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The White Princess - Traitors - Reviews: "Time Warp"

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I am not a fan of shows utilizing time jumps, so to discover that "Traitors", the fifth episode of the White Princess takes place seven years after the last episode without much explanation is jarring. I understand that there is a lot of history the show needs to cover in its eight-episode run, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them do it again. However, for me in this episode, the time jump serves little purpose and ultimately shows that the more things have changed the more they have stayed the same.

Henry (Jacob Collins-Levy) is still the ruler of a troubled land. Many of the noble houses are still loyal to the Yorks and the newly discovered missing Prince is now ensconced and holding court under the protection of his aunt, the Duchess of Burgundy (Joanne Whalley). Henry and Lizzie's mothers, Lady Margaret (Michelle Fairley) and the Dowager Queen Elizabeth (Essie Davis) once again steal an episode with their determination and machinations.

The Dowager Queen has convinced her daughter she is not well and wishes to spend her last days with her daughter. Lizzie appeals to Henry who allows her to bring her mother to live with them in the castle. The action backfires on them all during a ceremony where Lizzie and Henry's son, is being dubbed the Duke of York to defuse the growing unrest surrounding Lizzie's missing brother who at the behest of his aunt, the Duchess, is proclaiming himself the true Duke of York and King. The Dowager Queen disrupts the ceremony proclaiming her son, is the true Duke of York and she pledges loyalty to him. However, in heartbreaking fashion, Lizzie shows she is more Tudor than York now when she publicly and angrily denounces her mother, declaring she no longer has a mother. Comer continues to impress as we watch Lizzie growing into the role as Henry's wife and his Queen, growing more and more faithful to her husband every day.

The treacheries of the past catch up with Lady Margaret when Jasper (Vincent Regan) discovers she ordered the murder of the young princes in the tower and is angry. Before he can convey her treachery to the King, Margaret smothers an ailing Jasper in his sickbed. Margaret goes to the chapel to pray for forgiveness in a scene that is both dark and foreboding. It seems even God is turning his back on Margaret. Michelle Fairley has been brilliant as Lady Margaret throughout the series but is particularly masterful in this episode.

Marriage seems to agree with both Maggie (Rebecca Benson) and Lizzie (Jamie Comer). Maggie has a young son, while Lizzie (Jamie Comer) and Henry have obviously grown closer together and now have three children, two sons, and a daughter.Lizzie and Maggie both seem to be intelligent women, making the best of their situations but ultimately when pushed declare their allegiance to Henry and the House of Tudor. Henry sends Maggie and her husband to the court at Burgundy asking Maggie to determine if this new Prince is indeed her lost cousin Richard. Though she suspects the imposter is indeed her cousin, Maggie makes the choice to protect her new family and declares him a fake when pushed for a decision by the King. While in Burgundy, Maggie's husband, John de la Pole (Oliver Hembrough), embarks on a bit of espionage and uncovers the names of the lords in Henry's court who are secret writing to the Duchess, pledging their loyalty to Richard. Henry calls out the traitors publicly, including the brother of his mother's husband.

So in essence, the time jump while progressing history, told us that there is still much deception and betrayal still at work in the House of Tudor, with most of it coming from the same source as has been evident since the series began, the mothers of the King and Queen.

Will Henry ever win the loyalty of his people? Will he and Lizzie continue to grow closer or will the actions of their mothers drive them apart? And what about the man claiming to be Richard, Duke of York in Burgundy, is he the real prince or an imposter? Discuss in the comments below.

Donna Cromeans (DJRiter)
Donna (DJRiter) is a professional writer/editor/proofreader and a massive fan of diverse television genres. She's been a writer/editor for SpoilerTV for 7 years and serves as a writer/editor for STV's POTM and POTY features. This year she is reviewing Star Trek: Picard, Sweet Magnolias and a number of interesting new shows currently in production. She's a part of Star Trek history having a story idea to ST:NG for the episode: Next Phase. She has contributed an in-depth article on Supergirl鈥檚 the Danvers Sisters to GIRL OF STEEL, published by McFarland Publishing April 2020. Twitter (@DJRiter) or reach her by email at
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