need her?

Sansa tells Bran that as Ned’s last living son, he is now Lord of Winterfell, and I was glad that the show addressed this right away. Bran tells her that he can never be Lord of anything. He has a higher calling – he’s the Three-Eyed Raven now. Sansa has no idea what he’s talking about and asks him to explain. He tells her that it means he can see everything, but he needs to be able to see better – right now it’s all fragments. Bran demonstrates his gift by telling her that he’s sorry for all that’s happened to her – and he goes on to describe her wedding. Sansa is clearly freaked out and leaves Bran alone under the tree.

At the Citadel, the Archmaester (Jim Broadbent) finds Jorah (Iain Glen) cured! He knows exactly what’s happened, but Jorah lies to protect Sam (John Bradley). After the Archmaester tells Jorah he’s free to go and tells Sam to come and see him that night, Jorah tells Sam that he owes his life to Daenerys (for not letting him just give up) and Sam for curing him.

Sam is his usual self-deprecating self. He tells Jorah it was the least he could do, considering that Jorah’s father saved him more than once. Jorah says perhaps their paths will cross again, and Sam says he hopes they do – me too!!! Sam holds out his hand – the first hand that Jorah has been able to shake in a long time.

The Archmaester asks Sam if he treated Jorah – yes – who told him to – no one – was he forbidden to try – yes – but he did so anyway – yes. The Archmaester tells Sam that he forbade it because it was dangerous and rarely successful. Sam could have infected himself and devastated the entire Citadel. Sam looks stricken. However, the Archmaester also recognizes that Sam didn’t. He also sees that Sam performed a meticulous job of a difficult procedure that many experienced healing Maesters haven’t been able to do. When he asks Sam how he succeeded, Sam’s answer again belies his modest nature: “I read the book and followed the instructions.” Oh Sam.

The Archmaester tells him that Jorah is alive because of him, and he should be proud. He then shows Sam a table full of old manuscripts and scrolls that he wants Sam to copy. He’s not getting a reward! He did disobey after all. But what is in those scrolls and books? Is it perhaps a collection of the materials that Sam has been trying to get access to?

Daenerys holds a strategy meeting. She wants to take the dragons and destroy Euron’s fleet. Varys, Missandei and Tyrion all feel it is too dangerous. She insists that she won’t be alone – she’ll have her dragons. But that doesn’t make her impervious to arrows.

The fight for Casterly Rock is nicely overlaid by Tyrion’s explanation of how they will take it. Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson) leads the charge. Tryion tells them that the gates and walls are impervious and will be well-manned. But they have a secret weapon. Tywin punished Tyrion by making him build the sewers of the castle – and Tyrion built a way in for his whores. Tyrion quotes Bronn’s (Jerome Flynn) remarks from their first sight of the Eerie: “Give me ten good men, and I’ll impregnate the bitch.” It’s going to be very sad to see these two on opposite sides of the battlefield.

Tyrion remarks that even though they’ll be outnumbered, the Unsullied are fighting for freedom and the Queen who gave it to them – Cersei’s army fight out of fear – and that’s why they’ll triumph. Actually, they aren’t that outnumbered because the bulk of the Lannister army is marching on – and taking High Garden. Bronn, Jaime, and Sam’s father and brother are all there. Euron’s navy destroys Grey Worm’s ships.

Jaime takes High Garden and comes to Olenna, who is waiting for him. Jaime explains that they emptied the larder at Casterly Rock before they left. Grey Worm will be forced to abandon his position and march across Westeros to rejoin Daenerys. Jaime tells Olenna that he learned from the tactics that Rob Stark used to defeat him. Jaime tells Olenna “there are always lessons in failure.” And Olenna’s tongue is no less sharp than it always was: “You must be very wise by now.”

Olenna asks how Jaime will do it. She has no illusions, she knows he’s there to execute her. She asks if he’ll use his sword – Joffrey’s sword. She asks to be reminded what he called it, and embarrassed, Jamie tells her “Widow’s Wail.” She remarks, “He really was a cunt, wasn’t he?” Jaime doesn’t answer – he was his son after all. Olenna tells him that she’s done horrible things to protect her family and never lost a night’s sleep, but Cersei has done things she couldn’t even imagine: “That was my prize mistake – a failure of imagination.” She tells Jaime that Cersei is a monster.

Jaime concedes that she must seem so to Olenna and others, but when people are living in the peaceful world that she’s built, she won’t be seen that way. Olenna realizes that Jaime loves Cersei so much that he can’t see what she is truly like. Olenna believes that Cersei will be the end of him – and it’s gone beyond his control. And I loved that little shout out to Dangerous Liaisons. For her own part, Olenna says that Cersei is a disease and she regrets her part in spreading it. And that’s it for Jaime.

Jaime tells her some of the ways that Cersei had imagined Olenna’s death. Even Olenna looks a bit concerned. Jaime talked her out of those, opting for a painless poison, which Olenna downs in a single go. And then she delivers her own death blow. She admits to having been shocked at Joffrey’s terrible death, but she’d never seen the poison work. She admits to Jaime’s horror that she was the one who killed his son – and she wanted to make sure that Cersei knew it was her! Jaime turns on his heel and leaves – before we actually see Olenna die. Could she possibly have an antidote somewhere? Never leave your enemy alive Jaime!

I’m not surprised to see the war going badly for Daenerys at this point – she can’t win too quickly, right? But things do seem to be going very badly. What did you think of the episode? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below – but if you’ve seen the leaked episode, please, please, please to NOT comment on it here!

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