Dark Matter - One Last Card To Play - Advance Preview: “Twists and Turns”
4 Jul 2017
AM Dark Matter ReviewsThings take a very interesting and confusing turn in the next episode which is full of wild and unexpected twists. A plot point from last season is finally answered and the answer is quite unexpected. Friends become enemies and enemies become allies. It’s a twisted and sordid back and forth battle that draws lines and sets up some pretty big future plot points. By the end of the hour, the crew will undergo some changes and the fate of one will be left unknown.
This is a tense and dramatic episode. It has its usual snarky moments, but this one is drastically more serious than last week and the stakes are way higher. The whole crew has to work together and trust in all their time together to tackle the mission at hand. This will test them in very unexpected ways. Instead of having a heavy focus on just one character this episode is spread out across the whole crew. While they are busy dealing with the situation at hand, Ryo is still busy trying to figure out how to deal with his former crewmates. An event that happens early on makes things considerably more difficult on the struggling Emperor.
From start to finish the episode is high intensity and action filled, but the final act is a little more low-key. It does have the one big intense and shocking cliffhanger that fades out the episode, but just prior to it there is another equally intriguing plot point put into play. The final cliffhanger will hopefully be the focus of the next episode because to leave fans hanging on it too long would just be cruel. The one that precedes it though looks like it will likely simmer for a bit before we get to see how it will play out.
All around this is an action packed intense adventure episode that is surprising and entertaining from start to finish. It is full of unexpected twists and turns that keep the audience wondering what is going to happen next. And that is just about all that can be said. This preview is short and intentionally vague given that saying much of anything risks giving away some pretty big moments. Sit back and enjoy the ride, but be sure to pay attention. You won’t want to miss a second of this episode.
Don’t miss this episode when it airs this Friday, July 7th at 9/8c on SyFy in the US and Space in Canada.
Here are some quotes to tide you over:
“They targeted me and I will respond with force!”
“Well, that was weird.”
“Damn, I must be getting old, my memory is not what it used to be.”
“Again, I need to point out that was all you.”
“You’re gonna want to be careful how you answer that.”
Hit the comments with your hopes for what will happen. Which plot point from last season do you hope will get dealt with in this episode? Which member of the crew do you think is left with an uncertain fate?