Fox has given a pilot order to The Passage, a drama series based on Justin Cronin’s fantasy book trilogy. The high-profile project, which previously had a pilot production commitment, hails from Liz Heldens (Friday Night Lights), Felicity co-creator Matt Reeves, Scott Free and 20th Century Fox TV.
Written by Heldens, with Reeves set to direct, The Passage begins as a character-driven government conspiracy thriller and morphs into a post-apocalyptic saga with vampires. The series spans over a century and focuses on a young girl named Amy who must save the human race.
Written by Heldens, with Reeves set to direct, The Passage begins as a character-driven government conspiracy thriller and morphs into a post-apocalyptic saga with vampires. The series spans over a century and focuses on a young girl named Amy who must save the human race.
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