Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon 7 Word Review - 01 Apr to 07 May - Review your shows in 7 words

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7 Word Review - 01 Apr to 07 May - Review your shows in 7 words

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1st to 7th May 2017

Always wanted to share your thoughts on the weeks TV? Well here is a fun (and challenging) way to do it. In only 7 words (or less) in the comments below review some of the episodes you have watched this week. You can be creative or straight to the point, but you only have up to 7 words.

Share your reviews in the comments box below. Good luck!


Legion: My mind hurts in a good way
Bull: Great charm but saw twist coming though

See previous 7 Word reviews here

STV Staff Reviews

THE 100: Clarke why the heck did you do that?
THE BIG BANG THEORY: Sheldon learned the brand new word "whoopie"
SCANDAL: Never wish a father like Eli Pope.
LUCIFER: Cannot say Lucifer and Chloe aren't endgame.
RIVERDALE: Betty is better than Sherlock Holmes sometimes.
FARGO: Still impressed by Ewan McGregor double character.

THE 100: People sure like killing off Zack McGowan.
FARGO: Still awesome.
AGENTS OF SHIELD: Great ending. Come back soon, Mack!
THE FLASH: Predictable and awful reveal.
AMERICAN GODS: Very, very good. Plenty of style.
THE LEFTOVERS: Probably the best show on TV now.

RIVERDALE - I did not expect that reveal
CRIMINAL MINDS - I'm not ready for next week
iZOMBIE - Absolutely fantastic episode
AGENTS OF SHIELD - That Fizsimmons scenes ruined me
SUPERGIRL - Can we have this every week

SUPERGIRL – Alex still the strongest of them all.
OUAT – Can we have Regina/Zelena spin-off?
FLASH – More Killer Frost! Danielle Panabaker killing it!
AGENTS OF SHEILD – HydraWorld storyline a risk, but big payoffs.
ARROW – When needed most, original team saves day.
DESIGNATED SURVIVOR - Congressman learns, don’t discount Kirkman/Hookstraten team.

Supergirl - Loving the way Kara learns life lessons.
Flash - They’re loosing me. Hope payoff is  huge.

THE 100 - Holy crap. Best episode of the season
SCORPION - Finally.
ONCE UPON A TIME - Loved that backstory!
PRETTY LITTLE LIARS - Weirdly into the board game story

SCORPION: Unions just in time for catastrophe.
THE ORIGINALS: Pseudo-siblings meet. Freya finally found love.
AGENTS OF SHIELD: Back home, but not out safe yet.
SUPERGIRL: Alex is a survivor. Great teamwork.
LUCIFER: Not all is as it seemed.

Speechless : 20 EPs in and I'm still speechlessness
Fotb: Constance Wu outstanding as ever
Arrow: Surprisingly well written Olicity story
OUaT: How do you get away with Fairy
Reign: The awesomeness of Adelaide Kane isn't measurable
Grey's Anatomy: Stephanie was outstanding
American Crime: An Emmy for Ms Huffman please

THE LEFTOVERS - Stunning cinematography and amazing writing Down Under.
BETTER CALL SAUL - Rift between the halves, biggest than ever.
FHE AMERICANS - Meatier episode after some clunky ones.
FARGO - Uncharacteristic episodes thst turns out amazing.
THE HANDMAID'S TALE - Among the strongest TV debut this year.
AMERICAN GODS - Pleasure for the eyes but soulless writing.

CJ aka “CJ Sonic” is a Senior Staff member at SpoilerTV. He is an award-winning host, producer, creator and geek. He hosts panels at comic cons where he interviews celebrities from TV, Movies, Games and more. He makes silly videos on YouTube and likes to post the more fun articles on SpoilerTV. He is proudly one of the biggest geeks on the site.
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