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Game of Thrones - Eastwatch - Review

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Game of Thrones “Eastwatch” was written by Dave Hill and directed by Matt Shakman, who also directed “The Spoils of War.” Hill has been a story editor since season two and has written other episodes, but perhaps most interestingly, he’s listed as writer for the first episode of the last season (8). The episode again delivers an episode that is jam-packed with action, reunions, and even a few surprises. The entire cast delivers spectacular performances.

The episode begins by letting us know immediately that Bronn (Jerome Flynn) has saved Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) from a watery grave. In fact, Bronn tells Jaime that no one is killing Jaime (except maybe Bronn!) until Bronn gets everything that Jaime has promised him. We’ll handwave at the fact that Jaime’s armor would have been ridiculously heavy – not to mention that gold hand…

Jaime accuses Bronn that he could have killed him, but Bronn is clearly wondering if Jaime has a death wish. Jaime is clearly terrified that Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) will really use all three of her dragons. And of course, he thinks she will because that is what Cersei would do. Bronn informs him that he draws the line at dragons! Bronn knows they can’t win – and so does Jaime. He knows that somehow, he’s to talk sense into Cersei… and good luck with that.

We get a beautiful shot of Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) walking through the wreckage of the battlefield. These were men he knew. Men he fought with in King’s Landing. These are the same feelings that Dickon (Tom Hopper) expressed to Jaime in the last episode.

Meanwhile, Daenerys addresses the captured soldiers. She tells them that everything Cersei has said about her is a lie. She hasn’t come to destroy anything. She points out that that is Cersei Lannister, not her. She’s not there to murder – she’s there to destroy “the wheel that has rolled over rich and poor. To the benefit of no one but the Cersei Lannisters of the world.” She gives them the choice to bend the knee and join her – or refuse and die. Many of them immediately kneel and they are soon joined by almost everyone else when Drogon roars. Coercion isn’t going to win her loyal followers. And the cowards would have been the first to kneel.

Dickon and Randyll (James Faulkner) are among the few left standing, and Daenerys asks Randyll to step forward. He tells her he won’t kneel because he already has a Queen, and Tyrion steps in to point out that Cersei (Lena Headey) wasn’t his Queen until recently – when she murdered his rightful Queen – a Tyrell too – and all the Tyrell’s – Randyll’s traditional allies! In case we’d forgotten what a shit he was. Tyrion bluntly points out that Randyll’s allegiances are “somewhat flexible.” Randyll defends himself that there are no easy choices, but Cersei has lived in Westeros her whole life. Randyll throws Tyrion’s own history of killing Tywin and following Daenerys – with an army of savages at her back – back at him.

Daenerys says she respects his choice. Tyrion steps in again, and ironically, suggests that Randyll could take the Black – LOL – like he made Sam (John Bradley) do! But Randyll tells her that she can’t send him to the wall because she’s not his Queen. The Dothraki pull Randyll forward to meet his fate, and Dickon steps forward insisting they must take him too.

For once, Randyll isn’t a prick, and I almost felt for him. Both Randyll and Tyrion try to dissuade Dickon. Randyll clearly loves his son, and Tyrion clearly doesn’t want to see a young man sacrifice his life and another old house decimated. Tyrion once again appeals to Daenerys.

Tyrion pleads for Daenerys to simply imprison Dickon for a few weeks to bring him to his senses. But Daenerys is the Breaker of Chains and she refuses to put anyone in chains. She also points out that she’s not beheading anyone. Dickon and Randyll are lead away from the others. Randyll grabs Dickon’s arm, and Daenerys sentences them to die – by Drogon’s fire. The others all kneel – but the Dragon fire is just as much a chain of fear as any iron chain. It seems unlikely that the men she has conquered here will become loyal followers like the Unsullied.

However, when Jaime reports to Cersei, she tells him they have the money and support to replace their army with mercenaries. But will mercenaries fight any better than those coerced by fear? Won’t the mercenaries, like Bronn – our favorite mercenary – draw the line at dragons? Jaime also tell her that the Dothraki are the most terrifying army he’s ever seen – battle is sport to them. And the bolts Qyburn (Anton Lesser) came up with didn’t stop the dragon – and she has three of them! He tells her this isn’t a war they can win.

Cersei wants to know what they can do. Daenerys thinks she’s winning so she won’t offer good terms. Tyrion might intercede on their behalf out of guilt over killing Tywin and Joffrey. And Jaime finally tells her the truth – Tyrion had nothing to do with murdering Joffrey. Cersei doesn’t want to believe Olenna’s dying confession, but Jaime is a realist and asks her who she’d rather see her granddaughter married to – Joffrey or Tommen. And even Cersei has to see the truth to that. Tommen would have made Olenna the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.

Cersei sees only two choices: fight and die or submit and die. And we know she’s never going to submit. She admonishes Jaime that a soldier should know the right choice.

We get a beautiful sequence of Jon (Kit Harignton) welcoming Drogon – and Daenerys back. I think we can forgive the lack of direwolves for the beauty of this CGI meeting. Harrington is wonderful in this sequence as his hand shakes as he reaches out to touch the dragon and his face is a mask of wonder. It’s clear that he now sees the beauty in them too. Drogon’s reaction is even more telling – does he recognize that Targaryen DNA? Or does he simply recognize a fellow warrior? I suspect the former. Daenerys is impressed by Drogon’s acceptance.

I loved Daenerys saying that they are beautiful, and Jon scoffing that wasn’t the word he’d use, but he quickly realizes that’s the wrong answer and agrees they are gorgeous beasts. Again, Daenerys schools him – they aren’t beasts, they are her children. She tells Jon that she now has fewer enemies than she had yesterday. Interestingly, she doesn’t say she won or gloat about it. Jon is also somber over the news even though these are his enemies too. It’s a nice contrast to Cersei’s bloodthirsty wish in the last scene to have made Olenna suffer more before her death.

Daenerys asks Jon how many he killed to take back Winterfell. Daenerys points out that the both want to help people, but that can only be done from a position of strength: “Sometimes strength is terrible.” Daenarys then asks about Davos’ (Liam Cunningham) remark that Jon had taken a knife to the heart. Jon equivocates again, but he’s saved from outright lying by the interruption of the Dothraki – and the return of Jorah (Iain Glen)!

It’s a beautiful shot as Jorah suddenly appears from behind the Dothraki. Clarke does a wonderful job showing Daenerys’ joy at the return of her friend. Daenerys introduces Jon, who naturally, immediately mentions that he served with Jorah’s father. And was anyone else savagely disappointed that he never mentioned that Sam was the one who cured him?? And hey, you might know this guy…. Daenerys is pleased by how strong he looks. He’s back and ready to serve her.

        Truth be told, I was also disappointed that he didn’t mention Lyanna. Jon watches as Daenerys hugs Jorah and his face looks… thoughtful? I don’t believe he is jealous, just curious as to how Jorah fits in to the power dynamics. He’s also heard about Jorah and may be wondering if he can be trusted.

The action shifts to Winterfell. Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) has sent out his ravens for news on the Army of the Dead. He finds them and it’s huge – and his messengers are scattered by the Night King (Vladimir Furdik). Bran comes back to himself and tells Maester Wolkan (Richard Rycroft) that they need to send out ravens.

One of them ends up in the hands of Archmaester Ebrose (Jim Broadbent). Sam ends up in the room and overhears the Maesters scoffing about the message from the crippled boy. Sam immediately jumps in and identifies the crippled boy as Brandon Stark – who he lead through the wall years ago. Sam points out how amazing it is that a crippled boy survived for years beyond the wall when no one else could. He suggests that that alone should make them listen to what he has to say.

The other Maesters still want to dismiss Sam and the note, but the Archmaester asks Sam what else he has to say. Sam steps forward, clears his throat, and begins with a compliment – “Everyone in Westeros trusts and respects you.” And then he goes on with his more detailed proposal. He wants them to endorse the threat as real and have everyone send men north to defend the wall. And he also wants every Maester in the Citadel to start scouring every scroll for information on the Long Night in hopes of finding something that will allow them to defeat the Army of the Dead for good.

There is a brief moment when it looks like Sam’s words have finally had the effect we’ve been waiting for. The Archmaester looks completely receptive and says, “It could be done…” But then he goes on – “and this news could be authentic. It’s possible. It’s also possible that this message is part of a ploy by the Dragon Queen.” The Maesters believe the ploy to be more credible. Sam’s hope turns to frustrated anger.

Sam insists it’s real. He’s seen it. The Archmaester promises to contact Wolkan for clarification. But the academics want more proof. The Archmaester dismisses Sam, who is clearly disgusted and slams the door on the way out. One of the Maesters (Julian Firth) asks if Sam is the one whose father and brother were just burned alive. The Archmaester confirms it, and he is clearly putting of the painful task of telling Sam. The Archmaester also remarks that Sam is a good lad.

The action goes back to Dragonstone, and Tyrion and Varys (Conleth Hill) are sharing a drink. Is it possible to ever have enough scenes between these two? Tyrion is trying to justify Daenerys’ actions. Varys suggests she did have a choice other than burning Dickon and Randyll to death. Tyrion tries to distance himself from it too: “I’m her hand, not her head. I can’t make her decisions for her.” Varys tells Tyrion that he told himself the same things about Daenerys’ father: “I’m not the one doing it.”

Tyrion insists that Daenerys is not her father. And Varys adds she never will be – with the right council. It’s clear that he wished he’d interceded with her father – though as he was mad, that seems like it really wasn’t an option. Varys insists that Tyrion has to find a way to make her listen.

Tyrion changes the subject to the scroll that Varys is playing with. He asks what it is and Varys explains it’s a sealed scroll for Jon – implying he doesn’t know what it says. Tyrion knows better – of course Varys has read it! Varys says it’s not good news.

The news of the Army of the Dead overwhelms any happiness that Jon might feel that both Bran and Arya (Maisie Williams) are still alive. Varys points out that the wall has kept the Army out for thousands of years, but Jon insists that he has to go home to help defend Eastwatch. The title of the episode rather gives away the ending of the episode…

Daenerys points out that Jon doesn’t have enough men, but she won’t go with him because as soon as she leaves, Cersei will march in. Tyrion finds a way to get Daenerys to listen. He suggests that if they can show Cersei proof, they can get her to call a halt to the war to fight the common enemy. He suggest capturing and bringing a Wight to King’s Landing. Varys points out that they also have to get an audience with Cersei – and avoid being killed the minute they arrive. Tyrion knows that Jaime is the only person Cersei will listen to.

Davos – the smuggler! – can get Tyrion into King’s Landing. Jorah is eager to volunteer to go north to get the Wight. Davos points out that the freefolk won’t follow Jorah, but Jon says they won’t have to – he’s going too. Interestingly, Daenerys looks more stricken that Jon is going. Davos doesn’t want him to go – he’s King of the North now! Jorah watches Daenerys and clearly sees her concern for Jon.

Daenerys tells Jon she hasn’t given him permission to leave – and we see another reason that Jon didn’t bend the knee to her – he isn’t subject to her orders. He tells her “With respect, your Grace, I don’t need your permission. I am a King. I came here knowing that you could have your men behead me or your dragons burn me alive. I put my trust in you. A stranger. Because I knew it was the best chance for my people. For all our people. Now I’m asking you to trust in a stranger because it’s our best chance.” Daenerys and Tyrion share a look, but it’s clear that she will trust him.

At Winterfell, the Lords are not happy. They criticize Jon’s decision to go south and speculate that they should have followed Sansa (Sophie Turner). Sansa tells them that they chose Jon and he’s doing what he thinks best – she doesn’t capitalize on her own chance to be crowned. Arya watches and smiles when Sansa puts the Lords off.

We get a nice walk and talk with the two sisters through Winterfell that ends in Sansa’s chambers. How is it that Arya is only just finding out that Sansa is in their parents’ apartments? Sansa is not happy with Jon, and there’s a nice bridge from the previous scene as Arya tells Sansa that Jon is trusting Sansa to hold the North for him. But are the siblings also strangers? Arya points out that Sansa always liked nice things – they made her feel better than everyone.

Arya is an astute judge of character – but she seems to falter in this episode. She insists that Sansa didn’t defend Jon with the Lords, but Sansa tells her she simply listened to their complaints. And actually, that is the perfect tactic. The Lords simply want to vent. Letting them vent, diffuses the situation. However, Arya insists that Sansa is concerned about their opinions. Sansa points out that if she offends the Lords, she’ll lose their armies – for Jon. Interestingly, Ayra’s answer is violence. They can’t leave if they lost their heads first. It’s a really interesting contrast between the two sisters. They’ve learned very different kinds of diplomacy.

Sansa sees that Arya doesn’t understand this kind of diplomacy, but points out that she understands the violence that Arya favors – “Winterfell didn’t just fall in our laps.” Sansa is trying to hold it all together. Sansa tells Arya, “I’m sure cutting off heads is very satisfying, but that’s not how you get people to work together.” And Oh My God – Sansa is getting this right while Daenerys is not! Arya accuses Sansa of setting up to get what she really wants – if Jon doesn’t come back. Sansa wonders how Arya could even think such a horrible thing. Arya accuses Sansa of thinking that very thought – even though she doesn’t want to be. Sansa looks troubled. She might be wondering about what happens if Jon doesn’t come back, but I’d like to think it’s not for the same reason that Arya is accusing her of. Sansa has seen too much violence to put nice things ahead of peace and safety.

Davos and Tyrion arrive at the “back door” to King’s Landing. Tyrion remarks that the last time he was there, he killed his father. And Davos reminds us that the two used to be on very different sides – the last time he was in King’s Landing, Tyrion killed his son with Wild Fire. Tyrion looks a little worried – maybe Davos won’t be too careful about getting Tyrion back out.

Davos heads up the stairs ahead of Tyrion, and Tyrion is concerned that Davos is staying with the boat. Davos maintains that he has his own business in Fleabottom (Oh YES, he does!) and Tyrion worries about what happens if someone takes the boat. Davos tells him, “then we’re fucked. Best hurry!”

Bronn appears to be taking Jaime for a sparring lesson in the basement of the castle, but of course, Bronn is interested in keeping Jaime alive – and not having to face dragons, so of course, he’s struck up his relationship with Tyrion! And his purpose is to reunite the two brothers. I am sad that we didn’t get to see the reunion between Tyrion and Bronn. However, it was wonderful to see the brothers together again.

Tyrion compliments Jaime on being three steps ahead of him at Casterly Rock. Tyrion clearly feels badly about the broken relationship with his brother. Jaime tells him that he told Bronn that if he ever saw Tyrion again, he’d cut him in half. Typically, Tyrion makes a joke out of it. “It will take you a while with a sparring sword.” And that was clearly at least part of Bronn’s plan by saying they were going to spar – he disarmed Jaime.

Jaime isn’t laughing, however. Coster-Waldau is wonderful in this scene as he fights back tears – he both loves and hates his brother – how can he forgive him for killing the father he loved (though why he loved Tywin after all Tywin did to him is curious). Tyrion pleads for his brother’s understanding. Tywin was going to kill Tyrion simply because of what he was – Tywin knew that Tyrion was innocent of killing Joffrey. And of course, Jaime knows that is true. Tyrion pleads with Jaime – “do you think I wanted to be born this way?”

Jaime doesn’t want to have to forgive Tyrion and demands to know what he wants. Tyrion gets down to business. They both know that Daenerys is going to win the war. Jaime doesn’t deny it. And then Tyrion makes an interesting statement. He tells Jaime that Daenerys isn’t her father – which sets up an interesting parallel to Cersei who people keep telling us is like her father and she even keeps asking herself what would Tywin do? She IS her cruel father’s daughter – right down to his hatred for Tyrion.

Tyrion tells Jaime that Daenerys is even willing to suspend hostilities if Cersei agrees to some terms. Jaime tells him that if he wants Cersei to bend the knee, he can ask! I wouldn’t do it either! But Tyrion says that neither he nor Daenerys want that… at least not right now. Tyrion tells him she has a more important request – and that does peak Jaime’s interest.

In Fleabottom, we finally are reunited with a character that many of us wondered if we’d ever see again – Gendry (Joe Dempsie)! And of course, Davos finds him in the Street of Steel, plying his trade as a Blacksmith. I really liked how the episode subtly reminded us of Gendry’s story. Davos remarks that he thought Gendry might still have been rowing – as he was when last we saw him, when Davos set him free. Gendry wonders that Davos wasn’t worried that the Gold Cloaks (guards) would have recognized him, but Davos tells him “Nothing fucks you harder than time” – he’s changed so much, he barely recognizes himself.

Gendry tells Davos he was right. Safest place for him was right under the Queen’s nose – nobody has given him any trouble. Gendry doesn’t hesitate. He’s thought about leaving with every “swing of the hammer” – there’s a reason why that is his weapon of choice! He’s not happy making weapons for the family that killed his father – and tried to kill him. He knew he was getting ready for something – he just didn’t know what.

Davos tells Gendry to keep his father’s name to himself. They don’t need another heir to the throne! The two are interrupted by two Gold Cloaks. Davos tries to bribe them with gold, but then they want to know what’s in the boat. We don’t know what’s in the boat, so there’s a nice bit of tension built up before we find out that Davos has stocked the boat with fermented crab. Did he? Or was it just spoiling in the boat they stole? He tells the two that it’s an aphrodisiac and gives them a taste – telling them to hurry to their favorite brothel.

Naturally as the two head up the stair, Tyrion suddenly appears. The Gold Cloaks recognize Tyrion’s scar. And Gendry proves his worth by hammering it home! Davos introduces Gendry, and Tyrion declares he’ll do.

Jaime interrupts Qyburn and Cersei. She says he was there because he’s the Hand of the Queen. Jaime tells Cersei that he’s met with Tyrion and Daenerys wants an armistice. He tells her about the Army of the Dead and that Tyrion has promised proof. Cersei wants to know if Jaime is going to punish Bronn for setting up a meeting without his knowledge or consent. It’s chilling that she ignores Jaime’s question about punishing Tyrion – she is clearly planning that herself. It’s also chilling that Bronn has come under her notice. This can only be bad for Bronn. Will she take it upon herself to punish him? Jaime also looks worried.

He wonders why she let the meeting take place. She admits that she knows Daenerys can beat them, and if they are going to win, they will have to be clever. They have to fight her “like father would have.” It resonates perfectly with Tyrion’s remarks about Daenerys NOT being her father. Cersei says whatever stands in their way, they will defeat it – “for this” and then she drops her bombshell – SHE’S PREGNANT!!! Is she? Is it natural? Is this another of Qyburn’s experiments?

Jaime is gobsmacked – and then so happy when she says that she will tell people that he is the father. He knows that people won’t like it – but he clearly desperately wants it. And Cersei reminds him what their father used to say: “the Lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep.” I thought this was also a nice throwback to Daenerys’ rule and the sheep farmer who came to her about his dead sheep – and then his dead child, which caused her to imprison her own children – the dragons. Cersei and Jaime embrace – Cersei looks happy, but tells Jaime never to betray her again – and Jaime looks worried.

Back at Dragonstone, Davos tells Gendry again to keep his identity secret. He’s going to introduce him to Jon, but Gendry is just to say that he’s a Blacksmith come to work at the Winterfell forges. And the first thing Gendry does is tell Jon that he’s Robert Baratheon’s bastard son! Their fathers trusted each other, so why shouldn’t they. Jon mentions having seen Robert at Winterfell and Gendry talks about meeting Ned at the forge in Fleabottom. Jon remarks that Gendry is leaner than his father and Gendry tells Jon that he’s shorter! Jon looks less than impressed – but it’s hilarious!

And then he laughs. Jon grew up on stories of the two, but all Gendry knows is the two fought together and won. He wants to join Jon’s army – not work in the forge. Davos isn’t happy, but admits that Gendry can handle himself. He tries one last time with words of wisdom from his own father: “It’s better to be a coward for a minute than dead for the rest of your life.” Gendry insists that he can’t wait out the war. Davos bitterly tells them, “Nobody mind me. All I’ve ever done is live to a ripe old age.” And that had better not change!!

The band of heroes pack up to leave. Tyrion tells Jorah that he might not believe it, but he’s missed him. I loved him saying nobody talks as much – not even Grey Worm! Tyrion gives Jorah the coin from the slaver for good luck – but he tells him to bring it back because Daenerys needs him.

Daenerys takes her leave by taking Jorah’s hands and remarking they should be better at saying goodbye now. Jorah glances toward Jon. He has to know that Jon is a better consort for his Queen than he can ever be. Is he willing to settle for being just the trusted friend? Or perhaps he still hopes to die in her service?

Regardless, Jorah is replaced by Jon as he takes his leave. Jon tells her that at least if he doesn’t return, she won’t have to deal with the King in the North anymore, but she says she’s grown used to him. Jon wishes her good fortune in the wars to come. It’s clear that regardless of the mission, he’s not coming back and he’s not bending the knee.

Back at the Citadel, Sam is pouring over his books while Gilly (Hannah Murray) reads little bits of what seem to be insignificant trivia. Sam has clearly reached the end of his rope. I loved her asking him to guess how many windows there are in the Great Sept of Balor, and Sam saying “None. Any more…” And then, Gilly comes upon the most important bit of information EVER – and Sam cuts her off!!! Here is proof that Raegar annulled his first marriage and married Jon’s mother in a secret ceremony in Doorn. It’s to Gilly’s credits that she doesn’t get mad at Sam when he goes off on her.

Sam is done waiting for the Maesters to act. If only he had gotten to transcribing Maynard’s records! We can only hope at this point that Sam has taken that book with him too – or that Gilly was enjoying it enough to make sure she took it. Gilly asks Sam if he’s sure he wants to leave – he’d always wanted to be a Maester. Sam tells her: “I’m tired of reading about the achievements of better men.” And the two leave – and before Sam has learned about his father and brother.

Back at Winterfell, it seems that Arya is suspicious of Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen). But let’s not forget the look he gave her when she fought to a draw with Brienne (Gwendoline Christie). Arya sees Littlefinger pass a note to a woman (Adele Smyth-Kennedy) and then watches as Maester Wolkan hands him a note he’s found in the archives.

Arya breaks into Littlefingers locked room and finds the note hidden in a hole in his matress. It’s impossible to read what it says – but given how long it’s been in the archives much must have happened since it was written. As Arya leaves, Littlefinger is watching from the shadows. He’s clearly setting Arya up – is he trying to pit her against Sansa? That would be my assumption. There’s no doubt that he sees Arya as a threat.

At Eastwatch, we get yet more meetings that we’ve been waiting for. But first we have Tormund (Kristofer Hivju) reprimanding Davos for not preventing Jon from making stupid decisions! Tormund wants to know how many Queens there are now – and whether Jon needs to convince the one with the dragons or the one who fucks her brother – yep. Everyone knows. It’s both. Tormund wants to know how many men Jon brought – and most adorably if he’s brought the “big woman!” Jon laughs at that – he ships them too! I know he does!

Jorah says he hopes Tormund will lend them some of his men. Davos says he’ll stay behind because he’s a liability out there, and Tormund agrees! He also asks Jon if he’s sure he wants to go out there. Jon clearly doesn’t – but he has to. Tormund then reveals that they aren’t the only ones wanting to go beyond the wall and reveals his prisoners.

Jon immediately recognizes the Hound (Rory McCann). Oh, if Tormund knew about Brienne’s history with the Hound! God, please give us that scene…. Jon mentions seeing the Hound at Winterfell. Tormund says they want to go beyond the wall too, and Beric (Richard Dormer) corrects him, saying they don’t want to, they have to. He tells them that their Lord told them the great war is coming.

Gendry jumps in to insist that they not trust him. He’s had rather a nasty history with the Lord of Light’s followers after all! And Gendry reminds us that is was these very men who captured him and sold him to the Red Witch to be murdered. It’s where Gendry and Arya parted company.

Thoros (Paul Kaye) greets Jorah with his full name – and Tormund looks shocked and realizes that he’s a Mormont like the last Lord Commander – who hunted the Freefolk like animals. Jorah has no love for them as they returned the favor. It seems this is definitely not going to be a friendly bunch!

Beric points out that they are all going in the same direction for the same reason. Davos insists that they don’t have the same reasons, and Beric says it doesn’t matter what they think their reasons are – and he’s right. It only matters that they fight together. Beric insists there’s a greater purpose at work. The Hound cuts the discussion short – who cares? Are they going with or not?

Jon insists that they’re all on the same side. They’re all breathing. And we get a magnificent shot – of the magnificent seven as they head out beyond the wall.

Lots of terrific effects in this episode. It was perhaps a bit light on action, but more than made up for it with the scenes that really moved the plot along. A special shout out to Liam Cunningham as Davos was in particularly fine form in this episode. Lots to ponder. Is Cersei really pregnant? Is she using the baby – real or not – to keep Jaime in line? What will the Archmaester’s reaction be to Sam’s disappearance? Will Sam ever read the truth about Jon’s birth? Can the magnificent seven put aside their differences to fight the Army of the Dead? Surely, if they can, the Seven Kingdoms can do the same! What did you think of the episode? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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