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Orphan Black - Beneath Her Heart - Review: “Forgiveness” + POLL

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This was sort of a low-key episode especially in comparison to the prior two that preceded it. But, to be honest, after that last high octane episode this calmer one was sort of necessary for the performers and audience to take a bit of a breather. Each week makes it abundantly clear that this is the final season as long-standing hanging storylines start to wind towards a satisfying conclusion. This one was the wind down to the part of Alison’s story not heavily pertaining to her sisters. This was about redemption, forgiveness, and inner strength. Aynsley (Natalie Lisinska) was a huge part of Alison’s story in the first season and doing nothing to save her has stayed with Alison. That part of the story definitely needed some resolution as did the bodies in the Hendrix’s garage. This episode perfectly tied up Alison’s story while leaving just enough hanging for her to join her sisters in one final epic battle for freedom.

Alison is a complicated character who isn’t like her sisters, or at least that’s what she thinks. She allowed Rachel and her detective minion Enger to get into her head in that regard. They made Alison doubt her value to the sisterhood, but they don’t know the half of what she has done and sacrificed for her family. She may not be as visibly badass as her sisters, but there is no doubt that this sister is a fighter. The things she has been through and survived makes her just as brave and courageous as Sarah or Cosima or any of her other sisters minus Rachel. Alison has her issues yet she’s kept fighting and pushing forward in the hopes of better days. This is her fight every bit as much as her sisters and she showed just what she is made of when she took an epic stand against Rachel. Alison clearly went to Dyad with a plan to bring Rachel to her knees and she more than succeeded at that. The stakes were high, but she delivered Leekie’s head like a boss and came out victorious.

The episode took an interesting angle as it showed two different times in Alison’s life spanning back to the moment she first met Cosima. That was a part of the story that hadn’t really been delved into before and it wasn’t quite the first meeting that many were expecting. However, it was sort of hilariously ironic that she was high when she first met Cosima given Cosima’s penance for getting high occasionally. It sort of looked like she was hoping Alison would share with her. Knowing Alison, it was probably best that she was high seeing as the sober freak-out would have likely been quite epic. It’s one thing to be told you are part of a clone conspiracy, but mind blowing to be confronted with it. She could justify away Beth, but seeing yet another sister would have completely blown her mind had she been completely sober. Sarah might not have had the easiest intro to the family, but at least the sisters had better perfected the introduction process by that point.

While it was fun to see that first meeting there was a deeper meaning to the flashbacks. It showed just how close Aynsley and Chad (Eric Johnson) were with Alison and Donnie before things got complicated with the affair and clone stuff. They were truly a tight-knit group of friends. More importantly, Aynsley truly did adore Alison which made what happened to her all the more heartbreaking especially when Alison realized it and it came close to sending her over the edge. But, somehow through all the craziness, and the emotionally charged reunion with Chad, she realized she had to make peace with what had happened. That didn’t mean telling everyone what she did, that would have put the people she loves in even more danger, but it meant owning up to her mistakes. She stood in front of that crowd of judgmental suburbanites and put every single one of them in their place. Alison stood up straight as she defended her husband and owned up to her past actions. When she saw an image of Aynsley in the audience it was symbolic of a second chance and of redemption. She can’t undo what happened with Aynsley, but she can help to save the other people she loves instead of standing by and letting others fight her battles. She went to Dyad with a plan, but also prepared to accept the consequences of her actions if it meant protecting the others. It was a bold move and inspiring to see someone find their inner strength and make a poignant stand in the name of every person they love.

It was also nice to see Donnie and Alison get to work together as a team again. They don’t have a perfect marriage, but he’d do just about anything for the woman he loves. Donnie might not be the best plan maker and he can really screw-up sometimes, but he always gives his all to protect the sisters. And, like usual, he sort of got caught up right in the middle of everything. He also probably wasn’t the best person for Helena to have trusted her secret whereabouts with. Though, to be fair to him, he wasn’t exactly in his right mind in that moment thanks to Alison accidentally drugging him. She didn’t mean to drug her husband, but just because it’s Donnie’s luck he got caught up in the mess of it all. He did handle the whole situation relatively well. Given that Alison was giving him a hard time for not standing up for her when she was grabbed they could now be considered even.

Besides, they had bigger problems with Enger snooping around their house. She is one persistently awful corrupt cop who is clearly in Rachel’s control. Big props have to be given to Art for restraining himself from killing her when she had literally dug her own hole in the ground and had repeatedly threatened his life. She is after the Hendrix’s for no other reason than because her boss wanted them taken down. Yes, she did find actual bodies hidden away in the garage, but that didn’t make up for the fact that the only reason she found them was that she was planting evidence. Her day is coming and when that day finally arrives Art deserves to be the one to bring Enger to her knees and to toss her into a cell.

At least through this whole mess, they had Sarah and Felix helping them. Sarah needed the distraction given everything that is going on with Kira. Rachel really has turned little Kira against her own mom. Rachel has basically bought her off with false hopes and presents in order to make her complacent in what is going on. Unfortunately, Kira is still young and susceptible to this, but Mrs. S and Felix will fight with all they have to try and bring Kira and Sarah back to where they were before Rachel appeared in the picture. Kira is so connected to all her aunt’s that when anything happens to one of them it clearly impacts her making recent events all that more traumatic. It’s easy to see why she’d want so desperately to buy into the utopian-like future that Rachel has fed her.

The truth is that when it comes to Neolution and Dyad there is no bright shiny ideal future but instead sadistic actions taken to try and play God. When Rachel is done using Kira there is little doubt that she has some nefarious plan for her. Even if she comes across as a little tamer this season there is still clearly a darkness in her just under the surface. If Rachel thinks Sarah will let Rachel completely take Kira away from her she has sorely underestimated her opponent. Somehow Sarah will find enough evidence to make Kira understand what is going on. Perhaps, in the end, Kira will even be the one to help her family from the inside.

For the moment the family just has to sit back and bide their time until things finally align for them in their favor. In the case of this episode that gave them time to mourn MK and throw her a sweet little memorial. It also gave Felix and Sarah some down time to chill. Felix did his best to keep Sarah preoccupied, with a round of nude painting. Their downtime only lasted a short time until he discovered that Donnie and Alison were in trouble then he completely disregarded what Mrs. S had asked of him and they took off to help. Felix is one of the most loyal and unwavering characters on this show. In Alison’s greatest moment of need, he was there for her and supported her. Sarah also got a distraction as she did her best to aid Art though there wasn’t much she could do for him. At least she gave it her best to try to do something. It’s wonderful how this family always rallies together and drops whatever they are doing to run to each other’s aid.

This was an interesting episode and a nice change of pace from the high intensity of the first couple episodes of the season. It seems like Alison might be taking a little time away, but it’s unlikely she’ll be gone for long. Also, Tatiana Maslany and Kristian Bruun deserve huge credit for how hilarious and engaging they’ve made the Hendrix’s over the seasons. It was a fun episode and ending it with them singing was just the icing on top of the cake. It’s just so typical of the Hendrix’s to break out in a moment of random song that it was the perfect ending to their episode. Maslany and Brunn have amazing singing voices and they clearly put a lot of heart and effort into making that final moment just right. It was just an endearing moment because of how much heart and emotion they put into it.

This episode took a couple steps away from Revival and P.T. as well as Cosima to give Alison the time she needed to start to tie up some loose ends in her story. That is a trend that is likely to continue as the series starts to wind down. There is sure to be at least one episode with heavy focus on each of the main clones before the series concludes. Next week’s episode looks like it will dive heavily into what is going on at Revival and Cosima’s side of things, so that should be intriguing. A lot is coming at us as the show tries to tie up its hugely rich mythology and give some answers to some long lingering questions. It seems like some of P.T. and Neolution's secrets are about to be unveiled and that should be very intriguing.

Don’t miss the next all new episode when it airs next Saturday, July 1st at 10/9c on BBC America.

Hit the comments with your thoughts about the episode. Did you enjoy the big focus on Alison? Do you think Kira has completely bought into Rachel’s plan or does she have a plan of her own? Will Rachel really leave Alison alone now?

Aimee Hicks
Aimee is a Senior Staff Member who lives near Atlanta, Georgia. She has a BA in Broadcasting and Cinema and has been a lover of television her entire life. She enjoys analyzing performances which led to the creation of the very successful Performer of the Month (#POTM) feature. She reviews various shows on top of managing POTM. You can find her on Twitter (@ahicks83) or reach her by email at
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