The leftovers - Crazy Whitefella Thinking - Advanced Preview
Apr 28, 2017
GN Reviews The LeftoversIf episode One was mainly about Kevin and episode Two was mainly about Nora, the episode three of The Leftovers Season Three, that airs this Sunday night, is all about Kevin Sr. and his journey since telling us he was moving to Australia last season.
It is difficult to say which episode of The Leftovers is my favorite since they are all top notch, but this third installment is very well put together. It has expansive views and shots of the Australian Outback, great music, of course, and you will actually feel like you are on the journey with Kevin Sr.
We do get to learn a few things in this episode, plus a few more mysteries pop up. That is what makes a great show, however. This episode pulls the grand mystery forward a little bit, and as I mentioned, we learn why Kevin Sr. is in Australia in the first place. Water and "The Flood" play an important background role this season and this hour is no exception. Be sure to pay attention and look for clues regarding this and the pending apocalypse.
Things To Notice
- The title music will be changing every week. This week's title music tells a lot about what will be happening later in the season.
- As I mentioned, Kevin Sr. goes on a bit of a journey. On his way, he comes across a man who poses a question. Pay attention to this question (and the answers) carefully as it plays a very important role in the storyline of another character.
- As is expected, there are plenty of religious subtext in this episode.
- At the end of episode Two, we saw Grace nad her three friends kill a man. We will find out why and her motivation this episode. Also, Grace's story as it relates to the Sudden Departure has to be the saddest thing I have heard relating to the characters of this show. Yes, even sadder than Nora's.
- I have seen the episode three times so far and the final sentence makes me smile/laugh every time. It's perfect and sets the stage for the rest of the season (as well as next episode).
If you have any nonspoilery questions, then I would be happy to answer! I Please check back after the episode for my Review of the Season Three Premiere of The Leftovers. I hope you all have a great weekend.