Spoiler TV are going to Heroes and Villains Fan fest London next weekend and have been given an amazing opportunity.
We will be hosting a number of panels with the guests over the Saturday and Sunday and will also be interviewing some of the amazing guests including Stephen Amell, Melissa Benoist, Katie Cassidy and so many more.
We wanted to give you guys the opportunity to have your questions answered by some of the stars of your favourite TV shows. We are not guaranteed to get them all (they are very busy people) but we will cover as many as we can.
You can submit your questions in the form below. Don't forget to check out some of the other amazing fan fests in Portland, Nashville, New York, Atlanta, San Jose and Chicago.
For more details why not visit their:
Website: http://heroesfanfest.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeroesFanFest
Twitter: https://twitter.com/heroesfanfest